Thoughts of the Night

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As I lay in bed. I think about the events of the day. When I got home from school both of my parents had been sitting down and looked as if they were in a deep discussion. I had decided not to interrupt when they then called me to come sit with them at the dinner table. They both had serious faces so I guessed it must have been a big deal. My mother and father started with the fact they wanted to send me to Stanford in California. I didn't have an opinion so I said okay and walked to my room. I openly didn't care where they sent me as long as I was far away from them.

Laying in bed I started to fantasies about sweet mysterious Abby. I imagined just her and I alone in a room, where I would touch her small face and kiss her passionately. Her warm lips that would fit perfectly with mine. Thinking about her like this got me all jumbled up down there. Should I? I had not done it since my last year in 8th grade and that only was because one girl with big boobs had practically provoked all the younger guys..... Most of us ended up in the bathroom moaning. To stop myself from doing it now all I did was think about my grandmother taking a shower. All my fantasies about Abby faded down to were I could close my eyes and think about what would happen tomorrow when I saw her. Abby.....

I awoke at 3:26 am to find I had been having a nightmare. Tears fell from my eyes to my sheets. Why does it have to be this way? Why did mum have to die? Why did dad hurt me? All I wanted was answers to my never ending puzzle of a life. Some days I just wanted to give up completely, to take my life. No one would care less if I died. I could finally see mum in heaven.... if there even was one. I felt tired again and set my head on my pillow with tears still drying as I drifted off to sleep. The strangest part was when my last thought before I went to sleep was. Kade......

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