Chapter 47

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47. Chapter 47 

The two couldn't think of the reason why Song Lian came to the borderland, so they simply didn't think about him. In this way, Song Qingfu is all relying on Song Lian's ideas, so the case of Ning Shicun is all about Song Lian. Lian's handwriting, it's no wonder that even the final touch-up was done cleanly without omission.

No wonder, Song Qingfu's power has become one of the best in Liangzhou in just two years. It can be said that it is related to Song Lian's behind-the-scenes manipulation.

"Song Lian, Song Lian!" Ming Yu frowned. It's a pity that such a smart person is willing to fall and join the bandits. It's a shame!

However, no matter how much he cherishes his talents, he can only put Song Lian aside. In any case, since Song Lian helps Zhou to abuse him, it is impossible to let him go. The things that should be done cannot be let go, the forces of bandits and bandits are not eliminated, and the people will never have peace.

Next, Ming Yu got busy and worked out a battle plan with Xie Yixiu, General Wei and others, how to lead the emperor into the urn, how to arrange the ambush, and how to catch them all in one go. Everything must be perfect. His cruel words have already been released. If he falls short, wouldn't his face be slapped?

Ever since Song Qingfu was involved in the sensational case of Ningshi Village, all the forces in Liangzhou, large and small, have been alarmed. Everyone was staring in the dark. I didn't expect the government to do nothing, even their tail was not touched. Seeing that they have gained a lot, there are more people who are jealous.

It seems that they can do it, and so can they. Although, their power is not as large as his Song Qingfu, and their manpower is not as large as theirs, but it is absolutely no problem to grab some smaller villages!

Many people think this way, including Shi Dashun. They have two or three hundred brothers. When Song Qingfu was not the leader, he was not as strong as Shi Dashun. Later, Song Qingfu gradually gained power and developed his branch. It has grown stronger and stronger, leaving them far behind.

Nowadays, many small forces that can't survive have also turned to the past. Song Qingfu is getting stronger and stronger, but Shi Dashun's heart is extremely sour.

No, they have to learn to do something big. In the past, they were timid, causing the brothers below to complain more and more. As long as they voted like Song Qingfu, maybe some people will come to defect to them. He doesn't believe it. How much worse he is than Song Qingfu.

He decided to do it, he chose a small village, he didn't dare to look for the village on the edge of Liangcheng like Song Qingfu, he could only find one that looked good and not too dangerous. After stepping on the spot for a few days, Shi Dashun gritted his teeth, damn it! I can't bear that the child can't catch the wolf, let's fight!

In the past, they used to make small troubles. Although there were family robberies, it was just a matter of robbing one or two families and running away. They didn't dare to be too blatant because they were afraid of being investigated by the government. Now, with Song Qingfu as an example, his courage is also fat. , who had the will to follow the example, and looted the property of the entire village.

"Brothers, if this vote is made today, we will be able to spend the winter in peace, and we will no longer have to endure hunger." Shi Dashun was a little excited, raised the wine bowl in his hand, and gave a round toast, "It's a good day. In front of you, everyone is working together, and this trip will definitely be successful."

Everyone was eager to try, and everyone picked up their wine bowls and drank it all in one go. "It's a success! Fuck it!"

When night fell, when the people in the village turned off the lights and went to rest, Shi Dashun's group, who had been waiting for a long time, began to act. They couldn't contain their excitement for a long time, and rushed in in a swarm.

Shi Dashun was proud and excited. They wanted to snatch property and food. As long as they dared to stop them, they would raise their knives and drop them. The big knives in their hands were not vegetarians.

Shi Dashun kicked open a door and glanced at the room by the moonlight. There was nothing in the room except for tables and chairs. Looking around, something was amiss in my heart.

Maybe the family didn't put the valuables here, and when people were caught, they were afraid that they wouldn't hand over their belongings? Thinking about it, I walked to the bedroom on the side. With a goal in mind, I went straight to the bed and was just about to catch someone, but the hand detective found nothing. The bed was empty, where is there half a figure?

What about people? Shi Dashun was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what he saw. He clearly saw that all the villagers had entered the house before dark, and he never saw anyone come out after that. How come people are gone?

However, he was not the only one who encountered the same thing as him, and almost everyone was stunned.

Shi Dashun exited the room, and his own people came out one after another, swearing, empty-handed, and it seemed that they had gained nothing.

"The leader is also evil. There is nothing in the house, not to mention a grain of food, not even a single pot and pan, and there is no one inside or outside the house." Someone saw Shi Dashun and said what they saw. came out.

This time Shi Dashun felt a little chill in his heart, what's the situation? Not only one or two families, but the entire village had disappeared, but in the evening there were obviously people everywhere. He had also seen seven or eight children chasing and running out to play, and finally being yelled and scolded by adults for reluctance. go home.

How long does it take? Why is no one there?

"Boss, have you ever seen anyone leave the village?" Someone asked, his voice trembling.

They are all gangsters on the road. They often commit murder and arson, but they don't even blink their eyes. Now this situation makes these people a little scared.

Everyone got nothing and gathered here. When someone heard this sentence, they involuntarily rubbed the goose bumps on their arms.

They haven't seen anyone come out, so it's scary here. There are so many people, and the lively village seems to have all disappeared in just one breath.

Shi Dashun did not speak with an ashen face.

"Boss, this is... what's going on here, this... this shouldn't be a ghost, right?" The person beside Shi Dashun said in a trembling voice.

Shi Dashun waved his hand and slapped him in the face, "You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? If you dare to say more, I will immediately turn you into a ghost."

The man covered his face and dared not speak, and neither did the others.

Shi Dashun frowned and thought about it, the matter is definitely not simple, "These people cannot disappear out of thin air, they must have been hidden, so let me search them and find them separately." He couldn't believe that these people could not be found. Even if no one is found, some goods and food will surely be found.

Someone took the order to go, ready to search every family.

"Ah! It's dead!" A group of people ran out in panic, went to Shi Dashun, pointed to the room over there, "Leader, Lao Wang, Lao Wang seems to be dead." What

's so scary about the dead? Shi Dashun was about to start cursing, but he was not calm when he heard the latter sentence. Lao Wang is their old friend, how could he die here for no reason?

I quickly followed him to check, and saw that there was a pool of blood in the house, and Lao Wang fell in a pool of blood with a kitchen knife stuck in his chest. who killed him? It was so silently killing people under their noses.

However, after a while, news of several dead people came. At this moment, everyone was panicking, and no matter how angry Shi Dashun was, he couldn't control everyone's emotions.

"It would have been great if they had defected to the power of the great leader of Song? Follow them to eat and drink spicy food, what is it like now?" Someone complained on the spot, which attracted many people to agree.

Shi Dashun was suffocated. When he proposed this plan, no one stood up to oppose it. Now there is a problem, and he begins to regret his decision. A group of bullshit, the plan failed, there is no point in staying any longer, and more than ten brothers have been lost. Shi Dashun could only let the big guys retreat, and he always had to go back and talk about anything.

Just exited the village and was about to leave. There were people outside the village. It seemed that there were people everywhere.

Shi Dashun's eyes narrowed, this the official army? Shi Dashun secretly complained in his heart. But he has never heard the movement of the garrison coming here? In order to guard against the officers and soldiers, he also deliberately picked a slightly remote village to start. How could this also attract officers and soldiers?

There was a group of Wu Yingyao with torches in front of them, dressed in armor, and their movements were neat and uniform. Just standing there, the aura of the blade was already scattered.

An officer in the front stood up, smiled triumphantly, tilted his head, "Shi Dashun, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Shi Dashun couldn't help but take a step back, and all the people below nervously clenched their weapons. They can't figure it out even if they think about it, how can they meet the officers and soldiers after making all the preparations for this trip?

"Who are you?" Shi Dashun dared to ask: " are not a garrison?" He had already seen the other party's people clearly, with clear armor and well-organized actions. Whoever gets there will only be strangled to death.

"Of course I am not a garrison, so that you know that we are the guards of King Duan. You can spare your life if you surrender your weapons and surrender. If you don't, you will die!" If

it is not a garrison, that's fine. The red-robed army can make them terrified, and they are not afraid of garrisoning, not to mention that they are not garrisoned at all.

The guards, they have also heard of them. They are the guards who escorted Duan Wang to the border areas, but they know that the guards from the capital are nothing more than fancy, donkey dung eggs, and their surfaces are shiny. Putting it here to scare people, they are also desperadoes with many lives on their hands, will they be afraid of these embroidered pillows? Besides, their numbers are all about the same, and if they fight together, they might even have a chance to survive.

They would never believe that these people would let them go and lay down their weapons. Wouldn't they become meat on the chopping block and be slaughtered by others. They are not fools, and this kind of nonsense can be believed.

Shi Dashun made a gesture towards the brothers and pulled out a big knife, "Brothers, come on! They only have so many people. If we fight with them, there is still a way to survive! Kill!"

"Hehe!" Shi Dashun The reaction of the guard battalion cheered up the soldiers of the guard battalion, but they explained it according to the above. It is these people who are unwilling to cooperate and seek death by themselves, but they can't blame them.

These thieves and bandits are all very sinful, and they should be wiped out as soon as they see it. Only the prince's house is kind-hearted, and he will give him a chance to reform as long as he surrenders. This is good, they have been given a chance, who is it that they don't cherish the blame?

Everyone is gearing up for a big fight. The previous training exercises were not enjoyable at all. Now that there is a target for training, this opportunity must be cherished!

The battle soon turned to a one-sided situation, but after a cup of tea, the battle was over. It was still the guards who wanted to accumulate more.

Some practical experience, the result of keeping hands. Unfortunately, these people are really not beaten.

Shi Dashun didn't understand until he died, how his actions were exposed, how the people in the village disappeared, and the embroidered pillows of the Guards, all of them were straw bags, why these The human combat power is even more terrifying than the garrison, just like a lunatic? But he would never be able to figure it out again.

Everything went smoothly, and the guards cleaned the battlefield very neatly. When the battle was over, someone had already gone to report to Ming Yu and others who were watching the battle not far away.

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