Picture This

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Seeing the shiver and her cheeks redden, I felt the satisfaction I was looking for. Watching Abby up close I could smell her sweet scent and look at those big brown eyes, her hair that was pulled up into ponytail looked soft to the touch, and those lips that I wanted to devour. Looking at her I caught her staring with her lips parted. The things I wanted to do to her would not be so gentleman, and I was restraining myself to my full capacity. When she wasn't noticing I moved myself closer till I felt our knees touch. I saw her eyes widen from the corner of my eye. She is so innocent..... She started fidgeting with her pencil which was causing her to add random pencil marks to paper. I moved my free hand towards hers and over lapped my hand over.

"Whats wrong you seem nervous."

Looking at our hands she spoke with her sweet voice " I-I...."

The Bell rang cutting her off. I got up and took her backpack with me. She looked as if she was to protest so I then said.

"You have photography don't you."

"H-how did you know."

Chuckling softly I said, " I just know."

She didn't respond after and walked with me to our next class.

Once we arrived I showed her where she sat. She gave a funny look when realizing she was sitting next to me. I laughed and her face turned a shade of pink. During class the teacher said we had to work with partners for the next part of the class. Looking at Abby she nodded. The teacher handed out school cameras and took us to the nearest park to practice shots. As we arrived at the park I took Abby's soft little hand and ran. She tried keeping up as I took her to a secluded area.

"Kade.... what are we doing here?"

"To take some pictures. Look around can't you see the beauty?"

Her mouth opened in awe as she looked around completely enchanted. "Its beautiful."

"I know, " I said looking into her eyes.

She turned away to my disappointment. I walked around her at an angel and took a picture of her. Her eyes went huge as she noticed the camera was pointed to her. She started walking away and so I sat on the floor knowing I had made a complete fool out of myself. I wish I could just hold her kissing her neck softly making my way up till I finally met her glorious lips. I knew I would never even get to toucher her face no way in hell would I be able to caress her.

Laying down on the grass I start taking pictures of the sky. Later I hear quiet footsteps walking to me. I look up to see Abby standing there.

"They are calling us back now." She says Why are her cheeks red?

"Okay hold on I am going to take my last shot"

Abby starts scrubbing at her cheek. I look closely to see that her cheek looks bruised.

"Abby... why is your cheek purple."

Her eyes widen in horror and she covers it with her sleeve. I moved closer to her and slowly take her hand off. As I examine her face I start to notice her small imperfections but the bruised is what I take in.

" Who did this to you Abby," I say with an anger that I surprise myself with.

She doesn't respond as she starts walking back with the class. Who did it? Was is that man? Will she ever tell me? I have to get close to her.... I can't be friend zoned..... Was I the only one feeling this. Or did she feel the same way? All I knew now was I was going to be part of her life no matter what.

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