Unsettled Feelings

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My father is yelling at me to get up. I glance at my clock to see that I overslept, I then jump into my clothing I prepared last night. I briefly look at my reflection to see what a mess I am, so I pull back my hair into a ponytail. I look like crap.... oh no.... my dad left a bruise from when he hit me. I rush into the bathroom and get out my little makeup I have to cover things like this. As I apply the coating of foundation to my cheek I see that my father is getting less patient. Feeling a tad perky, I add some mascara to see I actually look decent today. I grab my backpack and run down the stairs, grabbing a small apple and getting into the car. Father looks pissed and looks at how I covered the bruise and speaks.

"Make sure it does not rub off, or you're screwed."

I nod gently as he starts the car and drives me to the school. With small spare time, I rush into Lobia high getting into my first-period seat just in time before the bell rings.

Class passes quickly as I try to stay unnoticeable. Soon I am in my second class of the day. Sitting in the back feeling safe I close my eyes and start to think of Kade. I twitch when I feel someone tug on my sleeve. When I open my eyes I find a fairly attractive guy with boyish features.

"Hi, I am Gavin." He says bubbly, " We are supposed to pick partners and I saw you half awake so I picked you... are you okay with that?"

I respond with a wide mouth and struggle to find what to say

"If you don't want to its fine." He says

"No, I mean yeah its fine."

"Great!" he says with a big smile.

The rest of the class me and Gavin work on the project. At the end of the class, we had not finished so he decided we should work on the project at home asking if I was okay with it. I had responded with a yes and gave him my number to text. Later as I walked out of class I went to my locker to put some textbooks away. As I plug in the numbers I feel a shiver run down my back. Opening my locker I put in the Books and close it gently. When I turn around I see Kade looking at me and feel a rush go over my body feeling my face start to blush. I stand there stupidly as we just stare at each other for what seems like hours. I break the gaze by looking at the floor and starting to walk towards the bathroom. Once I am inside I go straight to the mirror and look at my hideous face. Kade would never find me interesting I thought to myself. He could have any gorgeous girl on this campus, easily take with one with a snap of a finger.

Either way I knew that under the surface men are shallow and ruthless creatures, I could not let myself fall for it and I wouldn't.

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