Chapter 40

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40. Chapter 40

Their worries are not unreasonable. The ancestors have been digging food in the fields for generations, and naturally they have touched their nature. If the prince hadn't broken their inherent concept, they would have always thought that spring farming, summer cultivation, autumn harvest, and winter storage. , Only when the four are not lost can the five grains be endless, and the people can have surplus food. Note ① If they hadn't seen with their own eyes, in the winter when everything withered, the seeds could still grow and sprout, they would never have believed it, it was a miracle.

Ming Yu is not worried at all, what are you afraid of? I have a greenhouse myself, and I can still make plants bloom and bear fruit in winter. When the time comes, I will experiment more, such as grafting and crossbreeding. Although I am not an expert in this field, I can also put forward this matter and hand it over to a professional. People come to study slowly, I believe that in terms of human creativity, these things will always be mature in technology.

The current shed is made of glazed glass, which is mainly used for light transmission and heat preservation, but because of the color, the effect is not particularly good. It is a pity that the glass has not made much progress. If the glass is made out, then a few glass greenhouses will be built, and there is no need to worry too much about the rest.

Ming Yu smiled, with a little confidence, "You don't need to worry too much about the rest. Anyway, you have to do it step by step."

He believes that as long as he can plant it, he will naturally convince people. Take your time, nothing is possible. All at once.

Ming Yu is in a good mood, even dreaming of holding a Big watermelon to eat. However, the good mood disappeared in a few days.

Ming Yu looked at the letter in his hand, his hands trembled slightly, but in the end, he was really angry, and slammed his fist on the table, "No reason! I haven't bothered you yet, but you have come to the door first, very good! Very good! Very good!" Ming Yu gritted his teeth and said several times that it was good.

"My lord, what should we do now? These bandits come and go like the wind. We are building tunnels, and the stockade is progressing slowly. Now there are only more than ten villages as pilots, and the effect is not very obvious at all." Xu Wen was a little worried. He also received a report that Ningshi Village had been looted by bandits the day before, so he hurried to Wangfuzhong to report.

Ningshi Village is located in the northwest of Liangcheng, not very far from Liangcheng. Its geographical location is very good. It is a relatively large village in Liangzhou. Such a large village, judging from its geographical location and population, is logically relatively safe. I didn't expect these bandits to hit them with their ideas. The village was looted overnight, and many villagers lost their lives in their dreams. Some villagers who escaped rushed over to report the news. When the news came out, there was an uproar in the city of Liangzhou.

In the past, these thieves only dared to rob some remote small villages, but now they blatantly committed crimes around Liangcheng.

Liu Zhifu has already rushed over after receiving the letter. However, the matter has already happened, and in the past, only the aftermath can be done.

"These thieves are really damned! However, they ransacked a village and immediately escaped without a trace. There is no way to catch them." Xu Wen said angrily.

Ming Yu thought of the massacre in Tu Village when they first came to Liangzhou. The Yi people do not regard the Han people as human beings and wantonly slaughter them. However, these bandits are also from Dayan, but it is unbearable and unbearable for their compatriots to be so cruel.

Ming Yu clenched his fists, he has long had the heart to rectify, but he has never been able to free it. Now it seems that it is really unacceptable.

Xu Wen is quite right, there are countless large and small bandits in Liangzhou, and the number of forces is not the same. If the government pursues and arrests them with great fanfare, it will only make these bandits hide and wait for an opportunity. If only to catch some small ones??? Planted to death this drop of Xi Shuo? Jing? Panic? />
However, this matter is indeed not easy. If it is really easy to solve the problem of bandits, the border garrison has already sent people to encircle and suppress it. How can they wait until today and allow them to commit numerous crimes.

"It's not that there is no way, the way is thought up by people, and there must be a way to deal with it." Ming Yu paced back and forth in the hall, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Xu Wen looked at him without blinking, his eyes were shining, the prince said there was a way, then there must be a way. He has been with the lord for so long, and he has seen the swift and resolute behavior of the lord. If he is not sure, the lord will never say such words.

Xu Wen asked hopefully, "Is there anything you can do about it?"

Ming Yu shook his head, "I don't have much to say yet. We still need everyone to brainstorm and offer suggestions."

Xu Wen was a little disappointed, and even King Duan said If there is no way out, where else will there be a way for others to come? Do we have to wait a few years until all the villages in Liangzhou have built underground passages and villages before we can deal with these bandits?

The lord was interested in helping the villagers fight against the barbarians, bandits, and bandits, so he came up with a way to let every village build a labyrinth-like underground passage, which can attack and defend, and also protect the lives and property of the people.

But in this way, how long will it take, and for every extra day, more people will suffer.

Ming Yu seemed to see through his thoughts, and said loudly: "This king will never let them go unpunished. If you want to get rid of the bandits, you must first make full preparations, first find out what the bandits are in Liangzhou, you must You must know yourself and the enemy before you can make a response plan."

Ming Yu doesn't fight unsure battles, he can't rely on him alone in the case of thieves and bandits, and he has to find helpers.

Ming Yu's words made Xu Wen nod again and again. The prince said it without reason. If someone came here and said that the thieves are not to worry about, that they are wrapped around themselves, Xu Wen may also consider the authenticity of these words. Duan Wang did not take everything, but let him feel at ease. With Duan Wang there, there will definitely be a solution to this matter.

Xu Wen patted his chest, and stood up a little excitedly, "If the lord has anything that the minister needs to do, even if he instructs him, the minister will definitely do it for the lord."

Xu Wen is a steady and capable person, who can get a clear understanding from a small minister. Yu's appreciation has proved the reliability of this person. Ming Yu can hand over the construction of the village tunnel to him, which shows his ability.

"This king knows that you are meticulous in your work and understand the situation in the entire Liangzhou. You can help this king sort out and collect the current distribution of forces in Liangzhou, as well as the relationship between the various forces, the number of people, etc., try to be as detailed and accurate as possible. Yes, you give it to Commander Mo, and let him take someone to investigate, the more detailed the better." Ming Yu thought for a while and then ordered.

Xu Wen nodded and agreed, and he immediately went to do it.

Ming Yu nodded, "As for your previous affairs, you can't let it go. You can

leave it to someone who trusts and can continue to supervise the construction. We must speed up the process." Going down, let someone prepare a car and drive to Liu Zhifu's mansion.

Liu Zhifu welcomed Ming Yu into the door, and General Wei was there, and both of them looked bad. Think about it too, when such a big thing happened, Liangzhou City was full of uproar. The prefect of Liu is in charge of the decrees of a government, and he is in charge of all counties, announces the decrees of the state, and manages the people under his jurisdiction. As the commander of the garrison in the border areas, General Wei was not only responsible for guarding against the barbarians, but also responsible for arresting thieves and bandits.

Now it's good, under their noses, they have blatantly looted and killed, and their political achievements will only be smeared with a huge black spot.

The land of Liangzhou has always been infested with bandits, but it can only be a disaster for a slightly remote place, and the loss of small troubles can also be controlled. And because these people's whereabouts are erratic, they often loot one place and immediately move to other places, or hide in the people in pieces, or immediately escape into the deep mountains and forests, it is really difficult to grasp their accurate information. That's the same way, they will be helpless with them.

Just like the case in Ningshi Village the day before yesterday, when they got the news and rushed over, the thief had long since disappeared, and when Liu Zhifu rushed over, there was no clue.

When General Wei saw Ming Yu's arrival, his eyes lit up. He didn't expect the prince to come so quickly, indicating that the prince was also very concerned about this matter. Duan Wang has always had a lot of ideas. If Duan Wang thinks of a way, maybe things can be turned around.

This matter has a great impact, and it is impossible to hide it. They should be blamed a lot. They have already filed a petition to plead guilty. Even if His Majesty the Emperor blames them, they hope to have the opportunity to make up for their faults and exterminate this group of thieves. Can calm the minds of the people.

"What are the casualties in Ningshi Village this time?" Ming Yu asked unceremoniously as soon as he entered the door.

Liu Zhifu was stunned for a moment, but luckily he rushed over immediately and understood everything clearly. He was only stunned for a moment before reacting, and replied, "Ningshi Village is a relatively large village near Liangzhou, with a total population of more than 200 people. The bandits attacked in the middle of the night. The people were not prepared, and only ten people escaped. No. 2 or 3."

Although he had expected it, Ming Yu couldn't help taking a deep breath, and he couldn't help feeling chills in his heart, but he hated these people even more, a group of beasts who bullied the soft and feared the hard, and he wished he could skin them and get cramps.

General Wei saw Ming Yu's face gloomy and watery. He was afraid of his anger, so he stood up and said: "My lord, this matter is really unexpected, and the ministers are all responsible. After the bandits are eliminated, the ministers are willing to be punished."

Ming Yu sneered: "Exterminate? Now you have a way to exterminate the thieves?"

I'm afraid they didn't take these thieves to heart at all. They always thought that the little thieves were nothing to worry about. Disasters continue today. More than 200 lives! Just because of these people's disapproving attitudes, they were ruined.

Ming Yu hates, not only the bandits, but also the inaction of these officials. Obviously, the disaster can be nipped in the bud, but he has to wait for the disaster to be remedied.

Both of them had nothing to say, or they both had regrets. They had always focused on the barbarians, preventing barbarians from invading. I think that these thieves and gangsters are not going to make a fuss. If you specially free up manpower to deal with these thieves, firstly, the bandits will not be easily eliminated, secondly, it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources. Not much. No one is willing to do such a thankless task, so they can only let it go.

The author has something to say: Note ① From "The King of Xunzi"

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