Waiting For Sunrise

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Holding her in my arms I carried her limp body to the bed and laid her down. Looking at her helpless face I kissed her forehead. Struggling to not do anything more, I stare at her calm peaceful face. Pulling the covers over her body I lay on top beside her admiring her. Examining the bruises on her body I feel my fist tighten thinking of who would have done such a thing. It was wrong to think someone would have touched her like that..... I wrap my arms around her small cold body hoping with my body warmth she will get warm.


I wake at 3 A.M to see Abby still in my arms. I smile hoping it would be like this. I quietly leave her in the bed as I leave the room. I walk to my room looking at the mess I had from Gavin coming over. Shit he was such a pig, I didn't know how he had gotten Lola to like him. Looking outside the window I see my parents cars. I wonder what time they got here this time...... ever since the incident the avoided me, they rather are at work than looking after me. Of course, it sucked ass but what could I do. Nothing I had put myself in this stupid situation. Remembering back to the accident I knew I could have prevented, yet my stupidity never let me get there in time. Feeling the lump in my throat growing as I thought of..... Shaking the thought, I undress.

Jumping into the cold shower, I think about today and the way Abby's lips felt pressed against mine. The way she showed her desire through the kiss. I felt goosebumps rise as I imagined her sitting on my lap again. I wonder if she felt the lump growing from under her bum... I kinda hoped she did to show how much I wanted her, yet I didn't because that would be completely embarrassing.

Getting out of the shower I dry off and change into some boxers. Should I put on some sweats? I asked myself just in case Abby found herself in my room. Slipping on some baggy sweats I didn't add a shirt.

Laying in bed I start thinking about Abby and the reason why she was running at 10 O'clock with a duffel bag full of clothing and other things. I start drifting to sleep with sweet Abby being the last one on my mind.


I wake up to a strange room not knowing where the heck I am. Still looking around the room I take notice of what is around me. A white room that looked so elegant and peaceful. Getting up I walk around to search the large. After finishing doing my search, I come out of the bathroom which practically bigger than room.... ex-room. I knew I would never want to return and as soon as I thanked whoever left me here.

I jump as soon as I see Kade is standing at the doorway I completely spazz. He doesn't speak just stares at me with his cold blue eyes twinkling with mischief as they swiftly scan my body head to toe. I quiver at the look in his eyes as he gets closer. He places a hand on my cheek as I stare into his dark blue eyes.

"I wonder where you would be if I had not seen you collapse to the ground."

Unable to speak I let his words sink in," T-this is your house." Was all I could sputter out.

He laughed lightly before his tone went serious. " Abby why were you running at such a late time with a bag full of clothing.

I avert my gaze as I speak. " Thank you for helping me last night... but I must get going as soon as possible.

"Abby I know nothing about you." he says " But please let me help you ..."

"Look Kade I know you're for the best... but I can't explain."

He looks at me solemnly then anger flashes, " Abby we are taking you to the police."


Before I know it, I'm being talked to about the fact they are arresting my father for charges of child abuse. I know he will hate me now more than ever. He is going to kill me..... How did I get to this....

Since I was already 18 I could live on my own but how could I do that if I didn't even have a job. I Just sat on the cold chair feeling numb, I suddenly notice someone has me in a warm embrace. Realizing its Lola my mouth is gaped.

"L-lola h-how did you know.." I stutter.

"Kade called me.... since he thinks I am closer to you, which, of course, is true." She says wit ha giggle that soon fades.

"Abby why didn't you tell anyone."

"He would have killed me," I said flatly. I then feel her tightly hug me almost to the point that I'm suffocating. Knowing she is hugging me to tight she releases her grip and speaks.

"Well, Abby... I know you now are like an orphan. So I was thinking you could stay at my place if you didn't mind we have an extra room and for me I'm in need of a sista." She says trying to comfort me.

"I actually would not mind at all.... but what about your parents?" I ask timidly

"They are great, they will understand." Lola says warmly.

"Alright." I respond while I start feeling tears form. Lola hugs me once again and they start talking to the police as they figure out what's going to happen... What the hell did I start......

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