Chapter 141

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141. Chapter 141

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, saying so, this time there is really no hope.

It seems that they still have to rush back as soon as possible, and bring some goods to sell earlier, but they still have some concerns. "Sir, if we all deliver goods, can we guarantee that we can sell them?"

After all, the long journey is time-consuming and labor-intensive. They are all small businessmen, not like the Ma family. If you use all your wealth to ship the goods, and you can't sell it here, you will lose everything.

Although they bought all the goods of the Ma family this time, they can buy all of them if they don't have enough goods to be shipped in the future. If they don't, they are taking too much risk.

Everyone nodded, this was indeed what they were all worried about. People without far-sightedness must have near-term worries, and their businessmen must be careful and careful, and there is no room for mistakes.

Xu Wen smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, this official can guarantee that we can take as much as you bring in. Now Liangzhou will not hide from you, it is a hundred wastes waiting to be rebuilt, and manpower and supplies are needed everywhere. Your heart will be cold. The state has become a commercial and trade distribution center, such an opportunity is rare in a thousand years, just think about it, how lucky you are to be able to participate."

Hearing such a guarantee, everyone felt a little relieved. Tan Shan rubbed his palms together, and then touched Cheng Guangsheng, "Brother Cheng, I will leave tomorrow to prepare, will you stay or come back with me?"

Tan Shan has completely changed his mind, and he will take this opportunity to Make a fortune. When the time comes, the goods from Liangzhou will be shipped back, so that a trip back and forth can also make a lot of money.

Cheng Guangsheng frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'll write a letter for you to bring back for me and ask my brother to prepare. When you come over with my brother, I can rest assured that he has Brother Tan to help me."

Tan Shan nodded, "Okay! That's fine." He didn't ask what Cheng Guangsheng did when he stayed, but he also understood from his previous words that Cheng Guangsheng saw farther than him. He agreed that if Brother Cheng had anything to do in the future, he would be able to help him.

Everyone has the same calculus. Some send letters back to tell their family how to do it, and some are worried and want to go back and supervise in person. In short, their minds are completely different from when they just arrived. The future prospects of Liangzhou are still good. For businessmen, the bustling and bustling are all for profit. As long as they can make money, it is not the same.

Xu Wen arranged for a dozen trucks of goods to be transported away, and wrote a note to let the owner of the Ma family go to the workshop yamen tomorrow to get the money with the note.

Until Xu Wen and others left, everyone was still talking about it. They didn't expect their efficiency to be so high, and the Ma family's food had not yet entered the city, and they were negotiated. What can you say other than envy?

While everyone here was sighing with emotion, the reception banquet over there had already begun.

Ming Yu sat at the top, and the banquet was staggered. Ming Yu learned a lesson, and whenever there is a toast, he just touches his lips and leaves. Even so, the smell of alcohol still caused Ming Yu's fair face to smudge a touch of red.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth were grinning, and he looked around at everyone before he coughed and cleared his throat and said, "This time, this king's trip to the capital is what everyone wants to know, right?" The

originally noisy banquet was here. Be quiet after the words fall, this is indeed a problem that everyone cares about. Ming Yu didn't speak, and they didn't dare to ask questions. Now that Ming Yu took the initiative to mention it, they all pricked up their ears.

Ming Yu lowered his eyebrows, shook his head, and pretended to sigh deeply.

Everyone froze in their hearts, and followed up with their hearts.

Liu Zhifu stood up and said with relief: "My lord, there is no need to rush this matter. If it doesn't work this time, let's just wait."

They all know the current predicament of the court. Everyone knows that Ming Yu went to the court to ask for money to build the Xiqi Corridor. Therefore, they have long been prepared in their hearts, and no matter what Ming Yu says, they can accept it.

Ming Yu lowered his head, buried his head between his hands, and kept shaking his shoulders. Seeing him like this, everyone panicked. They have never seen a prince like this before. How much grievance did the prince suffer in the capital?

General Wei was always in a hurry and shouted loudly: "My lord, you have been wronged in the capital, tell the old minister, who dares not to have eyes, the old minister will get him with his bare hands."

Xie Yixiu glanced at Ming Yu and shook his head. He shook his head, his eyes full of helplessness.

Just when everyone was racking their brains to say something to comfort Ming Yu, Ming Yu laughed out loud.

what's going on? Just when everyone was at a loss, Ming Yu finally stopped laughing, "Who in the capital dares to give this king a grievance?"

But, did you just now? Feelings, you were not choking with grievances just now, but snickering? Your lord, aren't you afraid of thunder and lightning?

"Tell you, this trip to Beijing to raise silver taels was very successful. The first batch has raised seven million taels of silver, and two million taels have been shipped back. It won't take long for the rest to be delivered by caravans one after another. Silver taels come here." Ming Yu said with a smug breath.

Everyone was in an uproar, did they hear it right? Is it seven million taels instead of seven hundred taels? its not right! Where did the court get the money? The royal court owed the army below several hundred thousand taels in payment for a few months, and they were repeatedly in arrears and failed to pay off. Now they can give Ming Yu seven million taels. Who would believe it?

Liu Zhifu swallowed his saliva and asked with difficulty: "My lord, this old minister heard right? You just said that seven or seven million taels were raised? How is this possible? How could the imperial court take out so much money?"

Ming Yu smiled He smiled, waved his hand and said, "It wasn't from the imperial court, it was borrowed by this king from the people. In the future, the principal and interest will be paid back."

Everyone has long been unable to keep up with Ming Yu's ideas, but to be honest, they have followed Ming Yu for a long time, and they have never figured out Wang Ye's ideas.

But they are used to it, and they already have a way to deal with it. That is to listen to the prince to explain it carefully. Although it is a bit slower, it can always be understood in the end.

Sure enough, Ming Yu picked up on everything in the capital, and everyone finally understood.

Everyone was amazed and admired Ming Yu's unprecedented approach. Although they all know that Ming Yu's ideas have many unique and novel features, many people who could not understand his approach at the time always found that Ming Yu usually solved things perfectly in the simplest and most direct way.

They all knew that the court couldn't get any money, and Ming Yu didn't have any hope for this trip, but Ming Yu brought them a big surprise.

Who would have thought that Ming Yu did not seek out the imperial court, but instead found a merchant who did business? In the Dayan Dynasty, a merchant was an identity that everyone despised. However, the lord was able to put down his body and go to them as a lord, and persuade them to make them willing to give money.

Although Ming Yu's words were an understatement, they couldn't imagine how much effort the lord had put in. These businessmen are very shrewd, if there is not enough interest to lure them, how can they send money to the door?

"My lord, those businessmen are extremely shrewd, how could they send money to the door for no reason, or so much money?" Wen Yuzhao asked directly.

"It's a well-known fact that businessmen seek profit. If that's the case, then this king is enticing him with profit."

"Luring him with profit?" Wen Yuzhao tilted his head and thought about it, not understanding what advantage the lord had. Liangzhou is poor and white, and it is impossible to have attractive interests. Besides, this is not a few taels or tens of taels, but tens or millions of taels of silver. How much interest does it take to make people tempted?

Ming Yu tapped the table with his fingers and said with a smile, "Why? Can't you think of it?"

Everyone frowned and thought hard, but in the end they still couldn't figure it out, so they had to give up and let Ming Yu solve the puzzle.

Ming Yu smiled proudly, "You guys, you can only see the present, but you can't see the future. Take a long-term view. After the development of the future Xiqi Corridor, that will be the benefit!"

Liu Zhifu thought deeply along Ming Yu's words. , suddenly thought of something, and stood up, "My lord! Could it be that my lord... Did you sell the Xiqi Corridor?"

Ming Yu shook his head, stretched out a chopstick and put it in his mouth, chewing it before swallowing it. Said: "It's not enough to sell the Xiqi Corridor, it's just to give up the benefits of the first three years of the Xiqi Corridor. By the way, there are also a lot of preferential tariffs, there is no way, I can't bear the children can't catch the wolf. Now the only way is this one."

Everyone was silent, and all the interests of the Xiqi Corridor for three years were given up. No wonder, with such a big deal, who wouldn't be moved? They all felt a little regretful, which meant that they had all worked in vain three years after the Xiqi Corridor was built.

However, they also understood what Ming Yu meant, and they simply couldn't do it by themselves. In any case, although three years of benefits have been lost, after the completion of the Xiqi Corridor, its follow-up benefits will continue to flow.

In the next ten years, fifty years, or even a hundred thousand years, future generations will also benefit. Compared to this, the benefits of only three years are really nothing.

Wen Yuzhao hesitantly said, "Your Highness, I promised three years of benefits for nothing, so is there any objection from the court? If the courtiers are dissatisfied with your Highness because of this, your Highness will be hard to resist!" 

Undercurrent surging. Ming Yu privately promises national interests Such a big thing will inevitably damage the fundamentals of these people. These people are even bigger and smaller mistakes that can be extended to the extreme for you, let alone this. If Wang Ye really did this, he wouldn't say slanderous words or anything, just the impeachment memorials of the courtiers would make Ming Yu unable to eat and walk away.

How could Ming Yu not know, otherwise he wouldn't have said that he wanted to control the Xiqi Corridor for ten years. He clearly knew that the court couldn't get any money, so he put it up in the courtroom, so that the ministers in the court would automatically cede control of the Xiqi Corridor. If the court can't get a penny, it just wants to profit for nothing. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

"What? All the control power for ten years belongs to Liangzhou?" Everyone looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe it was true. They all had a question in their hearts, is the imperial court really willing to give up the benefits of the Xiqi Corridor in the next ten years?

In fact, after thinking about it, this is not impossible, and even if the minister came to the DPRK, he couldn't believe that Ming Yu could really raise silver taels by himself. Ming Yu made this out, and up to now, many people are still confused. No matter what they say, there is absolutely no reason to take them back. Although they are sophisticated, they still consider themselves literati, and they talk about benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness. It's impossible to do something like a rogue who goes back on his word, so no matter how heartbroken he is, he can only let Mingyu go back to Liangzhou.

"So! Ten years, we have ten years to work hard to develop Liangzhou and make Liangzhou a bustling and prosperous resort that is no worse than the capital. I hope you can help me." Ming Yu stood up, he was ambitious Ambition, soaring into the sky. "Wait until that time, if the mere Suixi country is safe, if not, as long as they dare to have ideas, they will destroy the country and the family! They will do whatever they want!

" In the land, there must be Liangzhou! If I violate Liangzhou, my family will be destroyed!"

Ming Yu also raised his glass and drank it, full of energy, today is the day when Liangzhou takes off!

Today's banquet is destined to be recorded in the annals of history and is called "Liangzhou Banquet" by later generations. The first founders of Liangzhou's development are all at this banquet today. Today, about the banquet, the folk have even compiled various versions of operas, which have been sung for thousands of years.

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