Unwanted House Call...

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I flip down on the couch and stretch out my legs lazily. It was another one of those weekends, like most of my weekends, where I laid about and had nothing much to do.

I'd been feeling the need to stay more and more indoors these past few days and I rarely wanted to interact with company.

Kal swore it was due to my period. I vehemently assured him it was not.

I was just going through a funk on one of those lazy days (or in my case weeks) where I just wanted...to be left alone.

M'gann quickly picked up on this and gave me the space I needed. Dick had organized another get together this past weekend but I'd pretended to lose my phone.

It figured he'd show up at my door 10 mins later worried out of his mind. I told him I wasn't feeling too good, which may or may not be a lie seeing as I'm yet to find out if Kryptonians can get sick on earth.

Dick also quickly picked up on my mood and reluctantly decided to leave me alone but made me promise not to skip out on next week's get together.

It is currently next week.

And I still don't feel like getting together...

I tossed around on the couch until I ended up looking up at the ceiling.

Life on earth was much different than life on Krypton. So different...yet so similar...

Tears brimmed my eyes as I remembered the life I had back there not more than a year ago...

But it wasn't a year ago...

Decades had passed since my home and all those who'd love me had violently perished.

Leaving only me and Kal-El left...

Life was so cruel...I pondered and I let the tears fall.

I didn't usually like to let my emotions get the best of me. But I couldn't help it this time, they were just too great and came crashing in too hard.

I muffle my sobs because the last thing I wanted was for Kal to hear me crying. He'd freak out for a week.

About 2 weeks into my stay on earth I mistakenly allowed myself to cry and Kal had been depressed for a solid 2 months. He tried his best to cheer me up and make me feel at home and welcomed but he just wouldn't understand.

He'd grown up here. He lived here. I didn't. I essentially don't know anybody or anything on this planet! How was I supposed to just adapt and pretend like everything was just fine!?

I slam my fist against the couch and almost tore through the fabric and forced it's stitching out.


I turn to my other side and crouched up into a fetal position, hugged my arms around my legs and began rocking myself.

My period must be close...I muse to myself because that was the only thing that explained my sudden burst of hormones.

Knock, knock, knock, KNOCK, KNOCK!!!

"Coooooooommmiiiiiiiing!!!!!" I screeched.

I push myself up and flung myself off the couch and made my way to the front door.

Before I could analyze and hear/deduce who was on the other side I open it to see it was Connor, looking pissed as usual, talking on his phone.

Great! This man always seems to come by when I'm looking my most wretched!

He gave me an irritated once overlook and said into the receiver of the phone.

"Ya, she's here. And looking mighty God awful, might I add. Tears and snot everywhere-"

"I DO NOT HAVE SNOT!" I angrily counter. But unconsciously checking my nose just to make sure.

"WHAT!?" I hear the voice on the other end of Connor's line yell. "Put her on!!!"

"What!? Is that Dick-" But before I could finish asking Connor shoved his phone at me and proceeded to walk past me and into the apartment.

"Uh...hello?" I meekly say with a muffled sniff.

"Kara!? What's happening??? What's wrong!?!? Why are you crying???" Dick sounded hysterical and it began to warm my heart before it quickly turned cold as I heard several girls (most probably 3) around him begin to ask him who was crying.

So while I'm here having a pity party, Dick was out there living his best life and partying it up with 3 strange girls cause I definitely couldn't recognize or register their voices. They could probably be other superheroes I had no idea of yet, so I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions...

"It's nothing..." I say hoarsely through my tear strained throat. "Just started thinking of some...stuff..."

"LIKE!?" Dick prompted.



"No! Urgh..." I was getting mildly frustrated. "My real home...Krypton..."

"But...Metropolis IS your real home as well..."

"It is, but...I just miss the life I used to have. It all felt so recent, but it's not. It's just..." I let out a frustrated sound. "I don't know how to explain it! This is a conversation better had face-to-face than over the phone..." I finally say.

"Agreed," Dick affirmed, me hearing him nod his head in the background.

A little bit of silence passed by and he adds, "I'll come see you when I'm done, okay?"

A little spark lights up my heart at his words, "Okay..." I reply breathlessly.

Then my eye catches Connor moving around in my background.

"Wait a minute, what is he doing here???" I didn't even have to specify who because I'm sure Dick knew who I meant.

"Oh, Connor's there to babysit and keep an eye on you," Dick said hyper quickly.




He cut the call before I could take in another breath and I was nanoseconds away from BREAKING the phone I was clutching in a death grip against my ear.

"You break it, you buy two of it." I hear Connor sneer at me as he stretches out on the couch and stuffs his mouth full of potato chips. The bag of which he'd swiped from the fridge. AND HE WAS EATING MY FAVORITE ONES!!!

I flung his phone at him so hard and so fast it became a projectile and Connor barely avoided its impact as the device embeds itself and slightly rips apart some of the couch's stuffings.

Connor looks at it.

"That still counts!" he whines.

"Bite me!" I yell back at him and turn to march into my room.

But I quickly freeze as the next set of words to leave Connor's mouth stopped me dead in my tracks.

"So how long have you been in love with Dick...?"

My Name is Kara Zor-El....and I am SuperGirlWhere stories live. Discover now