The Touch

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We arrived at my hidden place which we escaped to, Abby was still in shock. Her beatifuly fair skin turned white as she almost fainted. I caught her from her small little waist and carried her to the bench. Pulling her closer to me I whispered in her ear.

" your beautiful eyes"
She stayed limp in my arms, I caressed her soft face until her eyes fluttered open. Looking in her eyes they soon became moist. Tears slipped down her face. Wiping her tears with my thumbs, I pull her closer into my warm embrace and speak to her softly.

"Your eyes should never be so sad Abby.... tell me what's wrong." It sounded more like a command than a question. She muttered something under her breath while burring her head into my chest. I stroked her dark brown hair and kissed her head. Once she looked up her face was as red as a cherry when she spoke.

"Am I the only one feeling this way?"
Laughing softly I tilt her chin up and respond by finally kissing her. She tastes so sweet and passionate. I weave my hand through her hair deepening the kiss. When I realize she starts kissing me back I am in shock as her arms warp around my neck. I lift her lightly for her to be on my lap. Just as I thought her lips were soft and sweet. While kissing her I wrapped my arms around her small waist. As we go deeper into the kiss I slowly slip my tongue in waiting for her respond. She welcomes it humbly and my mind goes nuts as we continue to kiss. When we start to part her eyes are still closed as she touches her lips whom are slightly swollen. She is so adorable...... Her eyes flutter open once I look into her eyes which are still watery, yet there is something different. Her eyes are filled with love and passion.
I stroke her cheek whispering "Do you feel alright Abby?"

Her cheeks tint pink as she slips off my lap and stares at her hand. She doesn't say anything for a while till she finally speaks. "That was my first kiss..." She mumbled trailing off at then end.

I stay dumbfounded, because the way she had kissed me was a way only a person with experience knew how. Staring at her hands I take one and kiss it. She looks at me as if I am a mad man, falling for this girl I barley knew.

"Abby I want to know more about you.... I can't stop thinking about you." I say pleadingly as if I were asking her to be my girlfriend.

Looking at me with those brown she respond, " I can't get you out either, but you can't know much about me."

Her respond throws me back but, before I could ask why the bell rings for French. Abby gets up as if nothing has just happened and walked away.
Fuck.....what did I do this time...

While I waited for class to start, I felt my body still humming in joy remembering the way he had kissed me. My lips were still slightly swollen, she knew if her dad saw he would question it. Hopefully by the time he picks me up its gone....
As kade walks I and sits next to me he turns my way and smirked. Reading his eyes I knew he was saying something like I know you want me. Gulping I turn away trying to forget what we had just done less than 10 min ago. His devilish grin never left throughout the class. As I got up to leave I was struggling to put my stuff into my back pack since my arm was broken. I felt Kade's gently fingers brush mine as he helped me and picked up my backpack. Sparks of a electrifying feeling pumped through my veins. Holy bloody fucking hell I was falling for him and I knew it.....

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