Sweet memories

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I'm sitting on my bed, with my face buried in my hands. I've only loved once before Abby, her name was Natalie. She was so different compared to Abby. With her bouncy gold curls, big green sparkling eyes, and a smile that would bring your gloomy day to an end. She grew up across the street, our parents being close had already decided we would marry. As the years went by we became close. Yet not in a romantic way, we were best friends and I loved her. Starting high school, it was only her. We dated but only to please our parents, I knew I would marry her and at some point make love with her to for fill our parents need of grandchildren. She filled the lonely hole I had inside me. I remember freshmen year the day I kissed her under the oak tree at the park. She could hide her feelings so well with that gorgeous smile. If I would have know what was going on and what had happened to her she would not have died. Natalie died around the ending of sophomore year, the image of her swinging on the rope in her room still haunts me. Her lifeless body consuming me making me sick to the stomach. After, I didn't care about anyone else. Till I met Abby the way she could easily take down my walls. I knew I could save her before she got to the same point as Natalie.

Tossing and turning I try my best not to think of both of them. I turn to the clock which glows blue, watching as the number switches to exactly 11:11. I close my eyes flashing back to the night my adventures Natalie climbed through my bedroom door. She had snuck into bed with me hugging from the back. She had whispered make a wish while brushing her lips against my cheek. I turned around to look at her glowing green eyes. I didn't answer, but instead I kissed her and wrapped my arms around her. A week later she had killed herself... leaving me in a hell of darkness. I missed her so fucking much. Yet, the way I felt for Abby hurt way worse because I knew I could have her, but I knew I could harm her someday. Not physically but mentally.

My eyes fell heavy as I fell into a deep sleep. Only one thing my mind now, I didn't care I would get her back....



I woke up curled up on my bed, my body felt weak and I felt hopeless. I slowly got up to see a note by my bed reading 'Hey girly, I went out to get some stuff we are having a party tonight... hopefully to cheer ya up. See you xoxo- Lola'

I drew a painful sigh, that was the last thing I wanted. Getting up from my bed I dragged myself to the shower, I at least had to be clean.

After my shower, I slipped on some my most comfy sweatpants and a tight light blue tank top and, of course, my undergarments. Looking into the mirror I saw my red puffy eyes staring back at me with my pale face, the thing was I didn't give a damn. Walking into the kitchen I snatched some vanilla ice cream from the freezer and a bowl. I went to the living room and turned on to see if Netflix had any good horror movies. Scrolling..... Scrolling..... Oooh Buring my Ex, perfect. Starting up the movie it was pretty interesting. Getting to an intense part I jumped when the door rang. Groaning I got up and opened the door to seen one of dark blue eyes staring back at me.

His eyes sparkled as he saw me, who could he be... before I could say anything else he spoke. 


"Umm, that's me" I trailed off. I saw a smile grow on his face and he hugged me.

His scent filled my nose and I remembered clearly who it was, Ian.

"It's you!" I squeaked.

We use to be close friends back in 8th grade, he knew about my father but promised to keep it a secret for a while. He had a scent that never changed, I still wonder how that is possible. 

"I was looking for you Abby, how have you been, I heard your father was in jail, are you okay, who are you living with, nice house." 

I smiled remembering how he use to ramble, "Your rambling never got better did it?" 

He looked sheepishly down and nodded.  

I invited him in asking if he wanted anything to drink  but, he only declined. After what seems like hours of catching up, Lola had finally gotten home. She went straight to the kitchen setting down the supplies to what seemed to be for the party. I stood up to help and was going to say that Ian could stay, but he only got up to come with. 

Entering the kitchen, I saw Lola putting stuff inside the refrigerator. 

"Lola I would like you to meet Ian, Ian meet Lola."

She didn't turn around but only mumbled hello.

I heard Ian cough awkwardly. " I guess I'll get going, um call me Abby." 

Before I could say I didn't have his number he slipped a paper in my hand. I closed my mouth as Ian left. 

As soon as the door closed Lola turned around and looked at me.

"Kade is in the hospital." She said quietly. "Gavin said that Kade's parents told him that Kade left without a trace in the morning." She trailed, "They got a call that there was an accident down in the city..... He crashed."

I could feel my heart shattering more than it was before, I made him do this, it was my fault he had gotten into the accident. 

Lola hugged me and looked at me. " His parents don't want you to visit."

WIthought letting her grab me into another hug, I ran to my room slamming the door behind me. I screamed till I had no air left in my lungs. I cried myself to sleep, oh how I missed his arms around me....

Hey my fellow readers.. This may be my last time updating in a while... I just wont have a reason to continue the story... Aha why write a love story when your heart is breaking, I know makes no sense well if anyone wants to continue it for me go right ahead. This a goodbye from a depressed writer~Alexly

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