SuperGirl, Kara Z or Kara K?

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M'gann made me wear an insanely short red dress that I was too terrified to even bend over in, the amount of boobs this dress showed was off the charts, and it was so tight it made me fight to breathe air I didn't really need.

"You look hot!"

"I look like a hot dog" I countered stupidly, why are my come backs so retarded? "Besides, I feel like this dress wants to compress me and turn me inside out."

"That tells you that you look great" M'gann says, waving my concern away. She walks to my closet and digs around abit, "Now all that's left are these"

She holds up sparkling silver high heels shoes whose peaks look sharper then Batman's Batarangs and were probably twice as deadly.

"Oh no way," I hold up my hand. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no way" I shake my head for emphasis, "Nope, nu-hun, nada, not in this life, no"

"What are you going to wear then? Flip flops?"

"Is that seriously an option?" I ask sincerely.

M'gann just shook her head at me as if I was the most hopeless case alive.

"You're wearing them, that's that" she uses her powers and makes the shoes hover over to me and rest them in front of my feet.

I sigh dejectedly and lift one foot up, she fixes the high heel on with her telekinesis and does the same for the other. I stand tall, proud, and just abit wobbly.

"If you still don't get used to walking in them you can use your powers to hover an inch from the ground and pretend to walk" M'gann says, pointing at my legs.

I raise an eyebrow at her.

She slightly blushes and shrugs. "I sorta did the same when I first started wearing them when I was dating Super Boy" she finishes in that shy Martian-Human voice of hers.

" actually pretty smart," I smirk at her.

She looks down at the ground and fiddles with her fingers, "Thanks"

The skin color she adopted really suited her, and her red hair made her whole look all the more sexy. M'gann was a Martian who looked better than 60% of the population of earth. The other 40% are those who did surgery or were just born beautiful.

I glanced at myself in the mirror again and the only thing that flashed back at me we're the words "Basic Blond". My hair shone brightly in the room, with my clichéd little red dress and killer shoes.

How unoriginal am I?

You are a Kriptonian, an Alien! Only two of you from your home world are left! How original can you get!

"M'gann! Stay out of my head!" I yell at her.

M'gann just flicks her hand at me, waving my comment away. She comes to stand next to me and we both face my full length closet mirror at the corner of my room.

"Don't we look absolutely gorgeous?!" M'gann squealed in my ear.

I flinch my upper lip at her, "Just dazzling," I say flat and uninterestedly.

"Just wait till Robin-er, Nightwing gets a load of you" M'gann says and turns back towards my bed to fetch her small purple clutch purse.

That sent a one way alert rocket to my brain.

"W-w-why do you say that?" I fight to sound calm and indifferent.

"Because he's only seen you in your super girl costume," she wrapped the purse around her arm. "The gang even had a bet on how you wouldn't be able to wear normal clothes. Guess who lost that bet,"

My Name is Kara Zor-El....and I am SuperGirlWhere stories live. Discover now