Aren't We Supposed To Be The Good Guys?

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To say everyone was pissed would be a MIGHTY understatement.

Heart rates were elevated and veins were dilated, rushing blood to the brain and heightening already high anxiety, tension, and nerves.

I deeply wish I could care at this point.

Once I flew closer to the house, I see Batman fist his gloved hand in a tight ball, his arm shaking from pure rage, and he grits his teeth and roars under his breath at me.

"Inside. The. House. NOW-"

But I ignore him and fly towards the lady and her daughter.

I get down on my knees close to them as I place an arm on both the mother and child.

The mother breaks down into a mess of gargled sobs, like her throat was being torn to pieces.

The sound was horrible, and before I could investigate her body further her daughter collapsed on me after her mother, squeezing me tight with her little arms.

"Tank you, tank you, tank you!! Tank yuu for saving my mama and dephending us!" The little girl cried.

"I wouldn't call you and your mother safe just yet." Batman interjects.

The girls body instantly froze in fear.

I glare up at him.


"I won't let anything happen to them," I defiantly say as clearly to him, and everyone else hiding in the room, to hear and understand me.

"Damn it Kara, isn't this a little too much?" Dick sprung to the door and questioned me with an equally worried and angry expression.

"Y-yes, I believe you've gone a little too far..." M'gann meekly tries to say next.

"Let's just all calm down, and go home, so we can think and talk about this reasonably," Superman says next as he lumbers after the group.

It's very telling of who I'm willing to listen to based on how I'm addressing them in my head right now.

I huff out my breath, fold my arms, and pin them down with a steeled look.

I wasn't budging or going anywhere.

"For the love of God Kara, please!?" Nightwing pleaded.

"THERE'S MORE OF YOU!?" I hear the shrill voice of the General screech from a distance.

I snap my head at him and hear his organs quiver and deflate in fear.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed back at him. "No one gave you permission to speak!!"

He faltered. Trying to gain back SOME confidence, he used the now large distance between us to talk back at me.

"T-this is MY country. A-and-"

I appear back in front of him in the blink of an eye with my superspeed and almost scared him enough to jump out of his very skin.

"And?" I say with all the venom I could muster in my voice. Charging up my laser beam to make my eyes more menacing. "Who gives a shit if this is your country? Your life is in MY hands now motherfu-"


"Goddamn!" I throw a glare back at them for their constant interruption. Then I let out a manical chuckle and look back at the General.

"You're lucky they're hell-bent on keeping you alive," I whisper menacingly back at him with just a hint of seduction.

"Let's see if they're able to convince me to let you see the sun set," I add, in a voice like someone who was speaking to a lover, and not a genocidal tyrant I intended to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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