Before it all started{2}

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Two hard years had passed like nothing. Staff and students had started to notice the scars and bruises on Abby's skin and were questioning what happened at home. Her father made the decision to move her from schools. She now would start her senior year at Lobia high school.

One more month she thought to herself. One more month of depression, crying herself to sleep, and anger. Once the day came she would think to herself "I made it... I can't believe I made." She would soon be able to walk from the house of terror that haunted her childhood. She would be exiting high school this coming year as a senior. She wasn't ready, but she knew she would try to get her own place to get away from her abusive father. "I have to, I know I can get through this, I will succeed." She thought to herself. Abby took a deep breath and walked shyly to her new high school.


Finally, he thought to himself. I'm turning 18 and ready for my last year of high school. I would soon go off to a college far from my home. Leaving from his small home in Seattle Washington would be a great achievement after senior year. In my opinion, I live in a decent home with lawyers as parents, whom could care less of what I did unless it was "unconstitutional" they would say through the years of his childhood. He looks at the high school he had now spent 3 years in. "Shit," he thought to himself "Let's get through this fucking year."

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