chapter 6

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I bolted straight up from my comfortable position next to a sleeping Max and rushed to turn off my alarm. I figured that I would give him extra time to sleep while I got ready. I slowly pulled my tired body out of bed, regretting it when the cold air hit my legs. I shivered and walked over to my closet, and walked over to choose what I wanted to wear on the plane. I chose my black leggings, gray short uggs, and a pink and gray stripped long sleeve shirt( I went to the bathroom and turned on the lights, setting my clothes on the bathroom counter. I turned the shower on and undressed, waiting for the water to warm up.  I got in when it was hot and let the water wake me up. I was going to need to start dancing again in LA, so I also packed 7 more spandex shorts and long sleeve shirts for the mornings. I washed my hair, face and body after I was woken up and turned off the shower, bracing myself for the cold rush of air. I quickle wrapped my towel around me and made my way to the counter.

I wrapped my hair in my towel and got my underwear and bra on, then got changed into my clothes for the flight. I was going to be a 9 hour flight, so we had a while on the plane. I made sure to charge my laptop and phone, and also grabbed my ipad. I put on light makeup of foundation and mascara, not even caring about what I would look like when I got back home. I would be sleeping part of the time so it didn't really matter. I dried my hair, throwing it up into a top knot and adding a sports head band. I smiled at my relaxed image, and this smile was real. I knew my dad wouldn't want me to be upset all the time, so I'm going to work on not missing him, and remembering him for all the memories we had. 

I walked out of the bathroom, making sure I turned off the light so I wouldn't wake Max. I walked in and over to Max's side of the bed and looked at him peacefully sleeping. He was still in the position like I was there, which was pretty normal for him. I looked at him for a couple minutes and decided that I should wake him up. I kissed his lips, and he immediatly woke up.

"Can you wake me up like that every morning?" He asked with a smile after we pulled apart. I laughed and nodded, smiling at him one last time.

"Okay babe. Now you need to get ready. My showers yours if you want it." I told him. He nodded and stood up, giving me a long sweet kiss before walking into my bathroom. I took this chance to take my 2 suitcases down the stairs and setting them by the door. I walked back up and grabbed Max's suitcases, and also grabbed his keys. I made my way down the stairs again and made my way out to his car. I put his suitcases and mine in the back, then walked back in the door. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing 2 water bottles and making my way back up the stairs. I got into my room and found Max dressed in his jeans but without a shirt on. I couldn't help but stare, but I quickly looked up and kissed him. I pulled away a few seconds later, but he grabbed my elbow and pulled me back. We kissed sweetly for a couple minutes then broke apart. We both smiled and he walked past me and into his bedroom.

He came back in 5 minutes later with a shirt and sweatshirt in his hand. He smiled at me, and I took in his image. He had on jeans and a white tshirt under a plaid shirt. He looked pretty hot if I do say so myself.

"Damn babe." I said. He chuckled and came over to me.

"You look pretty damn good yourself baby." He said then kissed me. I smiled into it and so did he. It was a short kiss, not longer that 4 seconds.

"Ready babe?" I asked. He nodded.

"Let me just get your luggage and mine then we can go." He said.

"Already done. Help me get my laptop, phone and ipad in my bag?" I asked him. He nodded and went to grab my computer and ipad. I went to grab my phone and headphones, and walked into my closet and grabbed my bag. Max handed me everything, so I set it in the bag and followed Max out of my room. He walked into his room and grabbed his bag, then met me back in the hall. I smiled at him and we walked down the stairs hand in hand, then walked to the door and opened it, locking it before walking to the car. We let go of eachother, then buckled our seatbelts. Max grabbed my hand, then rested them on my leg. We listened to music and talked, but most of the ride was silent. It was nice just to be together, and I was happy he was coming with me.

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