Meeting Lola{4}

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Lily Collins as Lola

~Abby's P.O.V~
I sat throughout my classes, constantly looking at the clock, waiting each passing minute. In my next class which was history, I was sitting silently in the back while the other students found their seats laughing and talking as if they had not seen each other in ages. About a second before the bell rang a quirky looking girl ran in the room and plopped herself in the only seat left. That seat was the one beside me. I then studied her throughout the class. Her name was Lola, she has bright hazel eyes with long brown hair that went down to her waist. Lola's sense of style really suited her interesting self-being.

When class ended Lola then turned to me and said, " Are you lesbian?"

I quickly replied, "Why would you think that."

"Because, your eyes has not left my body for the last fifty minutes." She said teasingly while raising her eyebrow.

" I was not! I just like figuring people out... Meaning I am not lesbian." I said defending myself while my cheeks grew hot.

She stuck her hand out and said, "Well I'm Lola as the teacher said, and you are the new student Abby, nice to meet you I shall now be your companion and show around school."

I shook her hand lightly and replied, " Thank you I appreciate your help"

" Don't thank me," she said while smiling " I love making new friends."

" By the way I'm not lesbian either," she said laughing loudly.

I smiled and she then showed me around since it what lunch. I learned more about the school social class than in my actual educated classes. That thought made me laugh, but my laughter faded as I remember what I would come home to. I hastily covered my saddening face with a fake smile as Lola continued to talk. Reviewing what she had told me there was the usual clique the supposed popular, athletic, little groups of boys or girls, and then there was me the new kid. As we walked into the cafeteria all eyes went onto Lola and me. Lola suddenly leads me to a small table in the back. At the time that we got our lunch out, I took the time to whisper.

"Lola why is half the student body staring at us."

She then corrected me, "Not us Abby..... They are looking at you."

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