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I watch her closely when she does not respond. She looks down at her lap and fumbles with her hands. I look away with a pain entering my chest, I guess I was wrong.

"No...." She finally speaks with a small voice.

I exhale sharply and reply, "Alright" I am about to get up when she finally meets my eyes humor radiating off of her.

Her laugh rings in my ear as she hugs me and whispers, " Of course I would love to be your girlfriend."

Suddenly feeling relief wash over me Abby jumps up and giggles, "You are as pale as a ghost Kade."

"Why did you do that?" I ask with a confusion

A smirk spreads her lips, " Just rude sometimes."

Not responding I pick her up and carry her to the car while she shrieks at me with her laugh. I was still upset with the fact she gave me a fucking shock, she will make it up somehow. I set her down on the seat and buckle her up. I wink and close the door, I could hear her laugh as I walked around.

"So I'm a kid now." Abby snorts

"Maybe," I say as I start up the car heading towards Lola's house. We don't talk on the, way yet it's not awkward it is just happy silence. Being with Abby feels like I'm finally filling the empty hole I had felt since I was a child. Sneaking a glance at her she has a smile plastered to her face. I'm pretty sure I do too, and I probably look like a stupid ass. Yet I don't give a fuck because I am with the girl of my dreams.

Once we finally arrive Abby and I just sit in the car wondering if she is thinking what I am thinking. I really want to kiss her, express my passion towards her. I take off my seatbelt and scoot closer to her. She looks at me with her happy face. I lower my head down and kiss her nose, at that moment I mumble you are so cute. I could feel her face redden slightly, fuck can't wait any longer if I do I will explode. I catch her chin and tilt her head up towards me, I gently brush my lips against her, I could tell she had goosebumps. Dipping my head lower, I kiss her harder now as our mouths move in sync. Breathlessly I separate from her, and as always her eyes are still closed. I brush a loose strand of hair out of her face and her eyes open.

"We should get you inside its getting late."

Abby only nods while her usual cute smile plays on her lips. Wanting to kiss her longer I struggle to keep away as I stare at her soft lips. Before I get the chance to do so, she hops out of the car and runs to the house. Groaning at her childishness which I love, I painfully get out of the car and lock it to catch up with her. I watch her as she runs inside and imitate comes out with her face a shade of red, not even Crayola has come up with. I laugh at her expression, which is filled with embarrassment and something that seems of regret.

"Whats wrong?" I snicker.

"Lola... Gavin... stuff.... kissing ... other stuff...I interrupted..." Her face is so red as I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head.

"Only weird when it's not us." I wink at her.

Her face looks mortified as she punches my chest. I fake a tear and laugh, I could hear her swear asshole as I continue to laugh.

"Let's go in I bet they are done."

All she does is nod as I open the door and yell we are coming in. I turn back to Abby who has her hands over her eyes. I chuckle at her innocence and lead her in by the waist. I look to the living room where Lola and Gavin sit on the couch with stupid grins and flustered faces. I laugh lightly as I lead Abby to her room.

Once inside I shut the door behind us. Finally alone in privacy, I start kissing her neck I could hear her small squeak as I trail my lips up her neck. I then just release her and spin her around smile.

"Go shower," I say as I kiss her softly and I let her go.

She nods and gathers her PJ's she slyly tries to get her underwear, I notice anyway and say nothing at her blue undies. I hope onto her bed and lay down closing my eyes. Rewinding my day back I smile, and before I realize it I fall asleep.


It is 11:36 when I wake up, and Abby is in my arms sleeping like a Baby. I kiss the top of her head and quietly leave the bed. I need to get home since I have to get stuff done before tomorrow. I search Abby's room for a pen and paper. Successfully I find them and write down a note, I don't want her to think I am a jerk for just leaving.

I smile down at her sleeping face and I kiss her forehead. I then leave her room and see that Gavin is still here. I nod at him to acknowledge him and I walk out of the house. Getting into the car I start it up and I drive off.

She is officially mine.


OMG, I'm sorry for not updating xD I just had the worst writer block and yeah. Anyways I should tell everyone that I don't know if I may be continuing the story. I feel that its just too cheesy and bleh but anyways hope you enjoy what you have read. ~Alexly :33

P.S remember I really would love if I get corrected xD I have bad grammer sooooo.

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