Chapter 3

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3. In Chapter 3,

although mental preparations have been made, Ming Yu is still shocked by the scene in the village. What kind of purgatory is this.

There was blood everywhere, and the corpses were scattered everywhere, no matter whether it was an old man in their seventies or eighties or a child of two or three years old, none of them escaped.

It has been several days, the blood has dried up and turned black, and the corpse has rotted and smelled. Several vultures are hovering high in the sky, staring at the corpse on the ground.

Ming Yu's eyes were all red. For the first time in his life, he felt the anger overflowing from his chest. These are not human at all, they are worse than beasts. He clenched his fists tightly, and his nails had been pinched deep into his palms, but he didn't feel the pain it should have. He took a deep breath, looked up at the gloomy sky, and it was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Mo Jiang couldn't bear to see Ming Yu like this. The fourteenth prince, the noble prince who has been staying in the palace, pampered and pampered, when has he ever seen such a bloody scene? He really shouldn't have let him over, Mo Jiang felt a little regretful.

Having been with the Fourteenth Prince for a long time, I have come to understand that this person who looks like a chubby and soft bun is actually the most soft-hearted. Although he seems to be ignorant about many things, as long as he understands it, he can draw inferences from one case to another. He is much smarter than the average person. I don't know why everyone calls the Fourteenth Prince a fool?

To be honest, Ming Yu grew up without any disturbance in the stable environment of later generations since he was a child, and he has never seen such a scene even in killing chickens, at most in movies and TV series. However, everyone knows that those are fake, but these are real, the smell of blood and rancidity around your nose, the color of black and red in your eyes, all of this is real.

Only then did Ming Yu come back to his senses, and his face paled and shook his head, "Commander Mo, you should let them restrain them." It's not a solution if no one cares. Rest in peace.

Mo Jiang agreed, Ming Yu couldn't stay any longer at this time, turned back to the village entrance, and was about to return to the carriage to calm down, when he saw smoke billowing not far away.

Mo Jiang also saw it. There were dozens of horses and horses coming here. His heart was raised. It was not clear whether it was an enemy or a friend. If the barbarians who killed the villagers returned, how could this be? it is good?

"His Royal Highness, I don't know if these people are enemies or friends. I will protect you and leave quickly." Mo Jiang said in a hurry. They came to guard only a few dozen people this time. comprehensive.

Mo Jiang's worry, Ming Yu also thought of it, he has seen the ferocity of the barbarians, and he is probably not their opponent. However, these people came too quickly, and they were just small figures in the dust, as if they had arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye.

It was too late, Mo Jiang shouted: "Everyone guards! Be alert!"

As soon as the voice fell, the personal guards guarded Ming Yu in the middle. Ming Yu was a little speechless. In this battle, wouldn't he have become a living target? The enemy knows at a glance that important people must be targeted!

Ming Yu didn't have time to say anything. Dozens of cavalry had already surrounded him. Ming Yu could see clearly that these people were wearing red clothes and silver armor.

"Who are you?" The leader of the newcomer held the horsewhip in his hands and pointed at Ming Yu and the others, and asked cautiously.

Mo Jiang was really relieved when he saw the person who was coming. He took two steps forward and asked, "Is the person here in the red robe?"

As soon as he said this, the guards around were all surprised, look at me, I look at you , what did their commander say? Red robe army? Is it really the Red Pao Army? Everyone's eyes shone with admiration. Ming Yu thought that if they didn't think they had a mission, they would have rushed up to sign like a fanboy, right? I really didn't expect that just a name can make people excited like this.

Ming Yu looked at Mo Jiang, and along the way, he heard Mo Jiang say that the most powerful army in Liangzhou is the red-robed iron cavalry brought out by General Xie Yixiu. This army of only 5,000 people is invincible, and it is the only existence that can make the enemy fear the wind and flee. If it weren't for this iron cavalry, the barbarians would be even more unscrupulous, and the current city of Liangzhou would have fallen long ago.

It is for this reason that the Red Pao Army is famous and well known, and the leader of this army, Xie Yixiu, is a legendary figure. He is a general admired by the people of Dayan, and he is also a general who was proclaimed by the emperor. This shows his ability and honor.

At this time, it seems that the mental outlook of the red robe army is indeed different. Look at the red robe army who is still straight with his back straight and full of chills, and then look at the people around him who are still shaking with their feet and stomach. Guard, Ming Yu really didn't see it. These people are still the elites in the escort team. They were selected by thousands of choices. Compared with this, they are really more popular than the dead.

The leading teenager looked at them condescendingly, and asked again, "Who are you? Why are you here?" This time, his tone was much better.

Mo Jiang glanced at Ming Yu and saw that he nodded lightly. Then he clasped his fists and gave a comrade salute, "I am the commander of the left guard of the Imperial Guard in the capital, Mo Jiang. I will escort His Royal Highness Duan Wang to the fief Liangzhou today. City, pass by and come and have a look."

"Duan Wang?" The leading young man thought for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that a few days ago, it seemed that there was indeed a prince who was sealed in Liangzhou. From what they said, the Fourteenth Prince was a fool. In fact, he was right. If it wasn't for being stupid, who would want this Liangzhou as a fief? He looked around and saw that his eyes were locked on Ming Yu, with a little doubt, so this is the one?

"You mean the Fourteenth Prince?"

Mo Jiang nodded, "Not bad." After speaking, he showed his identity card.

The leading young general looked at the identification card carefully, then put down his guard, jumped off the horse, and clasped his fists to pay a salute to Ming Yu, "His Royal Highness Wan'an, under Ji You, is General Xie's personal soldiers, and he is under his armor, so it is inconvenient to give a full ceremony. Please forgive me, Your Highness."

Ming Yu smiled and waved his hand. He was impatient with these kneeling and bowing rituals, but it was better this way, "No need to be more polite, what are you doing here?"

The teenager Ji You didn't expect Ming Yu to talk so well, and was stunned. For a moment, this is the purpose of this.

It turned out that they received news that a small group of barbarians had invaded and had already looted and slaughtered several villages. He pouted angrily, "Damn, these beasts, if I catch them, I have to peel their skins! Remove their bones! Drink their blood!"

He said what everyone was thinking, indeed, those People who are mad, even if they are smashed to ashes, can't relieve their hatred.

Ming Yu heard that several villages had been looted like this, and he was also anxious, as he was afraid that the delay would cause greater losses. He hurriedly said, "Then don't hurry up and follow up, or you will be late, and more people will suffer."

Ji Yu didn't seem to be too worried, he smiled confidently: "His Royal Highness Duan, don't worry, our general. The possible route of travel of these people has been predicted, and the troops have been divided into siege and interception, and none of these beasts will be able to escape."

He said He has 100% trust in their generals. Since their generals said to take these animal sacrifice flags, they must not run away, because he has never seen the generals make mistakes. Blood debts are paid for by blood, how can they be bullied by the Great Yan Kingdom?

After these words were spoken, everyone put their hearts down a little bit. General Xie was a well-known and ever victorious general, and he would never aim for nothing. If they could wipe out the barbarians in the future, they would not have to worry about the safety of the Fourteenth Prince.

In fact, such a small group of barbarians would not have been able to take part in the Red Pao Army. Just because of the fact that His Royal Highness Duan Wang came to the fief, the prefect of Liangzhou Prefecture almost had gray hair. Why did this little ancestor choose Liangzhou as the fief? It is well known that this place is not peaceful. If His Royal Highness Duan Wang has three long and two short ones, he will also have to take responsibility.

After thinking about it, I found the border army garrison General Wei for consultation. Duan Wang must not have any troubles here. If Wang Ye's golden body is damaged in the slightest, their officials will be at an end.

The highest official in the land of Liangzhou, who is both civil and military, is also full of slander in his heart. That stupid prince really doesn't know what he thinks. If the good Central Plains is not waiting, will he come here to die? If you want to die, don't implicate others!

After discussing and discussing, we can only decide to send troops and horses to protect Duan Wang as soon as he enters the boundary of Liangzhou. However, before they could act, they received a letter from King Duan, saying that there was no need to labor and mobilize people, and that they had five hundred guards, so there was no need to bother the local garrison.

I go! Sure enough, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. This is a borderland, and there will be wars at any time. Do they think they are here to see the scenery? The two hadn't finished complaining, and at this moment, they received a report from the following people that a small group of foreign bandits had invaded. These two are one of the first and the other, and the other can't handle it well. If this group of barbarians bumped into Duan Wang's men, thinking about the result, I would be very sad.

General Wei decisively ordered Xie Yixiu to be summoned, so that General Xie must exterminate this small group of barbarians.

It was a bit overkill to dispatch the red-robed army for such a small amount of barbarians. The red-robed iron cavalry and the barbarian cavalry fought hard battles. The small group of foreign pirates before can be solved by dispatching troops in the border areas. Even if they encounter hard stubbornness, they can send several times more troops to drive them out. Xie Yixiu narrowed his eyes slightly, rubbing his index finger with his thumb, as if he was weighing something, and he didn't agree or say no.

General Wei had no choice but to tell everything about everything. This Xie Yixiu was the most relied upon general under his command. It is said that the people of Suixi scare children to use his name to stop the children from crying.

In the face of this heavy general, General Wei did not dare to fool around. At the moment, he promised a lot of benefits, which made General Xie relieved and took over the task. Therefore, there was a group of people in the red robe army who tracked the barbarians and met Ming Yu.

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