Chapter 20

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20. Chapter 20

All affairs are arranged properly, Ming Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. It has just begun. He believes that it will not take long for his territory to become better and better.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Xu Wen led people to visit the village, selected the village as a pilot, and began to implement Ming Yu's plan. While he asked the villagers to dig tunnels according to the craftsman's design, he chose capable young men and They sign up for guard camp training.

Now the common people are all honest and simple, the officials have always given orders to do anything, they do not know what to do, and they dare not ask. But if you want people to train or something, it takes two or three months at a time, which is a bit of a thought.

In the past, the government would recruit strong laborers for labor under various names every year, or transport supplies for the army, or cast fortifications, and even let them unarmed people die in front of them during wartime. Almost all dirty work is done. It is these people who are on top.

Now that the word labor service is mentioned, people are disgusted, and they are afraid that it will fall on their own heads, but anyone who has a little ability will try to avoid labor service. God bless you can come back safely.

Now is not the time for hard labor, so this time the training of the Lao Shizi is not another way the government has come up with to toss people, right?

Everyone is watching, no one is willing to do this training mission that they have never heard of before, and the official did not say that someone must be forced to go. It is best to stay away from this kind of thing.

For a few days, no one came to apply for the job, which made Xu Wenchou's hair white. The prince had already instructed that it could not be forced, so the notice he issued was to ask the young man to take the initiative to answer the call, and the result can be imagined.

There was really no other way, Xu Wen made a special trip to Duanwang's mansion and begged Ming Yu with a bitter face.

"His Royal Highness, no one is willing to go to the training at all, and there is no way for the little minister. How about forcing each household to send one person to go there. As long as there is this regulation, I am not afraid that no one will go." Xu Wen explained the current status quo. After a detailed discussion, the final suggestion was made.

Ming Yu listened carefully, and asked at the end, "Can you explain why and the purpose of the training to everyone?"

Xu Wen nodded. It has been explained clearly, "Your Highness, the first One day, Renchen posted notices everywhere, and it clearly stated what His Highness Bai Zhao meant. "

It stands to reason that it is impossible. Now that it is clear and clear, this matter is not a dangerous or difficult matter. How could no one be willing to sign up?

He was pacing and thinking, did he think wrong? After all, he I have never really understood these ordinary people, and my own ideas can never replace their ideas. If there is really no way, then he will go and visit one by one to see the situation... Huh? What's

wrong! Ming Yu wrinkled He frowned and thought about Xu Wen's words carefully, "Notice? "Ming Yu's mind suddenly flashed, "You said you just posted a notice? "

"Exactly!" "That's right! Xu Wen is puzzled. In the past, any affairs in the government were conveyed through notices and distributions. Is there nothing wrong with this?

Ming Yu smiled, so it is, how many people can read today? There is nothing wrong with the government putting up notices to advertise something. But the people are illiterate. Not everyone has to read it to understand it, and more are just hearsay and out of context.

Therefore, the biggest possibility is The notice on Xu Wen's side was clearly written, but the people in the village below did not understand it, so no one dared to act lightly, right?

Ming Yu thought about it and already had an idea in his heart.

Bai Ping Village, with the surname of Wang In most cases, the annual war has caused the population of the village to drop by a third. A few years ago, when the barbarians looted, many people died in the village. It was then that only the two brothers who escaped were left to live with each other.

Over the years, the years have not been as good as the year, the thieves and bandits are infested, and the harvest in the field is not enough for them to loot. people are not well.

A few days ago, a number of officials and messengers came to the village, saying that they were going to build a tunnel in the village, which would protect the villagers and guard against thieves and bandits. The people in the village don't understand this. They only know that as long as they participate in the work, they can have two full meals to eat. For this, the villagers have been dispatched, big and small. Such good things are hard to come by.

The two brothers Wang Da naturally also went, and they can eat two meals a day, which is enough to make everyone's heart move. They really hope that this work can be done forever, but they all know in their hearts that the tunnels dug by the officials will always be dug one day. When that day comes, what will they do?

"Brother, I heard today that as long as you are recruited to go to the training base, you will not only have enough food, but also have meat to eat. Moreover, as long as you are in the training camp, you will be able to receive the same salary as those soldiers at the end of the month. Not only have food to eat, but also money to take, and such a good thing has happened, everyone is talking about it." As soon as the two brothers arrived at the door, Wang Si excitedly told the elder brother the news he heard.

Wang Da frowned. He had heard about this too. The official notice said that they would recruit young adults for training. Everyone had never heard of any training. They thought it was a labor errand released by the government, so everyone was nervous. I don't know why, naturally no one wants to go.

Early this morning, the officials sent people to read the contents of the notice. These old and rude people couldn't understand the words, and they even explained it word by word.

At that time, he also listened to it and said that this training is not as rigid as the labor force work, but let everyone volunteer to go there, and what he does is not hard work, just like the army training knives, guns, sticks, etc. of killing skills. If you train your skills in this way, if you return to the village in the future, even if there are thieves and bandits, they will be able to fight against them.

He didn't quite believe that they were just ordinary people. Can they really learn the skills of generals and kill those vicious thieves? I'm afraid it's some kind of trick that the officials came up with, shouldn't they let them die?

Wang Sibing didn't notice Wang Da's expression, he was still talking to himself excitedly, "Brother, do you think this is true?" It must be true, this is what the government said, and the notice has the government's big seal on it, so it is true. The rest is not important, the important thing is that if they can really teach us the ability to kill the enemy, when the thieves come, I can kill him without leaving a piece of armor."

Wang Da's face was a little gloomy, are the thieves, the bandits, and the bandits that they say they can kill? Can there be undead in a war? Not to mention the rest, it is the official army. There are countless people who died under the sword of the barbarians on the battlefield. Why did the government not ask them to go to die?

"Big brother, why don't we go too..."

Wang Si was interrupted before Wang Si finished speaking, "Where are you going? You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Wang Si was stunned, not understanding why Big Brother reacted so strongly. "Big brother?"

Wang Da wiped his face and said solemnly, "Let's not go to this matter."

"Why? This is a good thing. Let's learn how to defend ourselves, and we don't need to be afraid of thieves when they come. You can raise your eyebrows." Wang Si didn't understand why the eldest brother was firmly opposed to this.

"No reason, in short, I can't say it, and you are not allowed to answer." Wang Da couldn't explain so much to him. Even if he told his conjecture, the fourth brother would definitely not believe it, so he could only forcibly refuse.

Wang Si was a little dissatisfied when he heard what the elder brother said. He had already made up his mind, and he wanted to go to the recruitment office tomorrow to try it out.

"If you don't go, don't go. It's up to your own will anyway, but I want to try it out." Wang Si saw that the elder brother was about to stop him, and hurriedly said: "Brother, I want to learn skills, I want to kill thieves and bandits, I still can't forget the tragic death of my parents and siblings, I want to kill the Yi people to avenge them!"

Wang Da's heart was shocked, his eyes were red, but he was only such a younger brother, he couldn't let the only one brother to die. How could he not remember the enmity between his parents and siblings? It's just that this revenge in this life will be difficult to avenge.

Wang Da's voice was a little dry, "Fourth brother, you have to know that the bandits and bandits are ferocious, and those officers and soldiers are hard to resist. We are just ordinary people, how can we fight against them? We don't want to go to death!"

Wang Si refused to believe it . , what the eldest brother said is too one-sided, and everyone who is an official said it. This is because the prince is considerate to them and the people, and he can't bear the people being harmed by bandits, so he thought of teaching them their skills.

He was a prince, and he left the capital to have a good life, but he came here. It was because the prince had the world in his heart and knew the hard times of the people in their borderlands, so he came here to rescue the people.

Wang Si tried to convince the eldest brother, "It's not like this, they said, it's just two months of training, and then we will return to the village, and we young men can patrol and guard the village. Master Xu will lead us to build this tunnel. Is it also to protect the villagers? Usually, we hide the surplus food inside. If there are thieves and thieves, the villagers can also hide in it. At that time, those thieves and thieves will be in vain, and we can save our lives."

"It's just you guys . Young and ignorant people will believe this." Wang Da bit him to death. This is what an official said to fool people.

Seeing that Big Brother couldn't make sense no matter what, Wang Si was sullen and didn't say anything more at the moment. He simply ignored Wang Da and entered the room angrily. But he has made up his mind, he has grown up now, it is time to call the shots.

Wang Da looked at the back of the fourth brother thoughtfully, and finally turned into a helpless sigh, slowly blending into the darkening night.

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