chapter 10

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The flight was rough. My leg was in some severe pain, and I could barely sleep. I was thinking about how much of a problem I was to Max. He should just break up with me if I'm that much of an inconvinience. I wish that he would just be honest with me. It would be so much easier. But he just doesn't get it. Music is the one thing that I  kept from people, but I did it because I wasn't confident enough with it. But if he doesn't want to accept that then I guess he can kiss my ass goodbye. I have never been with a guy who hasn't excepted the full me besides Andrew. But that's a whole other story. 

I opened my eyes, looking around at the seats that were filled. Most of them were occupied by rish looking people and men dressed in business suits. I looked over at Max, but he was on his phone. He had headphones plugged into it, so I reached down and pulled my blanket off partiatlly, reaching down into my bag and pulling out my actual Beats headphones. These were the ones that were chunky, but I loved their sound quality. I plugged them into my phone and chose a song, but before I was able to put them on Max grabbed my wrist and stopped my hand mid air.

"What?" I asked with a sigh. He looked at me with sad eyes, like there was something he wanted to tell me but couldn't.

"I'm going to sleep." I said, and put my headphones on my ears. Max gave a sigh and shook his head slightly before returning to his music. I turned on Together by Demi Lovato and closed my eyes, savoring the last couple of hours I had for sleep.


We got off the plane in silence and I grabbed my carryon, putting it over my shoulder and crutching through the airport. Max walked next to me but not a word was spoken. It was an awkward silence, filled with tension and unspoken words. I  made it out to the car while Max got the luggage, me getting into the car since it took me several tries to get comfortable in the car.

Max walked out and I unlocked the car from the inside, letting him get it. I already had the keys in the ignition, and the heater was on. It was a cold day in New York, which wasn't normal for the summer time. It was about 60 degrees, which I thought was pretty cold, but I guess when you live in California everything below 70 is cold. I listened to the soft music coming from the radio, and several songs passed by as we made our way home. It took about an hour to get back home from the airport, so we had about 45 minutes left. Max reached over and turned off the radio, and opened his mouth to talk, but I cut him off.

"Why did you turn off the radio?" I asked. Bruno Mars was on, and I love him.

"Come on Ali." He said annoyed. What could he possibly be annoyed by? He was the one that said it was a waste of breath to talk to me!

"Okay, why are you annoyed? Is it because you have to waste your breath on me again?" I asked, more vicous than I wanted it to come out.

"What?" He asked confused.

"On the plane, you said I was a waste of your breath. Is that why you got mad at me when I asked you why you turned off the radio?" I wanted an honest answer from him, because I could definetly make the problem disappear. If he would just tell me then I can go back to my original plan of just living in a house where we talk when we need to. Of course I wouldn't like that, but if that's what makes him happy then I guess that's what I would have to do.

"No! I was just frustrated." He said quickly.

"Max, you don't say someone is a waste of breath when your frustrated. Especially when it's your girlfriend..." I trailed off. We were about 30 minutes from home now, and I couldn't wait til we got there.

"Honestly Ali! Why do you have to be so difficult?" He asked me, obviously frustrated. Okay, what's he gonna call me next?

"You want me to not be difficult? Okay, why don't you just tell me why you got so angry on the plane. I mean honestly Max, you had no right to be mad at me! It's my music and my voice and I can do whatever the hell I want with it when I want to." I told him, upset that he hadn't realized that sooner.

"I'm sorry, but you need to learn to accept people's help! Why can't you do that?" He asked me.

"Because! During my life, I have had to rely on myself for a lot of things, so I have a hard time accepting it. I'm sorry I'm such a burden." I told him honestly. With my dad gone a lot, it was often my job to do everything for myself. But I just want Max to understand that I am my own person, and I don't need to lean on him for every little part of my life.

"Alison!" He had never used my full name. This was something new. "What on earth made you this upset?" He asked like he really wanted to know. How can he honestly not know! He was the one who did it after all.

"I'm sorry that I don't like someone telling me that I'm a waste of breath and telling me that I should put my music out there. It's not my fault that I had someone etch into my mind when I was younger that I was worthless and not worth his time or breath and that he would rather see me dead." I actually said it. Wow, I never thought it would come out of my mouth. That was something I hadn't even told my dad. A look of regret came over Max's face.

"Oh Ali, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that he did that to you. You are absolutly worth everything. Don't let those words get to you, that you aren't worth life, because you are." Right now, it seems like he switched over from frustrated boyfriend to loving and protecting boyfriend.

"Okay, are you on your period?" I asked him with a straight face. He laughed, then had a questioning look across his face.

"You switch moods faster than a pregnant woman." I told him honestly. He chuckled, and then shook his head, obviously not expecting that to come out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry babe. I never meant to hurt you. I just meant-" He cut himself off, I'm guessing because he didn't know how to finish.

"Meant what?" I asked him. He just shook his head and continued the drive home. We stopped at a red light, and all the sudden he leaned over, took my face in his hands and smashed his lips against mine. My eyes got big with surprise, but closed and kissed back. He pulled away once the light changed, and drove like nothing had happened. But he had a small smile on his face.

"Okay, what was that?" I asked.

"I couldn't stand you mad at me. Your too pretty to be mad and frowning, because the only thing you should be doing is smiling." He said, then looked at me. I looked down, blushing like mad. I was surprised he even said that, because I figured he would be pissed still.

"I love you babe. Forever and always." He said, then looked at me and smiled. I thought of my dad right away, but decided that everything comes to an end sometime.

"Forever and always." I said, lacing our fingers together. I rested them on my knee, and we continued the drive home in silence, but it was no longer filled with tension. It was filled with love and I was content just how we were.


Hey guys! Sorry, I know I said I would have this up by last night, but what can I say? I guess I could come up with some excuse but I'm just gonna tell you the real answer: I was at a party with elmo and cookie monster and it was pretty awesome. We ate cake and it was just the best.(notice my elmo reference? Max loves know what if you don't know what I mean then never mind)

one: Yay! new upload. well I'm not sure when the next upload will be, but hopefully saturday night. I learned today that I have to go up to one of the best  hospitals in the country that is two hours away, and so we hopefully will be able to get my condition figured out.

two: if I am able to, I will try to type more tomorrow, but plan on the upload saturday...yeah saturday

three: is anyone liking this story? I haven't gotten any comments on it so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if I should just stop writing it.

four: I know it was a really short chapter but I plan for the next one to be a bit longer. 

five: yeah, I think that's it...oh well if not then I guess I'm cutting it short!


comment fan :)


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