Chapter 23

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23. Chapter 23

Ming Yu smiled and shook his head, "Hey! Where can I use a real knife and a real gun?

For the drill, it's just as long as you click." Xie Yixiu listened very carefully, comparing the feasibility of this matter in his mind, the more he listened, the more surprised he became.

I knew from Ji You and the others that Duan Wang had a strange idea. In their training camp, many things had never been heard before. After these days of observation, these training programs are indeed very useful for the training of human potential.

This method can quickly form the formation of people who can't tell the difference between left and right in more than a month, and the appearance after training is completely different from what I thought before. It's only been over a month! If you train for three or five years, I believe this will definitely become a team

An army full of elite soldiers.

Before that, he had never believed that there was such a quick way to become an army in this world. Since ancient times, the art of war that is respected by the world does not have such a powerful method of training soldiers.

Xie Yixiu never believed that the laughing and malicious King Duan in front of him could have this ability, so who was the man behind him? A person who can have such skills, not to mention famous all over the world, is certainly not someone who can be arbitrarily manipulated, but why is this person anonymous and willing to hide behind others?

Xie Yixiu made up his mind too much, thinking that what Ming Yu said now was also the handwriting of the person standing behind him.

With such thoughts in mind, Xie Yixiu was not in a hurry, and made up his mind to talk to Ming Yuxu and Wei She, and to have more contact with them in the future to observe and maybe find out who was behind the scenes. He was worried that he couldn't find an excuse. At this time, Ming Yu proposed it, and he agreed to the proposal of the exercise.

"Huh?" Ming Yu was still in disbelief for Xie Yixiu's readily agreed answer, without any additional conditions, and looked him up and down with wide eyes.

Xie Yixiu was a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, and even in the midst of thousands of troops, he could look as calm as a mountain. However, when he came into contact with Ming Yu's bright eyes, his face became slightly hot, and he felt a little embarrassed.

He lowered his head, narrowed his brows and did not dare to look at this person. He only reached out and took a sip of the tea on the table to hide his slight unease.

"That's good! Let's make a deal." Ming Yu was afraid that this person would go back on his words, so he quickly made a final decision.

"If that's the case, then the lord doesn't mind the minister visiting your training camp?" Xie Yixiu thought about it.

It's better to go and see for yourself. With this idea, I decided to take the lead and put it forward. Even if the prince doesn't agree, he can think of other ways. In any case, he has to find out.

Ming Yu's peach blossom eyes shone brightly, and he answered bluntly, "Okay! It is their blessing that General Xie is here for guidance. This is something they can't ask for."

Xie Yixiu, who was still thinking about how to convince the other party to agree, didn't expect him I agreed so happily, and the words I had prepared in my heart were useless for a while. He was stunned for a moment before returning to his indifferent appearance, but he couldn't figure it out in his heart. If something happened abnormally, he was a demon. How could this be considered a military secret, right? He generously promised others to check it out. Did King Duan care or did he have other plans? However, what he learned from his inquiries was that this person has always played cards unreasonably, so is he fearless? His eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Ming Yu with a slightly complicated mood, but was dazzled by his bright eyes.

Seeing that it was getting late today, the two agreed to visit the training camp three days later, and discuss the next cooperation matters by the way. Based on the attitude of unity, friendship, and win-win cooperation, the two of them can still be regarded as having a good conversation. In the end, Ming Yu reluctantly sent Xie Yixiu out of the gate.

He got on the horse neatly, Xie Yixiu held the reins, turned around and glanced at Ming Yu, and thoughtfully hit the horse and left.

Ming Yu waved his sleeves towards Xie Yixiu who was leaving, and when he saw him walking away, he was relieved. Sure enough, dealing with big bosses is uncomfortable. But with his three-inch tongue, there is nothing he can't take down.

As long as you have the opportunity to practice for the first time, are you afraid that there will be no second time? He just wants to use the most powerful red robe army to train the army. When their guard battalion grows rapidly, it will be of great use. How can you use the red robe army to ask your father to tell your grandmother? Hey! General Xie, Xie Yixiu, what about General Zhan, who is respected by everyone? He must not let him figure it out, hum! Small sample!

However, it didn't take long for him to be complacent, thinking of the good BMW he promised to go out, and his heart began to ache. This is a big price. Think about it, the BMW horses of later generations are not something that ordinary people can play.

The confrontation between the two seems to be comparable, and no one can do anything about it? But Ming Yu obviously lost a lot. However, Ming Yu is not a person who can suffer losses. He has made up his mind that how much he has lost now will definitely have to be made up for it.

After thinking about it all the way, he walked towards the back hall, but before he went too far, a small figure appeared on the path beside the road, which suddenly startled Ming Yu.

When the little figure saw Ming Yu, he hurriedly bent over and knelt in the middle of the road. Ming Yu was taken aback, who is this? Before he could ask the question, the little man kowtowed, "A Bing has seen the prince." He saluted Ming Yu like a servant in the palace.

Since these days, he has been in the palace, just like the immortal mansion in the book of words. There is no beating or scolding here, and there will be no hunger. Everyone here is very kind to him and has taught him a lot. thing.

"A Bing?" Ming Yu looked carefully, only to realize that this child was the little boy who surprised his horse by stealing the cake when he first entered Liangcheng. Now this child is different from what it was at the time. At that time, he was handed over to Qingping to take care of him. It seems that Qingping is still very dedicated. In just a short period of time, this child is not so thin, and has grown a lot.

Ming Yu took him up and said with a smile, "A Bing, what are you doing here?"

A Bing was a little uneasy at first. It was this person who rescued him and asked Sister Qingping to take care of him, give him food and clothing, and he He heard from people in the mansion that this man was a prince from the capital, but he was different from the white-bearded and fierce prince he had seen on the stage.

The beautiful brother who smiled softly and genially in front of him made it difficult for him to connect with the vicious prince on the stage. Anyway, no matter what, the big brother in front of him is a good person.

In Ming Yu's gentle smile, A Bing's heart finally calmed down, "A Bing, A Bing..." He looked up at the man in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "A Bing wants to talk to the other guard brothers. It 's the same as learning the skills of killing barbarians."

Ming Yu was stunned for a moment, then said softly, "Why?"

A Bing clenched his fists, "People in the village and my parents, siblings, and sisters are all dead, and they were killed by barbarians. Yes, I'm going to learn how to kill the enemy to avenge them."

He saw the barbarians on horses, giggled, then raised his sword and slashed at the villagers running ahead, trampling the heads of the children with his horse's hooves.

He hid in the grass in the distance and watched familiar people fall down one by one, the village chief, the third uncle of the Li family, the uncle Zhou, and the little tiger who was playing with him... He was so frightened that he fainted and waited. When he woke up, those people were nowhere to be seen, and the village was full of blood. His parents fell to the ground with their younger siblings in their arms, with long cuts on their bodies that had been slashed by the blade.

From then on, he had no home and wandered around until he met the man in front of him in Liangcheng.

Seeing A Bing's red eyes, Ming Yu couldn't help sighing, he reached out and rubbed the top of his head, "You are still young, study and read well now, and be a useful person in the future, your parents and their hatred, Dayan's soldiers will help you."

How could such a young child be blinded by hatred?

A Bing was touched by a warm hand on the top of his head, and a warm current came to his heart. He looked at Ming Yu firmly, "Brother Wang Ye, I have grown up, I heard from the guard brothers that Big Brother Wang can teach them The ability to kill enemies, I beg you, I can learn it too, and I will definitely learn it well."

"This..." Ming Yu was a little embarrassed, he was still a child, he should have been carefree in front of his parents and act like a spoiled child, but he But he suffered pain that he should not have endured at this age.

Seeing that he didn't agree, A Bing fell to his knees and kowtowed again and again, "Brother Wang, A Bing is begging you."

Ming Yu wanted to pull him up, but he refused to obey, as if he did not agree to his request. Not getting up. Ming Yu was very helpless, so he had to say: "You get up first, let this king think about it, it is best to have the best of both worlds." At this point, he saw A Bing's stubborn expression, and couldn't help but laugh: "Okay. , Okay, so let's go, this king will find a powerful master for you, how can I teach you your skills?"

A Bing is still a little unhappy, what kind of powerful master can be as powerful as the king's brother? He heard from the guards of the palace that Commander Mo was the most powerful person among them, but Commander Mo told him that the elder brother of Wang Ye was the most powerful and could teach the guards many skills to kill enemies. That being the case, Wang Ye and elder brother are the most powerful people, right? He deliberately waited here today and seized the opportunity to make his request to the prince.

Ming Yu naturally didn't know his position in A Bing's heart. Since A Bing was determined to learn his skills, he should not only learn how to kill enemies, but to cultivate his literacy, martial arts, and tactics. In the future, he will grow up to be like General Xie... In his mind, when he first saw Xie Yixiu, the icy red-robed general rode a horse and commanded Ruoding from a high place. Um! Ok, deal.

Since A Bing has followed him, he has to spare no effort to cultivate well. In the future, I can become a right-hand man, and I will be able to relax a lot.

After comforting A Bing, he stepped into the backyard.

When he entered the hall, he saw that Qingping had already instructed the servants to start preparing for dinner. Ming Yu paused, frowned and thought for a while, and then ordered his servants to ask Bua Tan to come over to discuss the matter.

Qing Ping, who was in command of the dishes, obviously disagreed with his order, and immediately persuaded: "My lord, it's getting late today. If there is anything, it's better to discuss it tomorrow.

" It's the first time when the lanterns are on. If the lord wants to discuss business with others, do you want to sleep tonight?

But Ming Yu can't wait anymore, he is short of money now, and he still owes a debt He is not at ease if he does not implement things as soon as possible. Even if you let him rest, he can't sleep! Besides, it's still early, and most of the young people of later generations can't wait until the middle of the night when they're still high.

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