Winter Break

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I sit in my class fidgety waiting for the bell to ring, which would tell us we were off to winter break. It's been a month since the incident and father was in jail. Living with Lola and her amazing family, I also had gained a job at the local bookstore in town. What sometimes bugged me was Kade didn't try to make conversations with me anymore, the closest I got was him teasing me most of the time.

Playing with my pencil I listen to the teacher as I watch the clock tick. In the corner of my eye I see Kade has turned to me with a smirk on his face. I see his hand graze mine and I get goosebumps in response. I turn to glare at him but when I whip around our noses are almost touching and I look into those dark blue eyes.

"You know you don't to be so angry with me Abby." He says as if he is hurt.

"Well, you don't have to be so touchy." I snap

"It's not my fault your skin is soft and so worth touching."

My face grows hot as I glare and I turn to stare at the clock. When will the fucking bell ring, I was dying sitting next to this flirt. Realizing the bell is about to ring I put everything to my backpack. As I stand the bell rings I walk right out of class in relief. I know Kade is hot on my heels as I walk to my locker. Getting there I open the locker and take some things out.

"What do you want Kade?" I say a tad nervous yet mad.

"Well, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to a party tonight... With Lola maybe." He says while running his hand through his dark brown hair.

I Inhale sharply, " Kade I don't know I have never been to one and I just wanna save myself the embarrassment." I say while biting my lip.

"I'll be there is you need me." He winks

"So Abby did you get a phone yet?"

"Yeah Lola bought me one even after I had told her not to," I say slipping my new iPhone 5s out.

Kade then snatches my phone and I'm guessing he is  typing in his number. He winks as he hands me back my phone, and he walks to Gavin who I had not seen standing at the end of the hall. Confused I finish packing up and walk the opposite way getting out of the school.


Lola's house was about a mile and a half away so I usually walked with her or by myself to her house. Getting to her house was a relief as I entered my room and dropped my stuff on the ground. Looking around the room it was a nice mint cream color. My bed was more of a bunk bed with a desk at the bottom. I think it was time to decorate a bit. Since I got to go back home after my dad was taken custody, I got some smaller things that always made me happy. Lola had also taken me to the store to see if I wanted anything to decorate so I had bought some flower lights to hang, some inspirational quotes, a black bean bag, full body mirror, and a black canvas that had in white big bold words "Don't let reality stop you" Picking up my supplies I started working on my room with a smile plastered to my face.


I'm sitting on my bed satisfied I hear a knock in the door

"Come in," I yell.

Lola comes in and is about to say something when she looks around with her mouth gaped.

"Wow, it looks like one of those tumbler rooms."

I smile at her response, then I here my phone ping. It's from kade....

K: Hey Abby ;)

A: Hi the winky face is not necessary

Lola laughs and speaks, " Who yeah talking to Abby."

"Kade," I say bluntly but feel the corner of my lip curl up.

My phone pings again:

K: So do yeah wanna go... Please say yes

I look at Lola and speak slowly. "Kade is inviting us to a party


"Okay, okay chill." I give her a wide-eyed stare.

Responding to kade I say:

A: Alright we will go

K: Yes ok well it's at Nathan's house Lola should know where

A: Okie Dokie

K: So any hints on what you are going to wear

A: black turtleneck and long pants

K: You are no fun

A: See you there flirt

Looking up to see Lola's body half in my closet I laugh. "Lola, it's a simple party."

"SOOO ABBY! It's your first party."

She pulls out a black dress she had gotten me once at the mall. "Oh, Hell NO."

"Oh hell to the Yesssss!!!"


I look at the reflection in the mirror amazed at the fact it's still me Abby this girl that never likes to stand out. My Hair is in curls that go down my back, Lola puts a ton of mascara and a tad of lip gloss. I had to wear the black dress which fit my body snug and gave it an amazing shape. I looked down at my shoes and smiled, I had chosen my white converse. As I put my sweater on, Lola scowled as she looked at my shoes but then picked up her purse and we were out. I knew tonight would be a crazy night I probably would not forget...


I sit on Nathan's couch as people arrive, hoping each time that Abby is the one that comes in. Nathan great people that come in as I start to think about Abby and the way she bites her lip makes me want to kiss her and bite it for her. I hear someone talking to me and I try to register what the person said. I then groan when I see its that annoying chick from last time who wants me to get into her pants.

"Hey, Kade." Nina purrs.

"Hi." I flatly reply

"Whats wrong baby not happy to see me." she pouts

"Fuck off Nina I'm not interested in a slut like you."

Her eyes water and she stormed off. The bitch deserves it she ruins so many girls lives while being the schools girl that sleeps with most of the dam guys. Turning my attention back to the door I see no Abby walk in but the house became packed quickly. I sit on the couch stumped. I bet she isn't coming.....


One hour into the party the number off people went down to 80 and I had drowned down about 3 cups of beer. I knew my breath probably smelled horrid so I went upstairs and found my toothbrush in the duffle bag I had brought since I knew I might stay the night. Going into the bathroom I brush my teeth till I can't taste the beer. Satisfied with my white teeth I go out and go down the stairs. As I reach the bottom step I try so damn hard to keep my mouth shut when I see Abby walk through the door. She is wearing a Black dress that hugs her body so damn well it makes her small curves pop out. Scanning her body, taking her inch by inch. I look at her shoes I smile at myself. She would wear white converse with a dress. Reaching her face her eyes look even bigger and her eyelashes look thick and full. Her curls falls perfectly over her shoulders. I wish I could kiss those delicate shoulders going up her neck and leave a love bite at the crook of her neck. Her lips were the last thing I looked at they looked so full and soft of how I wish they were planted against mine.

Walking to her I am about to speak to her when I see Nathan slip himself towards and take her by the hand. Better just be to show her around.. I swear the asswhole will pay. Instead of taking beer this time I take some water with ice. Cooling my body as I get heated over my surroundings. I look over to see Lola sitting on Gavin's lap. I could tell he really was enjoying it, the bastard. I think it's time to spice things up so I go over to Gavin and whisper in his ear the game we love to play. Gavin smiled as the words spilled from my mouth. "Seven minutes in heaven."

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