Chapter 12

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12. Chapter 12

He still hadn't figured out the reason after all, so he was stunned and asked directly: "My lord, what do you mean?"

Ming Yu no longer embarrassed him, and smiled: "This king is going to be established. A caravan can do business with countries in the Western Regions, you should know it? That is, tea, porcelain and silk fabrics from the southern part of our Dayan country are transported to countries like Wan, Di, Ma Dan, Huhu... um, and then Spices and gems from other countries are also very popular to be sold in Dayan Country."

Bua Tan was already stunned, he did not expect that the dignified Prince of Dayan Country could say such words in an open and honest way. He remembers that Dayan has not yet allowed trade with other countries, right? Or has the situation changed unknowingly?

He asked cautiously: "My lord, the rules of this Great Yan Kingdom have changed?"

Ming Yu shook his head, "Of course not, but who is this king? The rules are set by our family, do you think this king needs to abide by this? The rules?"

"This..." Bua Tan was speechless, what Ming Yu said was the truth, and the rules were always followed by the people below.

"Now, this king is this The kings and lords of a piece of land, they control you, can they control this king? "Ming Yu gave him reassurance.

In fact, this plan has been in Ming Yu's mind all the time, and he has been paying attention to inquiring about the situation in the Western Regions. When he came here, he came to the gathering place of the Hu people as soon as possible, not because of fresh curiosity. , but because he wanted to know more about the countries in the Western Regions.

When he was still on the road, the idea of ​​forming a caravan had already existed in his mind.

However, after all, he had just arrived and didn't know everything, so he could only put it down temporarily.

After coming to the Liangzhou boundary, seeing the current situation here made him feel impatient. This place is too barren, and everything must be changed.

However, to change and create new things and build this land, it is necessary to To feed the people in this place, which one does not need a lot of money? Although he has the emperor's reward in his hand, it is only a drop in the bucket, and the use of a little bit is less.

It's easy to say that open source is open source, open source is a big problem, Liangzhou is so poor, what to use to open source? As for reducing expenditure, huh, this is nothing, and there are places where robbers often visit, do things without spending money?

Just heard Bua Tan's dialogue, when he learned that he wanted to gamble and take the risk of sending Dayan's goods to various countries in the Western Regions for trade, the idea of ​​forming a caravan also came up.

Yes, he was not worried all the time . Is the candidate for the formation of the caravan? It is because there are no people around him who really understand the situation of the countries in the Western Regions.

And what about Buatan? As a barbarian, no one knows this better than him. The tenacity of current affairs, coupled with his current momentum, are the best characteristics of business buyers. And Ming Yu values ​​these points.

As for whether he will do his best to help himself, the question of whether he is sincere is not a problem in Ming Yu's eyes. As long as there are enough interests involved, how to choose is a smart person, and it should not be said, he believes that Bua Tan will have a yardstick in his heart.

Bua Tan's heart beat faster at this moment, his hands and feet were shaking, he understood what Ming Yu meant, and it was because he understood that he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

In the beginning, he could only make a little trouble by himself. Now if the prince joins, I believe that with such a backer, he has already succeeded more than half of his plans.

He squeezed his thigh hard, this was not a dream. He confirmed again and again: "My lord, are you really joking?"

Ming Yu didn't say anything, drank the wine in the glass, and just stared at him with a smile.

Bua Tan hurriedly raised the jug, filled him respectfully, then scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "Hey! The little man is stupid. He can't speak, and being able to follow the prince is a great blessing for the villain. The prince, as long as you Say it, the villain is not afraid of going up the mountain of swords and going down to the sea of ​​​​fire, and will do as you say."

He patted his chest and assured that there is such a good thing, taking this opportunity to compliment the prince of the Dayan Dynasty, the future has a bright future. Woolen cloth. It would be a fool not to agree to this.

Ming Yu nodded, it's good to talk to smart people, just need to mention a few words, you will know how to choose the most beneficial.

"It's not a difficult task. You don't need a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire. You just need to form a caravan. As for the issue of goods, this king will find a way. When the time comes, this king will send someone to contact you and discuss all cooperation matters."

This request is not difficult, Bua Tan repeatedly agreed, he originally intended to get caravans. Although it was a petty fight, he didn't dare to be open-minded, but he had already contacted a lot of people in private, and today he also persuaded an old friend to join, only to be caught by Ming Yu.

Now to do things for Duan Wang, then this matter has to be carefully reconsidered, and it must be trusted. As for the scale of the caravan that Duan Wang wants to set up, he has to listen to the arrangement of the prince.

"This king still has one of the most important tasks here." Ming Yu said and looked at Bua Tan, and seeing that he was listening, he continued: "This king wants you to collect seeds, no matter what kind of seeds, as long as they are big What Yan doesn't have, this king needs it. You remember, no matter how precious gems and spices are, they can't compare to those seeds in my heart, do you understand?"

This world is not quite the same as the original world, and there are many things in later generations. , are rare or absent here, and he can understand, remembering that many crops in later generations were slowly imported from abroad after the Silk Road was opened. Although Ming Yu is not sure whether there are still these seeds, or whether those seeds are still in the place of origin is a question mark, but it is still necessary to attract attention now.

"Ah?" Bua Tan was stunned. He saw Ming Yu's solemn expression. At first, he thought that the task Ming Yu said would be a difficult task, but after listening to Ming Yu's words, he only had a question mark in his heart. ? Collecting seeds, did he really hear it right or did the prince say it wrong?

However, Ming Yu's serious and firm tone made him involuntarily believe that everything he said was true. It's just that he doesn't understand, what's so rare about this kind of seed? The prince even looked more valuable than gems and spices. However, the matter that the prince explained is really a small matter, and he may not be able to do anything else, but this matter is a trivial matter, absolutely no problem.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, he never asked any more questions, he knew that he had to take care of his identity. Opportunities like this are hard to come by, and it is best to ask less and do more.

Seeing this, Ming Yu was very satisfied with his knowledge and interest. With such a partner, he would have a lot of peace of mind.

Of course, this cannot be done overnight, and a caravan must be formed. In addition to manpower, you have to ask for goods. He has nothing in his hand now, what will he trade for then?

Therefore, after the two separated, Bua Tan went to find someone he could trust, and Ming Yu immediately started writing letters after returning to the house.

The only person in the capital who can help him is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince Ming Ye is his compatriot. When Ming Yu was in the palace, Ming Ye would often come to see him. Apart from the emperor, Ming Yu was relatively close to him.

It was the Crown Prince Ming Ye who he wrote to find and asked him to provide the source of goods. Which prince in the capital did not have his own property? There is only such a small amount of salary in the palace every month, where is it enough for these dragons and phoenixes to squander? So, when they are a little older, the able ones will run their own industries. And these industries have special people to take care of, and only need to pay tribute every year.

Ming Yu was a little foolish when he was young, and there was a lot of intrigue in the palace, and no one could think for him. Apart from Qingping, there is no loyal servant, and there is no one who will consider his industrial problems. Therefore, Ming Yu now only has the things given by the emperor when he left the capital, and the rest has nothing.

Now he has to ask the prince to help him. He knows that Ming Ye also has a lot of industries in Jiangnan. His request is just a trivial matter. And when the caravan returns, the goods from other countries have to go out of stock through the hands of the prince, and the silver money earned at that time will be cluttered.

In the letter, Ming Yu talked about his plan in a hype, and even promised a bright future. In the future, he will share the account with the prince, and he does not believe that the prince will not be persuaded by him.

Of course, I had to write a letter to the emperor to ask for instructions. Saying it was asking for instructions was just to inform the emperor, so that the emperor had a bottom line. After all, such a matter of going abroad for trade was not allowed in Dayan. In case someone will give him small shoes in the future, and he has reported it, there will be no trouble. As for the follow-up, the emperor himself will have a headache.

Ming Yu wrote the letter very happily, but he didn't know that after the letter was delivered, the emperor was sad and bald.

At this time, Ming Yu didn't care about this. In the following days, he would rectify his mundane affairs, build a training base, and inspect the situation of his territory.

Fortunately, the official who knew the situation of the territory sent by Liu Zhifu according to Ming Yu's request finally came. His name is Xu Wen. He is a young man with a broad mind. He has been a small official here for many years. He knows the following things well. .

Xu Wen has been here for many years, and the biggest official he has ever met is the prefect. He was nervous for several days when he heard that he was going to be sent to Duanwang's mansion.

This is the prince, a very noble person of the royal family and nobles. He can do things for the prince, but it is a good thing that others cannot envy. Although he has also heard some bad deeds of this Prince Duan, as long as he can be smart and work hard, maybe he will be appreciated by the prince! Will you still worry about your career by then?

Xu Wen was excited and nervous to report to Duan Wang's mansion, still secretly guessing what errand the lord would send him, when someone sent a message and asked him to follow the lord's car to go out.

He was stunned for a moment, he came to the palace to lead an errand, why did he go out with the prince? He grabbed the person who came to spread the word, and asked with a cheeky smile.

As the saying goes, don't slap the smiling face, and that person also knew that this Lord Xu was specially invited by the prince to come to the palace, and it was not easy to slap his face at people, so he said in a muffled voice: "This is what the prince ordered, and I don't know about it, Xu. If your lord really wants to know, just ask the lord."

Xu Wen dared to ask the lord, and withdrew his hand embarrassingly, the man looked at him like this and thought that he would be doing things for the lord in the future, so he would sell him a good one, and mention it again. Nodding, "Master Xu , don't worry, our prince is also easy to talk, you just follow the prince's instructions and act."

Xu Wen nodded again and again, thanked the person for his advice, and could only wait by the side. The king's chariot accompanied him.

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