Deepest longings

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The next two classes pass like a blur. Entering the cafe I sit with Lola at the table from the other day. Noticing how Lola seems nervous and can't even eat, I ask.

"Lola is everything alright?"

"I honestly don't know."

"What is bothering you."

She looks at me with sad eyes, "See that boy over there." Looking at where she is pointing I notice it's Gavin.


"Yeah.. You know him?"

"I do we have a class together."


Lola stays quite for a while and as is done by magic is looking at me with her bright eyes as always.

"So tell me, Miss. Abby whats up with you and kade." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

Turning bright red I look down and start eating

"SO!!!" She exclaims loudly, "THERE IS SOMETHING."

"Quiet down will you, Half the school can hear you." Saying that, I stuff her mouth with an apple.

Sitting there eating my sandwich, Lola continues to talk about random things that I'm not even paying attention to. Suddenly, I see Kade walk in scanning the room his eyes set on me and he starts walking in the direction of the table. My heart skips a beat, but once I realize he came to talk to Lola, I feel a twinge in my heart.

"Hey, Lola can I talk to you about something." His voice low and charming.

"Sure what about."

" I wanted to know if you wanted to sit with me and my boys at our table."

Without a second thought Lola responds, "Absolutely."

I stare at her as she gets up and walks towards his table. After a while I notice Kade is still standing there staring at me with those dark blue eyes. Is he about to say something? I ask myself. Without warning, he sits next to me and just stares. Looking at him with the same intensity he finally breaks contact and speaks.

"So you're the Abby everyone is talking about."

"What do you mean people are talking about me?"

"Never mind." He muttered, "Anyways I'm Kade."

I knew that already.... As I am about to say something the bell rings to leave to my last to periods. I then get up to get to class when he speaks.

"Mind if I take you to class."

"Not at all," I reply softly, " To tell you the truth I don't know where my next class is."

"Whats the class?"


"Guess we have the same class," He says with a wink.

I feel flutters all over my body and as heat rushes to my face. As we get to class I sit in the last empty seat with Kade beside me. Sitting there I feel him scoot closer. I hold my breath as he gets close to whisper in my ear.

"Whats wrong Abby you look like you're about to blow up."

I keep my eyes closed when I nod as I try to regain my breath.

This is gonna be a long class.......

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