iii. chapter three

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( songs for the chapter )
heaven knows i'm miserable now // the smiths
object of my desire // starpoint

( songs for the chapter )heaven knows i'm miserable now // the smithsobject of my desire // starpoint

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Six months later

Ruby was lying in her bed, covered in cold sweat and tears.

It's around 6:30 in the morning, and she just woke up from another nightmare. They wouldn't leave her alone these days. They're the same one every single time.

The love of her life dying in front of her, over and over again.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, as if it would help get the images out of her mind.

"I miss you so fucking much, Billy."
She whispered into his Metallica tshirt that she wore the night before as a pajama.

Falling asleep with his scent almost made her forger he wasn't actually there.


It's silent for the next five minutes or so, Ruby curled herself into a ball, knees pressed against her chest as she just laid there, until she could hear Robin yelling from down the stairs.

"Rubes, you awake? Steve's picking us up in twenty minutes!"

She sighed loudly before yelling back "Yeah, ok I'll be ready!", and getting out of bed to get ready for another dreadful day.

She took off her pjs, and walked over to her wardrobe to pick out an outfit. She may be depressed, but she wasn't going to let that stop her from dressing up.

Eventually, she decided on an look, which consisted of a black lace bra, an oversized (almost see through) white v-necked t-shirt that belonged to Billy, ripped black jeans, Dr. Martens boots and a couple of Robin's chain necklaces that she stole.

She raided Billy's closet before his death. But after, she couldn't bear seeing all his stuff getting thrown away, so she took most of it. It made her feel better, wearing his clothes. As if he was still with her in some way.

Next, she was walking over to her nightstand, slipping Billy's rings on her fingers, and adding his famous pendant necklace to her already decorated neck.

Three honks were heard in the distance as she grabbed her book bag and placed it on her right shoulder. Steve was here to pick them up.

"I made you some toast, it's on the counter, hurry up." Robin yelled from the front door as she walked out of it and Ruby came down the stairs. She grabbed her buttered toast and went out the door, closing and locking it behind her as she ran, with the piece of bread in between her teeth and her Walkman that she grabbed last minute in her hand, towards the brown BMW that was parked in their driveway.


The drive to school was everything but silent. Not that Ruby was complaining, she loved watching her sister and her best friend interact. It was funny.

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