chapter 25

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Every couple goes through different stages. They are put through situations that test the love they share. That's when you truly know if they are meant to be. My grandma used to tell me "Ali, remember that love is the most important thing. It's always in your heart, so never lose it." I remember it to this day, it always playing a huge role in how I live my life. My grandma always said that when you love someone, you will go to extreme lengths to make sure that they're happy. I never truly understood what that meant until now. I'm willing to do anything to make Max happy, and maybe its just not me that makes him happy. He says I do, but I can see it in his eyes. He's keeping something from me, and I'm going to figure out what it is.

I walked through the house, my bare feet being the only noise that went through the house. It was late in the afternoon, somewhere around 5 or 6. Max had been up in his room all day, not even coming out to say goodmorning. It had been two weeks since I found out about the hate on twitter, and for some reason it just seems like Max is drifting away from me. He's been sort of distant lately, not being the same as he used to be. I let the thoughts take over my head as I walked to his door, lightly knocking on it. I heard a quiet 'come in' so I did as told. I opened the door, it creaking lightly as it moved. I walked over to where he was sitting on the chair that rested in the corner of his room, seeing his concentrating on whatever was on his phone.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I asked softly. He didn't acknowledge me, making me wonder if he even heard me. "Max?" I asked again. He looked up from his phone and looked slightly irritated, making me wonder what I did. 

"What?" He asked, his voice having no emotion in it.

"What's up? I miss the old Max. You've been really distant lately." I said, leaning against his dresser that rested against a wall.

"I haven't changed, Ali. What do you mean you miss the old Max?" He asked, but it looked like he couldn't care less as to what my answer was to the question.

"I mean that you've been distant, not even talking to me much anymore. Ever since I found out about the hate, you seem to not even want to be around me. What did I do wrong?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I saw pain slightly go through his eyes, but then it was gone.

"Ever since you found out about the hate, you are obsessing over keeping your body perfect. You haven't been the same anymore. Maybe my fans were right. Maybe you are just looking for fame and using me. You know, that's pretty low Ali." The words left his mouth before he even realized it. My eyes widened, and I could tell tears were building up in my eyes. I saw regret flash through his eyes

"How could you?" I whispered. I never knew he thought that. If he did, why didn't he just tell me? All I wanted to know was if he was alright or not.

"Baby I'm so-" I cut him off by holding my hand up, not wanting to hear what he had to say. I knew that we both were worked up, and one of us would say something we would regret. 

"I'm gonna go take a drive. I'll be home later." I said. Once the words left my mouth, hurt became evident on his face. I knew that he regretted what he did, and I was obviously going to forgive him. But it would take some convincing from him to make me forgive him.

"Okay." He nodded. A tear slipped down my cheek, making me realize I had been crying. I wiped it away and noticed that it was just a stray tear, nothing I couldn't handle. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his shoulder as I felt his warm arms wrap tightly around my frame. It's then that I realized he was right. I have been paying too much attention to what everyone was saying and trying to make my body look better. 

"I love you." I whispered in his ear, and I could hear him sigh in relief. It's almost as if he thought was was going to lose me right then and there. I pulled my head away and pressed my lips lightly to his, the feeling comforting to me. I pulled away before it got heated, untangling myself from him and walking towards the door. 

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