Thinking of us

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School ends, I walk towards the exit thinking about my day so far. Why did I let him kiss me? Was it the fact that I felt this attraction towards him... or was I going crazy. I know I should not feel this way, knowing the fact that he would probably turn into someone like my father. Shuddering at that thought I gulped as I saw my father's car pull up to the school. Entering the car my father has the same angry face as always.

"H-how was work dad," I say with my shaking voice.

"It was fine." His stern voice echos the car.

Looking down at my lap I say nothing else. Why did he hate me so much.... Oh yeah, because I was a stupid mistake. Mom had given up her life to save mine. She had done this without telling my father. Since that day I knew my father hated me.

Clearing my throat I speak. "Dad there is a project I have to work on with one of my school mates...."


"I was wondering if I could use the house phone," I say sucking in a breath.

"You can," he mutters " But you're off by nine."



Getting home, I unpack my school stuff and grab the phone to call Gavin. As the phone rings, I hear my dad yell something so I run to my room and lock the door. I hear him pick up the phone.


"Hey... umm is this Gavin?"

"Yes, this is Gavin.... Abby?"

"Yeah... well um I wanted to know how we should work on the project."

I can sense he is smiling over the phone " I already finished it."

"What why?"

"Because you looked busy so I took it and finished."

"Oh..." I sit on my bed speechless as I hear over the phone Gavin having a conversation with... is that Kade?

"Who are you talking to?" The voice mutters.

"Abby," Gavin answers like he was a grand prize winner.

"Y-you got her number." I listen as Kade's voice rises.

"Calm your shit down I'm not trying to get your girl."

I hear something hit the ground. "Shut up."

"Fine," I hear Gavin grumble "SHIT. I didn't end the call."

I quickly press the end button and gasp. What was that? I didn't understand what was going on. My heart quickened as I heard dad slam on my door. He was drunk again.......


Laying on my bedroom floor I feel tears run down my face and they hit the floor. Looking at my new set of bruises I cried harder. Why did he take out his anger on me? I Knew I could not last much longer. I had to get out of here. Picking myself off the ground I grab my duffel bag and pack clothing, quickly I put my laptop in. Lifting my mattress, I find my hidden money I have been saving up for the last 17 years. Wiping my tears, I grab my stuff and walk to the exit of my room. Entering the living room, I see my father sleeping with a beer in hand. I quietly slip out of the house.

Saying goodbye from the house that would haunt my dream. I run....... I run till I know I am far enough. Before I know it, I'm falling into a deep darkness. I feel someone is caring me who is this person?


Holding Abby in my arms I look at her frail face, she looks pale. I take her to my car and put her in the back seat. How did she get here? Why were there bruises on her skin? Grabbing her duffel bag, I put it in the passengers seat. It was 10 at night, I had gone to go drop off Gavin. Driving back home I saw someone running, seconds later they had collapsed. When I had gotten off the car to see I had felt my blood run cold as I noticed the girl on the ground was Abby.

Looking back at her sleeping face I knew I had to get to safety. One question that killed me is why she was bruised up. I knew when I found out who did it I would kill the person...


Taking Abby out of the car I carry her to my house. Opening the door, I call the maid.

"Linda get her cleaned up and take her to bed."

She nods as I take Abby to room and set her down on the guest bed. I hope she does not freak out when she wakes up tomorrow....


My eyes open to a lady waking me. Jumping from her touch she speaks.

"Miss we must get you washed up."

"Who.... are you?"

"I'm Linda I've been ordered to get you cleaned up."

Not speaking I let her take me to get washed up. Looking around I see whoever's house this is, they must be rich. Looking in the mirror I see the bruises that cover my body. Why.....


After taking a shower, I grab the towel Linda had told to use. Walking into the random room I see my duffel bag. Opening it I grab my sweats I had packed and my undergarments. As I finish changing I hear a knocking at the door. When I open the door I'm shocked when I see Kade's worried face looking straight at me. Feeling my knees buckle I fall to the ground passing out.......

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