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Logan Lerma as Gavin


As the day goes on I could not stop thinking about the girl. The way she looked at me, and how I yearned to be at her side. I had never felt this way for anyone especially, not some random chick I had barely met.

Throughout my classes, I continuously had fantasies about her. I closed my eyes and imagined myself pinning her against the wall because she was a masterpiece and kissing those perfect lips of hers..... What the fuck I thought to myself jerking back to reality. I did not know one thing about this girl yet I got so warm thinking about her. This feeling would drive me nuts.

Once the class ended I walked toward the cafeteria, as I entered everything seemed off until I saw what was creating it. She was in here. I recognized Lola sitting next to the girl, seconds later she looked up and our eyes met. I saw as her eyes widened and I felt the heat rush all through my body. God damn she was gorgeous I thought. As soon as the feeling started it ended quickly as she stood and practically ran out of the cafeteria. Confused, I stood there wondering why she left. My group then called me over to sit, so I walked over to them as if nothing happened. The four of us sat in the big table at the another corner of the cafeteria. The group included Dylan, Nathan, Gavin, and me.

Dylan is the first to speak, " So Kade, who was that girl you were staring at."

I answered honestly," I don't know, but I have been wondering what her name is."

Nathan then speaks, " You seem pretty interested we saw how red you got and how you stood uncomfortably, whats going on down there."

The whole group except for Kade snickered as he clenched his fists.

Gavin then said, " Well for one we know she is new because I've never seen such a cute girl like that at this school." Kade felt jealousy ripple through him as Gavin continued to speak. " I heard her name is Abby Bouvier."

Abby Bouvier what stunning name I thought to myself.

"So she is french?" I asked.

Gavin replied, " I'm guessing that is her ethnicity."

Nathan then smirked and said, " Hey kade why don't you draw her like one of your french girls when you get the chance."

I felt my blood start to boil as I almost swung at him, but I calmed myself in time. Changing the subject about my Abby.... Wait what the hell she isn't mine why would I even think that. I skipped the thought and turned towards Gavin.

"So Gavin," I started " What happened with you and Lola?"

He then sighed and replied, " Dude I don't fucking know but I'm damn sure I'm crazy about her I just don't know how to ask her out."

I then tell him, " Man you got this I'm sure she is into, you just don't notice it."

"True, well I will see how it goes I hope I do get a chance with her though," Gavin says looking down at his hands.

The bell then rang to get to our next class so I get my things and walk to French.

As I enter class I pick a seat in the back where no one usually sits. As everyone settles down into their seats the teacher takes roll and says one student is missing. He then asks if I would mind if she sat next to me when she came back, I easily said yes. I wonder who is the missing student I thought to myself. The class passed by fast and soon it was time for photography class. The strangest thing happened once we got all the students got settled for this class one person was also missing. My first thought was What if it's Abby. I would not know for sure till the next day. I hope it was her I desperately wanted to see her lovely face again. Fuck not again. What the hell is up with me she is just another fucking girl, no big deal. The bell rang for dismissal and I picked my stuff up and walked out of the school making my way back home with Abby on my mind.

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