The end

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~Abby's P.O.V~
I sit on our porch watch my little Mimi play on the grass. I rub my stomach where a new member will be joining our family. Kade walks out of the house bringing the food out to the front. I smile at him from behind. I am so glad I chose to stay after I saw him that night I knew I could never let go again.

"Yes?" He walked up to me kneeling down and kissing my abdomen.

"I love you." I smiled at him. That was that this was our story.

So guys I finally finished and I know it was short but I want to focus on skinny kisses and it was time to let go of my baby (Don't let me drown.). I want to thank everyone who read it and hopefully enjoyed it. Please check out my new book Skinny Kisses (: you won't regret it.

Yours truly,

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