Chapter 87

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87, back, back

Tuoba Ren raised his hand and slapped Chachaqi in the face, and slapped Chachaqi, who had been stunned, to wake up, "You bastard, a nonsense waste, why don't you organize a counterattack quickly? Cough... "It's a pity that his body is not up to expectations. If he had led the army a few years ago, there would never have been such a mistake today. It's a pity that Chachaqi is more than brave, and he doesn't respond well enough to become a general of the army.

There are only so many enemies in total, and their own troops are four or five times theirs, so how can we be afraid of them, what is so terrible about a small mistake. You just need to calm down and organize a charge again, and you will definitely be able to crush them in one fell swoop.

Cha Chaqi was ashamed, and he wanted to turn the tide, but at the end of the day, he was young and had insufficient ability to deal with sudden changes, so he couldn't reasonably stop his soldiers at the first time. As a result, when you want to integrate the team, it is already unstoppable, which is directly equivalent to bombing the battalion, and it can no longer be reversed by manpower alone.

"Report! Enemy reinforcements are coming!" Someone exclaimed to report, and they looked at each other, but there was a group of smoke and dust rolling in at a very fast speed. After a while, they could see the whole picture clearly. A, who is not the red robe army?

"My lord, what should we do now?" Cha Chaqi was already at a loss.

Didn't the Red Robe Army have clearly gone to the south? Why did you suddenly appear here for reinforcements? Looking at the enemy troops who are still rushing to the left and right, many soldiers and soldiers are killed by the enemy every time they pass, it should not be like this. These southerners were usually timid and fearful, and did not dare to confront their cavalry troops head-on, but today, with more than 1,000 men, they rushed their army to pieces.

Tuoba Ren glanced in Ming Yu's direction, sighed, feeling a little frustrated, and finally reluctantly threw a word, "Withdraw!"

If there were no reinforcements from the Red Pao Army, he might not be reconciled to the last fight. But now, if they don't retreat, they can only be wiped out here.

The rest of the barbarian cavalry began to retreat, Xie Yixiu and Geng Shiqi clung to the rear team, vowing to bite down a piece of meat, and Mo Jiang naturally refused to fall behind. Now, the barbarians are panicking like lost dogs, it is a good time to kill the enemy.

Li Man took a knife to a barbarian who fell off his horse, and then turned around to look for the next target. Behind him, Zhou Dan hummed dissatisfiedly: "Brother Li, why are you taking my head again?"

Li Man was speechless and slammed him . With a glance, "Shut up, Lao Tzu, so many enemies are not enough for you to kill?"

The remaining few people laughed, their subordinates were ruthless and even more energetic. They guard the battalion in groups of four or five, with a moderate advance and retreat in attack and defense. A team is like one person, advancing and retreating together.

In this way, it is like a sharp knife, firmly inserted into the enemy's heart, the enemy can't do anything with such a formation, can't break through, can't break up. However, they were able to catch a single enemy with a single slash, and they were invincible.

The red robe army who followed behind couldn't care about anything at the moment, the opportunity of the war was not to be missed, and under the leadership of A Bing, they immediately began to join the war.

Ming Yu coldly looked at Song Lian who was following Tuoba Ren. He hated people who treasoned the country the most in his life. Song Lian not only helped the bandits to kill the villagers, but also defected to the enemy and betrayed the country. This person must not be left behind.

Ming Yu raised the crossbow in his hand and aimed it at Song Lian in the chaotic crowd. With a slight movement of his fingers, one of them flew straight out.

"Be careful! Young master." Uncle Ping guarded Song Lian every step of the way, fending off some cold arrows, knives and spears for him from time to time. □□ Small and powerful, the range is long and accurate, and the strength is even greater than that of ordinary arrows.

When Uncle Ping realized that something was wrong, the arrow had already flown to Song Lian's side. With such a fast speed and strong strength, no one could match it. Uncle Ping didn't have time to think about it, he pulled Song Lian and narrowly avoided it.

Song Lian was shocked, and just now she felt the hot pain on her face, she stretched out her hand, and a smear of scarlet blood covered her palm. He hid just now, and although he avoided the key point, his cheek was still cut by a sharp arrow.

Song Lian turned her head and stared at Ming Yu fiercely before being pulled by Uncle Ping to keep up with the main team and fled away.

It was a pity that Ming Yu watched people flee. The poor thieves do not chase, although they are not reconciled, but they can only let them escape. However, he believes that the next time, when they meet again, he will definitely take his life.

This time, Ming Yu and the others won more with less, almost effortlessly. The main reason is that Ming Yu's tactics are novel, shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first. Is the cavalry still called the cavalry without the horse? Then there is only one left to be slaughtered.

In addition, the new type of thunderbolt was used for the first time, and the damage and power were not weak, and no one had seen such a thing before. There was a sudden thunder-like sound, and the movement was tragic. The place next to the thing was only a pit of blood and flesh, and many people were missing arms and legs.

How human beings can achieve such a tragic situation in an instant can only be attributed to the scourge of God. You must know that human beings always have a psychological factor of fear and reverence for the unknown. After that, everyone has lost confidence, and it is doomed that the barbarians will be defeated like mountains.

After chasing and killing for a while, Xie Yixiu ordered everyone to withdraw. In the final count of the battlefield, the enemy army almost wiped out more than half of the manpower. It has to be said that this is a very rare victory. In the historical battle between Dayan and Suixi, there has never been such a battle with less victory and so many enemies. This battle created a precedent in the history of Dayan.

Everyone cheered, Mo Jiang was speechless with excitement, they won! Fighting against cavalry with infantry, he won a great victory. He couldn't believe it when he said it. Everything was still in a dream.

Ming Yu walked over and punched him with a smile, which woke him up, laughing loudly. If this battle spreads, their guard camp will become famous, and it will be worth it in this life. The brothers in the guard camp are also surrounding Mo Jiang at this time.

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