Chapter 42

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42. Chapter 42

In a shabby farmhouse, a few muffled coughs rang out. It was freezing cold, and the cold wind blew in through the broken windows, making a whimpering sound.

A lean and capable man looked around cautiously, making sure that there was no one around, then he pushed open the door of the firewood, and walked neatly into the room.

"Mr. Song! Mr. Song!" The room was dark and cold, the man whispered a few times, and when he heard a cough, he frowned and took a few steps, fumbling to light the oil lamp on the table.

The lamp was like a bean, swaying a few times in the wind, the man carefully protected it with both hands, and then stabilized.

Under the dim light, the room can be seen through the blinding eyes, a table with a missing corner, a simple wooden bed, a person lying on the bed, the black hair like a waterfall scattered on the head of the bed, he frowned slightly, but he couldn't stop. The incessant coughing made his pale complexion gradually turn into a faint blush. The man seemed to be half asleep and half awake, and when he saw the light, he opened his eyes slightly.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then he came back to his senses. Even if he saw him often, he would be stunned by this person's beauty every time. He shook his head, shook off the numb itching in his heart, took a few steps forward and lifted him up against the head of the bed, and tucked the quilt for him. He reached out and touched

the man's forehead, it was hot, and he said distressedly, "Why is it still so hot? Did you not drink the medicine again?"

Answering his question, he instead asked coldly in a hoarse voice, "What was the result of this trip?"

Hearing the question, the man said excitedly, "Thanks to what Mr. Song said, we can make enough money this time. , Hahaha, the people near Liangcheng are fat sheep, we have found a lot of food, at least it can ease the current predicament of the brothers."

That man is none other than the one who led people to loot Ningshi Village a few days ago. Song Qingfu. Song Lian was an important person who helped them make plans, and others called him Mr. Song.

Song Lian came from the north two years ago. I heard that she was trying to hide from someone. After coming to the Liangzhou boundary, she caught wind and cold again, and was rescued by Song Qingfu when she was hungry and cold.
Since then, he has been by his side, making suggestions for him, so that Song Qingfu is so small? Without any sign of relief, he coughed twice, "What is the reaction of the government now?" Song

Qingfu looked proud, "The government? How can a group of useless people react? They don't even dare to chase."

The method he came up with was to lay out the clues and set up a few traps. The pursuers turned their backs on their horses, how could they dare to chase again?

Now all the brothers respect Mr. Song. Since Mr. Song, their life has gotten better and better, and their power has grown stronger and stronger. Which man on the road doesn't admire them? Now, the villages around Liangcheng are also robbing them. Maybe one day they will be able to rob all the rich and lucrative merchants in Liangcheng. Then they will be able to eat and drink for the rest of their lives.

This time, they robbed and killed a happy one. The government didn't even dare to let a fart. To be honest, this was the happiest thing they did.

"Don't take it lightly, let the brothers stay calm. Recently, they have been holding their tails between their tails. Don't make public appearances to attract suspicion. Cough!" Song Lian urged.

"Don't worry! I have already told the brothers according to your instructions. They have always believed in you and dare not refuse to listen. Come on, you should take the medicine first." Song Qingfu brought the warm soup medicine in the corner. Say.

Song Lian looked at the dark soup in his hand, frowned in disgust, and moved back without a trace.

Song Qingfu noticed his little gesture, he smiled and said: "I brought you candied fruit, you drink the medicine, and I will give it to you. This is a candied fruit that only exists in the capital, and I spent a lot of time to exchange it for it. Come on."

Song Lian was fine at first, but when he heard him mentioning the capital, his face showed a stern expression of resentment, and said in a resentful voice, "I said, don't mention the capital to me!" I

don't know why , After Song Qingfu rescued him, he kept a secret about his origin, only knew that his name was Song Lian, and he didn't know anything about the rest. Later, they accidentally mentioned the northern capital, but Song Lian who was present immediately lost his temper. , So the brothers below also knew about Mr. Song's inverse scales and never mentioned them in front of him. Only Song Qingfu did not shy away from these things, and blurted out, Song Lian was always mad at him.

Song Qingfu hurriedly surrendered, but he had no sincerity, and said perfunctorily, "Fine! Don't mention it, don't mention it, drink the medicine first, and then I'll tell you about the things in Liangcheng after drinking it."

Song Lian glared at him fiercely, Just took the bowl and drank it. Song Qingfu did what he said, seeing that he had finished drinking the medicine, he took out a small cloth bag, picked up a candied fruit from it and put it into Song Lian's mouth.

Song Lian held the candied fruit expressionlessly, and listened to Song Qingfu's ramble and began to talk about what he had seen and heard in Liangcheng. In order to rob the villages around Liangcheng before, they listened to Song Lian's words and went to visit them in advance, so Liangcheng also went for a walk. When I saw and heard a lot of strange and interesting things, I thought that Mr. Song had no chance to see it with his own eyes, so I thought of picking some interesting things to tell him, and it would also make him happy.

He respects and loves Song Lian. If it wasn't for Song Lian's plan, how would they dare to come near Liangcheng? Now they have looted a lot of property, not only can they not worry about the winter, but they can also be admired by large and small forces in Liangzhou. I believe that this time, their position in Liangzhou can be firmly regarded as the leader.

"Mr. Song, don't you know how prosperous it is in Liangcheng, what food is used, and people use it best, and there are many things that I have never seen before. I heard that they were shipped from the Hu people in the west. What a good thing to come here." Song Qingfu sighed.

He has been begging for a living since he was a child, wandering around, living a life where there is no tomorrow. When he grew up, in order to beg for food, he joined a band of thieves, specializing in killing people and looting property. In this team, he belongs to the bottom, and he has been bullied for a long time.

Until he met Song Lian, Song Lian taught him how to win the boss's favor, how to buy people's hearts, and how to eradicate dissidents. Step by step from being bullied? br/>
"I went to Liangcheng this time and found out a piece of news. I heard that the emperor's son lives in Liangcheng, and I went to see his house from a distance. It's so big. I just want it to be me. How good is it to be able to live in such a house, sir, do you think that the emperor's son's house is all paved with gold? He uses gold bowls for meals? It's really a good mother's reincarnation. Sir, think about it The way is, I will take my brothers to rob his mother, and move all the gold and silver treasures of his family up the mountain, so that we will be able to worry about food and drink for the rest of our lives." Song Qingfu said it with gusto, not paying attention at all. Song Lian's face was terribly distorted.

"The emperor's sons, everyone deserves to die!" Song Lian cursed bitterly.

"That's right! Damn it!" Song Qingfu was even more happy when he heard Song Lian rarely agreeing with him, and said rudely, "Then let's go rob him next, maybe he will be frightened when he sees us. Fucking shit, bah! You son of a bitch, I chop off his dog's head and feed the dog."

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Song Lian's hands excitedly, his eyes full of nostalgia, "Sir, by that time, My things are yours, even if you want the moon in the sky, I can take it off for you."

Song Lian's eyes showed a look of disgust, and he pulled out his hands calmly. He turned a deaf ear to Song Qingfu's remarks, if he had a choice, he would have left this ghost place long ago.

Two years ago, when he fled to Liangzhou, he contracted a cold and fell ill. He met Song Qingfu and rescued him. In order to repay this kindness in the past two years, he has made suggestions for him, and helped him to a high position that he could never reach in his entire life, which is worthy of him.

He had long known that Song Qingfu thought badly about him, and had thought about leaving here, but that The serious illness at this time has finally hurt the fundamentals. For the past two years, he has been frail and sickly. If he leaves rashly, in such a bad environment, it is unknown how he will end up. He was unwilling, unwilling to die in such obscurity, at least, at least his wish was not fulfilled.

"Enough! If there is nothing wrong, you should go back first! Think about how to divide the robbed things, and how to take the next road. If the government comes to chase and arrest, how should you deal with it." Song With a frosty face, Lian said impatiently.

"Sir!" Seeing him angry, Song Qingfu couldn't help feeling anxious. "Sir, I am sincere to you..."

Song Lian's eyes were coldly swept over, obviously not wanting him to mention this matter.

"Song Lian, I only spoke to you because I respected you. If it weren't for me, you would have been dead at this moment." Song Qingfu couldn't help but speak out in a hurry.

Song Lian glared at him fiercely when he heard the words, and her eyes flashed a bewitching red from anger. "Haha! Are you threatening me? You want my body after you saved me? Huh?" He said, while pulling off the front of his shirt, "Song Qingfu, come here if you have the ability, there is only one left and right. Death, I've already died once, I don't care about dying one more time!"

Song Lian's white chest glowed with a hazy color under the dim light. Song Qingfu was stabbed like this, but he calmly woke up. He knew that he was hurting this person's heart, so he took two steps back and slapped himself twice, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! know I'm not This means. I, I..." He was awkward for a while, not knowing what to say, and under Song Lian's mocking gaze, he ran away.

bang! The door closed, and the redness in Song Lian's eyes finally dissipated. He stared blankly at the closed door, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he coughed violently, piercing his heart, and finally lay down on the bed weakly, a tear unconsciously slid from the corner of his eyes.

The bandits who looted Ningshi Village were nowhere to be seen, nor did the government garrison send troops to arrest them. For a while, rumors abounded in Liangcheng.

"Is this the case? What does the government do for food?" There were people talking all over the Goulan building.

"Government, but they are also people who are bullying and fearing evil. Those people are extremely vicious. In order to protect themselves, they dare not chase after them, right?" Someone sneered.

"?Paradox] Jun Su Yi created 蟮鮮單??Zhong Ye? Dirty pages and overseas Chinese ァR? >
Someone sneered, "You think everything will be fine if you don't leave the city? Looking at the government's style, when the bandits enter the city one day, they won't dare to make any moves, right? "

"Don't be alarmist, but I heard that the prince was furious and vowed to annihilate the bandits in one fell swoop." "

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed and laughed, and someone immediately refuted: "Destroy it in one fell swoop, but he sent troops to destroy it for us to see. There is no movement at all. Could it be that the prince can make the thieves obediently capture them with just one word? What a joke! "

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