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Waking up I smile and take a deep breath, today would be the day I asked Abby to be mine. A part of me was aching for me to do this, the other doubted she would say yes. I didn't care though, I would love her no matter what, even if I watched from the distance.

Walking to my closet I pick up some thick socks for the ice skating shoes. Looking around at what to wear I grab some denim jeans with a random t-shirt. Lastly, I throw in a warm maroon sweater and put on black vans.

I knew this day would be special so I had bought her a necklace that had a charm that said you and I. Probably cheesy, yet I since it was gold I knew she would like it. Abby didn't own much either which also made me feel like she needed more.

Picking up my keys, wallet, and phone I walk out of the house and jump into the car. Turning the engine on I listen to roar in response, I really loved that sound. Putting the gear in reverse I back up, shifting it back to drive I drive quickly to Lola's house.

Arriving at the house I take a deep breath turn the engine off. Looking at the house I think to myself, what the hell are you doing? Getting out I walk on the concrete path finally reaching the door. I knock twice and immediately shove my hands in my pockets. No one answered so I am about to knock again when Abby opens the door. I feel my mouth drop as my eyes sweep her body. Her socks are nice and fluffy which makes me smile, she listened. She has tight dark blue jeans that really outline her figure, making me drool. At the top, she has a plain black v-line shirt. She had her hair down, but it looked like she was about to do her hair with the brush in her hand. Abby stepped aside letting me in as she smiled and walked to the bathroom. Not following her I admire her bum, which look so damn good in those jeans. Taking a seat on the couch, I wonder if I should have followed her. Still lost in thought I fail to notice she is in the kitchen. Her hair is in a ponytail making her neck look longer. At least I imagined that since she has a black scarf draped over her neck. She also had a white sweater that looked very cozy.

Getting my balls together, I stand up and walk over to her. When she doesn't notice me I wrap my arms around her waist from behind. I feel her jump and I now her eyed must be wide opened.

"Ready to go," I whisper in her ear.

She only nods unable to speak.

"I will wait for you outside," I say as I kiss her cheek and part to get to the car.


We sit quietly in the car driving to ice skating rink which is downtown. Abby still has no clue what we are doing and I sense she is uncomfortable. I decide to say nothing because I don't want to make things worse.

We are now parking in the ice skating parking lot. I step out of the car running to the other side to open her door. She looks up at me and sheepishly gives me a smile. Looking down at her I do the same taking her hand. I don't say anything as we walk to the line to get entrance tickets. Beside me, I see Abby's eyes and mouth open wide. I chuckle at her reaction.

Buying the tickets, I take her hand and lead her to the skates shack. We pick up our ice skates and go to put them on. Finishing mine quickly I see Abby struggling so I get down and tie it for her. I look at her crimsoned face and smile.

"I've never been ice skating before," She says shyly.

"It's alright plus I wanted to take you here, it's special to me, also gives me a chance to have my hands on you." I wink at her.

Her face turns blazing red as her hands fidget on her lap. I rise and take her by the hand leading her to the rink. This is going to be great............


Sitting on a near by bench we had finished ice skating since Abby said she was exhausted, and I knew I was too. She had tooken many falls but in the end I was always by her side, arms around her waist. Now, I had my arm around while she sunk into me. It's the perfect time to ask.



"I was meaning to ask you something." Now I was looking straight at her searching her eyes.

"What is it?" She smiles coyly.

Without hesitation, I pop my question. "Will you be my mine, my girlfriend?"

Her eyes become moist as she speaks......


Cliff hanger!!!!!!

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