Not so warm hugs

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Taking her hand  we walked down the stairs, I could feel her shaking as I placed my hand on her lower back. I turned to her and caressed her face.

"Everything will be alright."

"What if they don't like me?" She asked with shakiness in her voice.

I Kissed her softly and whispered, "They will love you."

She only nodded, but I could see she was nervous as she chewed on her bottom lip. Christ that was adorable.

Entering the dining room I greeted my parents who were already seated. I watch as Abby slowly takes her seat beside me which is across from my parents. I could see my father make a look of displeasure at her presence. My mouth being the actress she gave Abby one of her fake smiles that could be taken sincerely. 

Under their gaze, Abby looks at her lap while her cheeks tint of red. "Well, this is Abby the girl I'm in love with." I look toward Abby with my solemn smile. 

"Merry Christmas son." My father says with a stern voice.

Without saying more my father gets up and leaves the room. Cursing under my breath I get up and follow him. Once in the other room I close the door, even if I know it won't block the yells. 

"What the fuck was that?!" I yell in his face.

"Language Kade." He gives me a tight smile, "Never got better did it?"

"Fuck you." 

He only gives me a small smile. " Oh Kade, you know me and your mother only want what's best for you..." He trails off with a grimace. " That girl is far from that and you know it."

I give him a mocking laugh. " And you think I actually care?" 

"Of course you don't," He says sternly.

"After today Kade, you are not to see that girl."

"You can't stop me and you know I would never care."

My father gave me a hard face and replied, " You are dismissed."

I didn't leave right away I just stood there shooting him death glares. I hated them they were never there for me and now they think I would listen to what they had to say. Without saying more, I leave the room. 

As I enter the dining room I see my mom sitting alone checking her phone. Not finding Abby I ask my mother who only responds with a shrug. Exiting the room, I rush up the stairs to find Abby. With no such luck, I run back down to find my father and mother seated. 

"That little tramp is never to set foot in this house, am I understood?" My mother says.

"How dare you call her that!" I yell.

"Oh, stupid boy, you should know she only wants money."

"No, she doesn't I would know her father use to abuse her, her mother died, she has no one but me god damn it." I slam my fist on the table.

Mother replies with her voice clear as day. "She is reckless, and you will break this little affair of yours am I clear?"

I smile at her, "Nope."


As soon as I said it I left the house and to get to Lola and Abby's house. I bet she hates me now, I can't believe I left her alone with my mom. God knows what she told her, and I know for damn sure it was not good.

Once I arrived at their house I knocked twice to have the door open on my second knock. Abby stood there with swollen red eyes that continued to leak tears. I reached out to her but was stopped by her hand, making my heart crumble to pieces. I was taken back from her coldness, but it did not stop me from hugging her.

She choked up as she began to talk, "It's over Kade." She took a shaky breath, "I'm not good enough for you... you deserve so much better than me."

Abby stroked my cheek with her soft frail fingers and leaned in to kiss me one last time. The kiss was slow but had so much need and passion that I wanted more. I wanted more of her sweet face, more her laughter, her smile, her blush, the way she would scrunch her nose when disgusted. I was in love with her I could not just let her go. 

Wanting to show my love for I went for a deeper kiss but was stopped as she pushed at my chest.

"I'm sorry Kade... I Love you." Her voice cracked as she slipped back inside her house and locked it behind her.

Just like that Abby Bouvier has torn my heart to pieces. 



Closing the door, I slid my back against it as I ended up on the ground. The feeling of being pathetic and worthless rushed into me. Thinking about the harsh words Mrs. Hollins had told me. I would never be good enough for kade, I was out of his league. I would only be a burden in his future, and that was the last thing I wanted. Letting him go was as hard, and I felt my heart ache as I trembled knowing I had finished the only relation I've had. The one where I fell in love and he would always be my first, the one who introduced me to the thing called love, passion, desire, the wanting of him and only him.

I got up walked to my room I showered and changed into my sweats, I cried and I could not stop my pathetic tears from slipping. Once I heard Lola arrive she came into my room and hugged me. I am guessing Kade told Gavin who told Lola. 

I sobbed into her shoulder as she hugged my tightly with no intention of letting me go. I felt the twinge of regret sinking into the pit of my stomach as I thought of Kade. I knew I could not have him, his mother made it very clear. 

That night I cried myself to sleep in Lola's arms, with my heart breaking, for I was the only one to blame for.

So sorry for not updating....I had writer's block...and I clearly suck at writing oh wellll..... I hope you enjoyed this chapter.... please don't kill me. ~Alexly

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