The Talk{5}

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My face then starts to redden as I look down at my lap shamefully. Lola continues to chew her food and talked about how she loves to paint and would like to become an artist someday. I start to zone out as I eat my food when suddenly Lola pokes me furiously. In the act of her poking I look up and ask, "Whats wrong?" When she does not respond I try to figure out whom she is looking at. I swiftly realize she is looking at the guy who had saved her from falling in the morning. The strange thing that shook Abby was he was looking directly at her. I then got up threw my trash away and walked directly to opposite exit to make sure I didn't look at him.

My heart pounded as I ran to the counseling office. Once I arrived I sat down and waited till my new counselor could speak to me. Her counselor opens the door with a welcoming smile. She looks in her late twenties with a spirit of a teenager, I notice she must be married since she has a wedding band on her ring finger.
"Hey come sit and make yourself a home." Abby obeys and sits on the sofa.

"You must be Abby, I am Mrs. Dale but you can call me Tess." Mrs. Dale smiles sweetly at her. " So tell me about yourself kiddo."

Abby shifts uncomfortably in her chair but responds, "Well I'm new here as you can tell and I just wanted to meet you because....well there probably is going to be a lot crying from me in this room."

Mrs. Dale responds with a sad look, " Awe kiddo why would you say that I promise you this school is filled with great kids that are more than willing to help you out."

I shook my head and spoke, " I understand that Mrs. Da- I mean Tess. You see it's really not about school. It's more about outside of school."

Mrs. Dale then said, " Well if there is anything you would like to talk about in the future, just know I'm here for you."

I nodded and thanked her. Since I didn't go to my last two period which was french and photography, I just sat in Mrs. Dale's office talking about my interest and what I would do in the future. Of course, I did not dare to tell her the whole truth about my father and my life at home. Although I did talk about what I might want to study in college. Once the bell rang to leave home, I thanked Mrs. Dale and exited the counseling office and walked towards the front of the school.

As I waited for my father to pick me up I heard someone running towards me. I turned to find that Lola was the one running. When she finally got to me she spoke while panting loudly.


She took a breath, " Why did you storm off when Kade Hollins looked at you."

Lola said while taking another breath "He is like the most attractive guy in school and unbelievably never dated one girl at this school."

Lola paused, " The way he looked at you...... It was like he was totally into you ."

I looked at her speechless and went through the things she had said.
Kade Hollins she thought to herself, his name really suited him.
I finally answered her a said, "I just... I don't know I felt so out there and I got nervous and did not want to make a fool out of myself."

Lola then said, " Well next time don't run. Just wait and see what happens."

I laugh softly, "I suppose you're right"

Lola then laughs and switches the topic about these new shoes that came out. I soon hear the honking of my fathers car. Realizing he had been doing this for a while, I quickly say bye to Lola and run to the car of the devil. I'm not ready for home.....

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