Waking up to you

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Opening my eyes to see the sun shining from the window I yawn. My eyes adjust to the light and I jump when I see my legs wrapped and arm over Kade's bare chest. Looking at what I am wearing I yelp. This is Kade's shirt... Confused as to why I'm in his clothing I keep asking myself the same questions. Why am I in this bed? Did we do something.....? How did it happen? I knew for sure I was not drunk since I hate drinking. Then it came to me, I had passed out on the couch yesterday. I also realize I am still wearing my undergarments, so nothing must have happened. Looking at the small table by the bed I see my black dress folded neatly and my shoes together. He was so neat, I did not expect that. In my train of thought, I hear Kade take a deep breath and looked at his face to see his eyes weakly open.

"Good morning beautiful." He says with a sleepy smile.

"M-morning." I stutter.

"Whats wrong?"

Looking at his chest my eyes widen as I point to it. Hearing his laugh, I blush a shade of red, not even Crayola has created.

"Like what you see," He says with a smirk.

"I never said that," I say getting up and checking my phone which has 20 missed calls from Lola. I feel myself mutter shit as Kade gives me a worried look.

"Kade do mind if you could take me back to Lola's house?"

"Sure," He says smiling.

"Thank you Kade." I smile sheepishly

"Anything for my lady." He winks at me. Looking down at what I have on to get back home.......I probably will look like a slut, wincing at that thought I brush it off.

I feel Kade tap my shoulder as he hands me some of his Nike gym shorts and black Old Navy sweater. "Here wear this."

"I shouldn't."

"You should."

Smiling I take it and shoo him out of the room.


Once we were out of Nathan's house Kade left him a note for letting him stay since Nathan was asleep. Getting inside Kade's car I gasped, it was a really nice car. He chuckled as he put the car keys in, as I blushed at my reaction. I told him the directions to Lola's house, yet he said he knew. Hmm, probably Gavin... I smile at the thought. Gavin and Lola just fit so well, as if they were meant for each other. Taking me from my thought Kade turned off the engine and got out of the car. Before I get to open the car door I see him run in front of the car and to my door to open it for me. Looking at him I smile, what a gentleman gesture. Walking up to the house I had said thank you and hugged Kade before I knocked on the door. Watching him leave I hear Lola throw the door open and she almost knocks me over as she hugs me tightly.

"You bitch I was so worried, but no, you didn't care to tell me you were with Kade...." Trailing her last words, her eyes widen as she stares me up and down. "YOU WERE WITH KADE!!!! YOU SPENT THE NIGHT WITH HIM???!! YOU GUYS HAD SEX!!!!"

My face grew super red. "No, I did not have sex with him" I look at my shoes, "I just slept in the same bed with his shirt because I fell asleep in his arm."

"Oh, really how did you have his shirt?" Lola says with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.

"H-he changed me in my sleep." I stutter.

"Well hmm... he doesn't look like the rape type so I think you're fine."


"What?" She says laughing

Without saying another word, I storm inside to my small room. While still hearing her laughing in the background, I go inside the bathroom. I feel so grimy since I did not shower last night. I find myself staring at the mirror looking at Kade's clothing while his scent invades my nose.


Getting out of the shower I put on some jogger pants and a plain white-T
while putting my hair in a messy bun. Walking out of my bedroom I go into Lola's where I'm surprised to see her sitting on Gavin's lap. Yelping I turn around and close the door. "I'm so sorry!" I yell as I rush back to my room.

Laying flustered on my bed I hear my phone buzz, opening it up I see a message from Kade

Kade: How you feeling?

Abby: Ermm.. alright you?

Kade: Can't complain.

Abby: That's good

Kade: I'll be there at 8

Abby: What?

He didn't respond after that, was he coming? If he did, I knew I was in for a big surprise.

So sorry guys been busy with school and other things o3o so like yeah anywho please comment on my mistakes xD I suck so anyways, please do ~Alexly

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