vii. chapter seven

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( songs for the chapter)
alien blues // vundabar
panic room // au/ ra

A devilish smirk on her face, as the question popped in her head again

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A devilish smirk on her face, as the question popped in her head again. What the hell was going on right now? Is she flirting with Eddie Munson?

"You know, I almost thought for a second there you'd volunteer to sub for Lucas. The boys told me you play D&D." Eddie smirked back at her. 

"Oh no, I would...but I can't. I'm going to the championship game. Maybe they'll finally let Lucas play, he's been bench- surfing the whole season. And honestly he's really good and it pisses me off so fucking much-" Ruby started to ramble, the confusion of the situation with Eddie that she was probably just making up in her head and the anger that was brewing for the sake of Lucas, that didn't get to play, was getting too much for her until she felt a hand on her thigh.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, princess. No need to get nervous and worked up. I don't blame you, and I'm not disappointed. Well, I am, it could have been one hell of an excuse to hang out with you again, but I understand the need to be there for a friend. Dustin and Mike will find a sub, I'm sure." Eddie said in a soft, comforting tone.

"I honestly would substitute for him, I know I have this image of a spoiled brat "queen" or whatever, but I actually love playing Dungeons and Dragons, even though some will say I don't look like someone who does. Don't look the part, you know?" She spoke really fast, not knowing why she was getting nervous. "I just really need to be there for Lucas, I mean, obviously Mike and Dustin won't be able to make it, and Max too, Will and El are in California. So I'm basically the only one that's left." She finally paused and took a breath.

"I don't know more than half the people you just mentioned, but, what I do know, is that you're a good friend." The curly haired boy smiled as he reassured her. "I'll say it again, sweetheart. We'll be fine. Go to the game. Have fun...maybe we can even see each other afterwards, To share the results of the campaign, you know." Eddie said as he realized that he almost sounded as if he was asking her out on a date and immediately tried to cover it up.

"No, actually, that would be good. You live in the trailer park right?" Ruby asked as an idea was forming itself in her head. "Yup. I do...why?" Eddie was visibly confused. "I'm meeting Max after the game and she lives there too. So, I thought can give me a ride when you're finished playing?" Her tone questioning, as a smile formed itself on the metalhead's face.

"Absolutely! I mean-" he cleared his throat, only now removing his hand from her thigh to rub his neck nervously. "I mean, you can absolutely catch a ride with me. If we're both going in the same direction to the same place, why waste gas, aye?" He chuckled nervously. Ruby just smiled at him. "Right."

"Okay. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. Awesome." Eddie nodded anxiously, looking at the ground. He was never this nervous about driving someone, but it's not a regular someone. It's Ruby Buckley.

Fucking Ruby Buckley.

Lord have mercy.

"Great. It's a date. So, I unfortunately need to leave you again. I promised Chris I'll meet her before the next period." The brunette girl spoke in an apologetic tone as she gathered her things and got up. Eddie blushed furiously. "It's a date." The three simple words ringing in his ears over and over again.

"Oh, um, okay. See you tonight then, princess."

"See you tonight, Munson." She smiled her gorgeous smile at him, and left.

Eddie felt as if that smile made him melt.


Ruby was now running towards the girls bathroom, where Chrissy was supposed to meet her.

When she opened the door, the space was empty.


"Chrissy, are you here?"

Suddenly she could hear a girl crying in one of the stalls. "Chris, is that you in there?"

Chrissy came out of the stall. Standing there as if she was a statue. She looked like she saw a ghost.

"Ruby! Oh my God!" She was cried hysterically as she ran to hug her best friend.

"Hey, hey, hey. Babe, what's wrong?" The hazel eyed girl asked, stroking the strawberry blonde's hair.

"Rubs, I feel like I'm going batshit crazy." Chrissy sobbed into the crook of Ruby's neck.

"Shhh. Chris everything is okay. Everything is going to be fine." The brunette cooed in attempt to calm the strawberry blonde, which worked as her sobbing became softer, stopping eventually as they still hugged each other. "Now, honey, do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

"I- I don't know. I was inside the stall, and I heard my mother calling me, which is impossible because why would she be at school, right? But it was her. At first she sounded normal but then she banged on the door so hard, Rubs. I covered my ears and her voice transformed into this- distorted version of it, banging even harder on the door. She said she'll gut me like the fat pig that I am." Chrissy paused. "And I backed myself into the corner, still covering my ears, begging her to stop, to go away. It was so scary. But then the lights were flickering and it all suddenly stopped. That's when you came in." Chrissy spoke fast, she was truly shaken and panicked. "I sound crazy, I know, but I can't-"

"You don't sound crazy, honey." Ruby hugged her even tighter now.

"I feel like I'm losing my goddamn mind, Rubs." Chrissy cried. Ruby felt helpless.

"I saw you sitting with Eddie Munson today. You think he can maybe...fix me up with something that can maybe help?" The cheerleader asked, almost ashamed.

"You mean with drugs? Chris, no. You can't." The brown haired girl pleaded.

"What I can't do is take it anymore. I wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweat. I have terrible headaches. I am fucking hallucinating. I just need something to help me clear my mind a little."

Ruby was shocked. She was going through the same thing, minus the hallucinations. This can't be a coincidence.

A girl walked into the bathroom now, looking at the two figures standing inside it. "Get the hell out!" The Hawkins High queen yelled at the poor girl, who immediately ran out of there. She didn't mean to sound so harsh, but this was a special occasion.

"Wait, I am having nightmares too."

"Really?" Chrissy was now more confused than upset. "It can't be a coincidence...right?"

"I have no idea. But we'll find out. For now though, go to Eddie, he's nice, and he'll hook you up with something that will help. I'm only letting this slide once, by the way, you're not becoming a druggie, Chris. Over my dead body." The cheerleader's best friend warned.

"You don't have to worry about that, love." Chrissy smiled at her a weak and tired, yet sweet smile.

They were best friends. Truly, and the fact that Ruby has given her "permission" to do anything that would ease her mind was heartwarming. "Thank you, I'll go right now. I love you so much." They hugged again, now both feeling a bit better. "I love you too." Chrissy smiled at her as she walked out the door.

Ruby now was facing one of the bathroom mirrors, hands on each side of a sink as she stared at herself.

"What the actual fuck is going on?" She asked her reflection.

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