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Author's POV

Few days later

" I am going to miss you....." Y/n mumbled sadly as Jungkook pulled the the trollies out to pack his things. He was going on a business trip and this time it was real. After thirty minutes of cuddling on the couch saying that he'll be back soon and not to be sad about it, here she was again pouting over the fact that he'll be gone for four days.

" Y/n, it's just four days.... It'll be gone in a snap. Don't be sad... Please..." he cupped her cheeks. It's the first time in these five months she's gonna be without him for four long days. He pecked her forehead,
" You can call your friends over or your mom or if you want to be with your parents you can be with them for the four days. Within a blink of an eye, the four days will be over and I'll be back in your arms or..........." he smirked before leaning near face " even inside you, if you want..." he shot wink while smirking as she looked him wide eyes of disbelief before looking down to hide her rosy bubbles.

" Fine. Be safe and call me every day. If you are too busy at least message me. Okay? " she mumbled with a pout and he smiled before nodding his head.

" Oh! About the yes day, we'll have it after I come back! Okay? "

" You've been postponing it forever! " she muttered but he heard it.

" Is someone eager to say yes to me? "
he squinted his eyes with a teasing smile.

She didn't reply but just looked down, denoting that he's kinda right. He chuckled before ruffling her hair,
" We'll have it soon, babe." he again teased making her shoot a disgusted look at the name.


" Bye, Y/n...Be safe wherever you are going. Take care and don't skip your meals. Sleep well and don't overwork yourself. I'll call you everyday... Okay? " Jungkook asked as he pulled his trolley case out while his bag clinged on both his shoulders.

" Bye.... Take care and you too don't skip meals and don't overwork." Y/n bit her lip as he waved her bye with small smile. He was about to walk away,
" Jungkook... " she called before grabbing his collar to pull him closer only to smash her lips on his. After short kiss they both parted away and soon he left their condo. Four fishing days without even seeing him.

Y/n sadly sighed while plopping herself on the couch. It was still early in the morning that Hyejin hasn't arrived. She was planning to visit her parents today.


Y/n knocked on her parents' door waiting for her mom to open.
" I'll get the door ..." A squeaky child voice was heard from the other side making her frown.

Soon a small figure opened the door for her and it took a moment for both of them to recognise each other,
" ETHAN? " "NOONA? "

Mrs. Lee came out,
" Y/n? "

" What are you doing here? " Y/n smiled while lifting the small boy in her hands.

" You both know each other?"

" Yeah, I met noona and hyung in a park." Ethan said making her pinch his chubby cheeks gently while awing at how cute he looked.

" How come he's here, mom? "

" This cutie's family swifted near us, a two months ago. Today, his brother fell sick, so, his mom took him to the hospital. Until they come back, she asked me if I could take care of him and who wouldn't want to spend time with this cutest creature?" Mrs. Lee pecked Ethan's cheek as she was near them now.

" Oh! Then let's have fun today, Ethan." she announced while sitting on the couch with the little boy on her lap.

" Where is Jungkook? "

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