chapter 5

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"Y-your d-dad w-was in a c-crash." She said crying. I froze up, and tears immediatly started coming out.

"W-what happened?" I asked. I was so scared at what I was about to hear, but I'm not sure I really want to know.

"H-he was on h-his way to t-the plane a-and someone h-hit their c-car. H-he d-died A-ali." I was shocked at the words that just came out of her mouth. I can't belive my dad died. I knew I needed to talk to him today, and that's why I called. I couldn't believe I just lost my dad.

"What? What do I do mom? Do I come home?" I asked between tears. I am so confused at what she's going to do now, but at least she has a job that she can support herself with. I really hope she's going to be okay.

"No, stay in New York honey." By now she was calmed down to where she could talk. "Please don't come home. I will call you when we figure out all the arrangments for his funeral. But until then stay at your new place. I love you but I have to go. Bye baby." She said.

"Bye mama." I said and then the line went dead. I sat down on my bed in shock, still confused at everything. My dad is dead and now I can never hear his voice again. Tears started streaming down my face, and I felt awful. I sat up, wiping away the tears and opening my door. I walked across the hall, and stood in Max's doorway. He was still on his computer, and I sniffled. He looked up and jumped off the bed, coming to stand in front of me. I tried to keep the tears back, but they started to come again and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop them. Max just picked me up, and carried me into his room, shutting the door with his foot. He et me down lightly on his bed, and crawled onto it next to me. I opened my eyes and looked at him, and he just motioned me with his hand to lay down with my head in his lap, so I did so without a word.

He undid my hair, and untangled it with his fingers slowly, calming me down. I came to love Max's touch, and I definetly needed it right now. He quietly shushed me, resting an arm on my back and rubbing soft circles on it.

"Want to tell me whats wrong?" He asked.

"M-my d-dad died. That was m-my mom on the ph-phone and she told me. H-he got h-hit in the car by an-nother car." I said, crying even harder. I hated crying infront of people, but I was okay crying infront of Max.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Shhh. it's alright. I'm right here. Shhh." He said in a soothing voice. I cried, and he leaned down, kissing my cheek and just letting me cry. I was never able to cry infront of Andrew, and this was so new to me. But it felt right to be able to cry infront of Max. He didn't judge me for it, and I was grateful for that right now in the condition I'm in.

I calmed down to where I wasn't crying anymore, and Max let me get up so I was in a sitting position.

"Thanks. It really helped tonight. I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna get some sleep. You get some sleep too okay?" I told him.

"Yeah. Sleep as long as you want tomorrow, and it won't be a problem. Goodnight." He said with a sad smile. I smiled at him and kissed him before walking into my room and walking over to my closet. I pulled out my turquoise and yellow spandex Nike shorts, socks, a sports bra and my long sleeve dark blue shirt( I walked back over to the light and switched it off, then walked over to my bed. I pulled back the covers, lying down and pulling them back up. I layed there for about 5 minutes before switching positions, and then I tossed and turned.

I layed in bed awake for about 2 hours, and it was 12 at night by now. I sighed and pulled the covers off, walking over to my door and opening it. I walked over to Max's and opened it, walking over to his side of the bed.

"Max? Are you awake?" I asked. He rolled over to look at me and I saw his eyes looked tired, but not like he had been sleeping.

"No. I couldn't sleep knowing that you were still awake, not able to sleep. What's up?" He said. I was sad that he didn't sleep, because he definetly needed it.

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