Chapter 83

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83. Chapter 83 

The people in the court have been in the officialdom for decades, which is not an old fox who has become an elite? All of them are cunning and cunning. Now that the emperor has made up his mind, his will has been made, and there is no room for change, and if he tries to block it again, in the eyes of the emperor, I am afraid that there will be no good words.

The emperor ordered to dispatch the Imperial Guard to rescue King Duan. This is the emperor's escort. Who is the escort and not the escort? A prince who is far away from the frontier, has no threat to the throne, and has nothing to do with everyone's interests, so you don't need to care too much.

As for what kind of ancestral system, Dayan's ancestral system has not changed. In order to stabilize the peace of the borderland, the emperors of the past dynasties used princesses and relatives to become an unbreakable rule for a long time. Wouldn't the current emperor abolish this rule as soon as he came to power?

Needless to say, as for other little things, no one in the ancestral system dared to go abroad for business. All right now, Prince Duan personally requested an edict to take the lead in creating a caravan, just to go out to the country of Dayan and do business with other countries in the Western Regions.

At the beginning, it was not that no one had impeached him. It was said that a king competed with the people for profit, and he also traded with Western barbarians. But the result? The emperor made up his mind to protect the young son. If you have an opinion, okay, you can mention it. After you mention it, you will be relegated to a foreign country as an official. Its meaning is very clear, I don't want to listen to your nonsense here, belittle it far away, out of sight and out of mind.

After killing chickens and warning monkeys like this, the voices of opposition have become much smaller. Although there are dissatisfied remarks, either hold back, or go home and complain.

After that time, the court and the opposition also understood that this King Duan was not someone they could move. Ever since King Duan enfeoffed Liangzhou, there have been some people who are fortunate enough to send them far away, and there have been many disasters in the borderlands. In the past few years, whether Duan Wang's little life can be saved is not certain.

However, this Prince Duan was really given a lot of attention by him. The items from the Western Regions that were transported into the capital by the caravan last time were extremely rare and became very popular. His Royal Highness, who handled it, made a lot of money, who wouldn't be envious of him? Now ask the powerful families in the capital, which family does not have one or two things from the Western Regions? It's good to say that you have a face, and show it when you are entertaining guests, who wouldn't be envious? This is a status symbol, and ordinary people can't buy it even with a lot of money.

Most of them also don't want Duan Wang to have an accident. If he does have an accident, where can they get those precious commodities again in the future? There are wealthy family members, and they are also calculating in their hearts, whether or not they should send their nephews and nephews to follow the trend, and maybe they will be able to achieve something. However, you have to plan well and get on the boat of the prince.

Therefore, everyone held their own careful thoughts and no longer blatantly refuted His Majesty's decision, and this matter that violated the system was settled so easily.

When the news of the previous dynasty spread to Concubine Hui's palace, Concubine Hui was so angry that she smashed a set of blue and white porcelain on the spot.

As soon as the news of Ming Yu came out, Concubine Hui was overjoyed, so she said, how could the barbarians be easy to get along with? It's a pity that he didn't kill this little bastard on the spot, but let him escape instead? But if you fall into the territory of Suixi, it will be a matter of time before you are caught, right? This is the best and happiest news she has received in recent months.

This little brat helped the prince to get some strange things from the Western Regions back, which attracted everyone to fight. Let the prince get a lot of fame and wealth, and even His Majesty the emperor praised the prince for doing a good job. Even she wanted her son Mingtao to be involved, but was refuted by His Majesty the Emperor. This almost made her face disgrace, even that bitch, Concubine Zhen, came to laugh at her on purpose, so why not make her angry and hateful.

They are all the sons of the emperor, why is there so much difference, the emperor is too partial, her son is the most outstanding among the princes, and his talents and abilities are the best. Instead, they are inferior everywhere? She lost to the queen back then, but now her son can no longer be compared.

Therefore, she regarded the prince and Ming Yu as thorns in the eyes, Ming Yu went to the borderland, and she wished that Ming Yu was killed by the Yi people. She was happy when she heard about Ming Yu's accident, but she heard that the emperor sent his personal bodyguard to the border to rescue and protect Ming Yu. This was a treatment that a prince had never received before. How could she not be angry or hate?

Some people are happy and some are worried, the palace has never been a peaceful place, but if there is a little trouble, it can spread far and wide.

No, Concubine Hui only smashed a set of blue-and-white porcelain at noon, and Concubine Zhen came over after the afternoon, watching Concubine Hui's jokes openly and secretly.

"I heard that Sister Hui accidentally broke a set of blue-and-white porcelain that she loved. Oh, what a pity! If it were my sister, I would feel distressed to death." Concubine Zhen tucked her orchid fingers and covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled.

The two of them have never been at odds. Concubine Hui's thoughts, Concubine Zhen is somewhat aware, but she is optimistic about Concubine Hui's thorns in her eyes, and she also helps to say good things in secret, with only one purpose, to be right with Concubine Hui, as long as If you can make Concubine Hui angry and unhappy, she will be happy.

Concubine Hui was upset. No matter what, she was an old man in the palace, so how could she allow Concubine Zhen to show off her power in front of her. Immediately snorted and said with a sneer: "You don't need to be a pity for my sister. There are many blue-and-white porcelain elder sisters in the palace. The elder sister doesn't feel distressed, and she can't be bothered." People, will look like a fuss.

Concubine Zhen helped her hair on her temples, pretending that she didn't understand what she meant, and said with a giggle: "Sister said that no matter how much blue and white porcelain is, it's not worth being a few, and the small gift that the prince sent to the palace last time is rare. My sister doesn't know, that thing called a mirror is a fragile thing. My sister is clumsy and accidentally smashed into pieces. She has been sad for a long time, but His Majesty still couldn't see it, so she gave her another one. It's complete."

She looked at Concubine Hui's livid face, and she was indescribably proud of herself. She was able to watch the invincible Concubine Hui shriveled, and she felt a sense of accomplishment. I heard that Concubine Hui wanted a mirror at that time, and she also begged to His Majesty, but His Majesty did not agree, she just deliberately poked the words into Concubine Hui's heart.

"Oh! Look at me, I forgot that my sister was not given a mirror at the beginning, but the third prince has always been filial, and I think it was prepared for my sister. If my sister misses in the future, don't break it, otherwise it will be really good again. It's hard to get it!" After speaking, ignoring Concubine Hui's angry face that was about to deform, she twisted her waist and left.

snort! Just wait, when Ben Gong's son gains power, Ben Gong wants you all to live rather than die.

Looking at the secret letter in his hand, General Wei's expression finally relaxed a lot. This is the whereabouts information of the prince and the others sent from Suixi, and it was Xie Yixiu who asked Handa to send it over. Now they have escaped the enemy's pursuit and are heading north, preparing to turn back to Dayan from Xiqi Mountain.

General Wei hurriedly walked to the hanging map, carefully identifying the location on the map, and used it to push Cut off the approximate location of the two.

At this moment, there was another noise outside the tent, and General Wei frowned, needless to say, he knew that it was Commander Mo who came to the door again.

They were sent out by Ming Yu to hunt down the invading barbarians to exercise their fighting ability. Everyone knows that this is a rare opportunity to train troops, and they also want to do their best and give the prince an explanation. How could they know that after they left, the prince was kidnapped. This is obviously the enemy's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain.

When they heard the news, how could they dare to consume the barbarians slowly, and immediately arranged a battle plan to defeat the barbarians in one fell swoop. It's a pity that Ming Yu originally explained that they must completely wipe out this group of enemies. However, because of the hurry of time, they wiped out most of the barbarians, but were escaped by a few exploits.

There is no way, now that the lord is important, they immediately packed up their luggage after completing the task, went directly to Shi Chongguan in the border area, and found General Wei.

When a personal soldier came in to report, General Wei had a headache, so he let Mo Jiang in.

Mo Jiang was in a hurry, holding a breath in his heart. When he saw General Wei, he said directly: "General, I just come down here to tell the general that our guard camp has been assembled, and we will immediately leave the customs and go to rescue His Highness."

After they came here, they wanted to go to Suixi immediately, but General Wei stopped them and asked them to wait and obey the arrangement.

At first, he thought that General Wei would immediately give them a task, but he didn't expect that this would be a two-day effort, so he went to General Wei several times. General Wei always had an excuse to delay again and again, but he really didn't know what medicine he was selling in the gourd.

Mo Jiang couldn't wait any longer. He was getting more and more anxious every day. The prince was now in danger, and there was only General Xie beside him. How could he not be anxious? He had to pick up the prince, and waiting for a moment would be more dangerous.

They can't wait to die like this any longer. As the prince's personal guards, all they care about is the prince's own safety. Unlike General Wei, who has to consider all aspects of the problem, General Wei can delay, but they can't wait. So today, he has assembled the troops of the escort camp, and intends to notify General Wei and go out.

"Wait!" Seeing that Mo Jiang was about to turn around and leave, the general stopped him.

Mo Jiang's eyes were red, and he turned his head and stared at General Wei like a wolf, "General, our escort battalion is not affiliated with General Wei's frontier garrison."

He understood what they were going to do, Wei Da. The general could not control their heads. If they can come here to inform, they have already done their guest-host ceremonies.

General Wei shook his head, this guard was brought out by the prince, and it was naturally inferior to others, and he really couldn't order or stop them.

"Then where are you going to rescue the prince now?" General Wei asked rhetorically.

This question made Mo Jiang stumped. It was too late for them to get the news and rush over. Now, they really don't know where the prince is. He thought about it, they could only sneak into the Suixi country, and then slowly find a way to inquire about the news.

"Okay, I have the news that I just sent to King Duan. Why don't we discuss together and see where we can meet and how to respond to the king?" General Wei said.

When Mo Jiang heard this, he was overjoyed. General Wei had the exact news of the prince. That would be good. It was great that the prince was safe and sound.

"As soon as something happened to the prince, this general has already reported it to His Majesty the Emperor. There is also news that His Majesty sent a thousand elite guards to rescue and protect the prince. I'm afraid they are already on the way now."

When Mo Jiang heard the news, he was almost speechless. Did he hear it wrong? The emperor sent the Guards Jingwei? Who these people are, as the leader of the 100-strong Praetorian Guard, it is impossible for him not to know. They are the personal guards of the emperors of the past dynasties, but they are not comparable to the general guards like them. I had never heard of sending Jingwei to protect the prince before. This was the first time in history. With them going out, there is no need to worry about the safety of the prince in the future.

"Judging from the secret report sent by the prince, they are safe and sound for the time being. They will go all the way north to the foot of Xiqi Mountain, and then return to Dayan in the south. I think we can send an army to Xiqi Mountain. I shouldn't miss it." General Wei pointed to the map and drew a line according to the secret report, which is probably the route that Ming Yu and the others planned.

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