Bitter Kiss

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P.S If you want I thought we could start a playlist ^.^ plug in Photograph by Ed Sheeran.

Waking up the next morning I noticed Kade had left without a trace. Squinting at the sunlight coming through I turn my attention to the desk which has a sticky note stuck to it. Pushing myself up off the bed I walk to my desk and pick up the note.

Sorry love I had some stuff to get done, call me when you wake up I will pick you up to take you out. Merry Christmas baby -Kade

I smile at the note and set it down. I look for my phone to call Kade and wish him a Merry Christmas. Finally spotting it I pick it up and notice it is 8:35. I wonder if Lola is awake so I can give her the present I bought for her. Waking to her room I knock, yet there is no response. Then I hear a clattering in the kitchen and someone's giggle with a chuckle following.


"And Gavin." I walk into them making breakfast.

"Hey, guys.... I mean Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too," They say in union.

"So what do you to have planned for today?"

"Well, I am going to take Gavin to my parents house," Lola says with a blush.

"Oh, so it's official." I wink at them while they both blush deeply, "Well I'm glad I knew you guys were meant for each other."

"Like you and Kade," Lola replies with her usual wiggling eyebrow.

"I mean I guess." I look down at my feet.

"Well go get you man silly. Get dresses, be perky." I laugh at Lola's words while Gavin continues making the eggs.

" Okay well see you love birds later, and Lola tell your parents I said hi and to wish them a Merry Christmas." With that said I give her a hug and pass her the gift and I wink.

"Wait!!!" She screams and hands me my gift.

"Thank you" I smile and walk to my room.


After calling Kade and telling him if he could pick me up, I changed into I warm outfit that in my opinion looked cute. I wore a low neck long sleeve cream colored shirt which was tucked into my wine colored skirt that met mid thigh, underneath I wore black tights, and for shoes I slipped on creme colored Uggs. I then start curling my hair. Finishing I look at my reflection and decide to add mascara and some lip gloss.

I grab my black coat and creme purse which has my purse and wallet. I get a text message from Kade saying he is running a bit late and asking if I could wait outside.

Waiting outside it starts getting a bit cold and I am about to go inside when I hear someone call my name.


I look up smiling but it turns sour when I see its Nathan. "What the hell are you doing here."

"Came to see you lovely."

"Go home it's Christmas."

"May I ask why you are outside for?"

"Waiting for someone." I scowl.

"Kade?" His face darkens.

I only nod and I start heading to the door when Nathan grabs my wrist and pins me to the side of the house. I scream but nothing comes out his hand is over my mouth.

"Now now Abby, no need to be rude."

I could feel his whole body mass pressuring down on me and I could barely breath. I could feel everything going numb as he starts kissing my neck like Kade had done last night, but this was gross and distant I wanted nothing to do with him. Trying to push him off I had failed, but Nathan had managed to grope my breast. I felt my face go pale as I tried shoving him trying to get him away. I knew the only way I could possibly get away was to knee him in the groin.

So I then stopped struggling and pretend to go with it.

"See Abby I knew you would understand." He whispered into my ear with his hot breath, which made my skin crawl.

While he was not paying attention I started slipping my leg up his leg. He groaned at this and this had me mentally vomiting. I then went for it and kneed him as hard as I could.

"YOU BITCH!" He spat as he stumbled away, "I swear to god you will pay for that you stupid girl, and I know how."

Saying that he pushed me hard to the wall and I screamed. I knew what would happen and I was scared to death. I could not escape, why did this have to happen to me. Everything started to go numb and I felt my body buzzing, I was slipping away. I heard a loud crack and hits and blows. Someone was fighting, I didn't know who but I was thankful.


I woke up to a soft white pillow and someone arms warped around me. As soon as Kade's scent enters my nose I relax my tensed body.

"I was so worried Abby."

"Merry Christmas." I say with a weak smile.

"I Love you, Abby."

He does not wait for my response, but instead he kissed me softly and delicately, I could feel his desire but I knew he was controlling himself. I returned the favor and hugged him tightly.

"Kade where are we?"

"At my house, I brought you to meet my parents."

"What?" I felt my face drain.

"They haven't arrived yet, but they will." He chuckles.

My mind was going in circles then I realized what had happened not so long ago. "What happened with Nathan."

His voice was serious when he responded, " Well I beat the shit out of him, then I took him to the officials where I left him. He won't be bothering you anymore Abby, I made sure of it."

I knew he was not lying and I felt safe in his arms. I felt as if nothing could harm me while I was with him in his embrace.

Kade's phone then buzzed and he picked up. Listening I heard someone saying they had arrived. All Kade did was mumble alright.

"They are Here."

Sorry everyone I just eh I am really bleh I just struggle when writing xDD. Remember to leave comments and vote ^.^ I really want it to get noticed. Seee yalll later peeps.~ Alexly

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