The Deals

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Two months had passed since the incident with Kade. That same day her father had been drunk and ended up breaking her arm. She still has the cast and each time they asked what happened she would respond "I was being stupid." Some would believe her, she knew the one that did not believe one bit was Kade. There classes in french and photography would be him staring at her in a way that made her slightly uncomfortable yet safe.


As she walked into the cafeteria she noticed her new close friend Lola was sitting with Gavin. They way they looked at each other made my insides burn in aggravation. Why? Because I knew I wanted that.... I wanted someone to stare at me with longing and passion. I spun on my heel finding a small table in the corner hidden. Later, I came to realize doing so was the wrong choice I saw this quite boyish-looking guy walk towards me with. I lowered my gaze and turned back to my lunch.

"Hey, are you Abby?" I heard him call out.

"Yep, that is me," I said averting staring into his green eyes.

"Well, I am Nathan." His smile increases " You can call me Nate." He says with a wink.

Trying to flirt back I respond "I'll keep it in mind"

"Mind if I sit?"

"Not at all." I smile softly.

"Great! So tell me about yourself Abby." He says his face inches from my face.

I laugh nervously and turn away slightly. " Well, nothing to tell I'm....." Trailing off I know there is nothing great about me so I just hang my head.

"You alright Abby?" Nate asks with a worried face.

I nod and at the corner of my eyes I see Kade standing there with his fist clenched so tight his knuckles turn white, I could also see the fact his jaw was clenched. He clearly was pissed.... But why?


When I saw Nate sitting cheerfully next to Abby I knew he was making his move. I was not stupid enough to not notice the fact he had a thing for her too. I didn't know why I felt so jealous about the fact she spoke to another guy. I knew later I would probably beat his ass. I looked at Abby's sweet little face which was smiling softly at whatever the stupid retarded fuck was saying. I knew all he wanted was her in bed and to take her virginity. Was she even a virgin? She must be because every time we touch her face brightens full blast as she starts fidgeting, She is innocent...... Before I knew what I was doing, I felt my legs caring me to where Abby and Nathan sat.

"Hey, Abby," I said cooly as I plop myself in the middle of them staring deeply at Abby. Nate notices and starts getting pissed.

"Well, rude ass Kade we kinda are busy here."

"With what?" I stare at her with her pretty little face looks at me in awe.

"You know what Kade FUCK YOU!! You had to take Abby away from me didn't you?" Nate said storming out of the cafeteria.

Abby looks so surprised as if she has seen a ghost. Trying to figure what was wrong I took her small hand and spoke. " Let's get out of here."

Nodding with still her small face of shock I got up and took her out.This is my chance to ask.......

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