Chapter 94

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94. Chapter 94

"Look, look, the man in red robe and silver armor in front of the convoy, then... that man is General Xie?" The people on the road saw the person in front, and they were not sure at first, but then the more they looked. Familiar, and finally asked.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and who does not know the name of General Xie of the Red Pao Army? The shocking change five or six years ago is still vivid in my mind. General Xie led the Red Pao army to turn the tide.

I still remember that time when there were thousands of people in the capital, and everyone came to see this man who was able to enter and exit the enemy army three times by himself, and his last arrow shot through the barbarian leader, King Hunle, so that the enemy had to retreat. That is how brave and courageous it takes to be able to do this.

Unexpectedly, this time the emperor's Qianqiu Festival, General Xie also went to Beijing to congratulate him. I heard that the barbarian army was knocking on the side a while ago, and the emperor specially sent Jingwei troops to protect Duan Wang. It seems that it should be all right now, and there is no war in the borderlands, so General Xie can take the time to go to Beijing to participate in the Qianqiu Festival.

"It's General Xie, indeed General Xie." Someone recognized it. After getting a positive answer, more people flocked to take a look at General Zhan Xie Yixiu.

For a time, both sides of the street were filled with people. Ming Yu stuck his head out from the carriage window and tutted with a smile, "General Xie, you are quite popular. Look, it's like chasing stars.

" Otherwise, I am afraid that they will swarm to sign. Ming Yu thought of the star-chasing families in later generations, which was a worthy comparison.

Xie Yixiu rode his horse and followed the carriage without squinting. The enthusiasm of the people seemed to have nothing to do with him at all. Hearing Ming Yu's words, he just glanced at it lightly and didn't speak.

Ming Yu pursed his lips, rolled his eyes a few times, and said with a smile, "General Xie is not familiar with the capital. This king can do his best to be a landlord. When I have time, I will show you around, how about you?"

Xie Yixiu glanced at him, seeing He was full of interest, and he didn't want to spoil him, so he nodded lightly, "Okay."

Ming Yu clapped his palms and said happily, "That's alright, let's settle it? You can't push three or four at that time.

Xie Yixiu shook his head, and when he looked again, Ming Yu had already lowered the curtains and retracted into the car . Xie Yixiu frowned slightly, and a sense of unease rose in his heart. After thinking about it, he felt that what Ming Yu said just now was nothing special, so he secretly laughed at himself, and then he forgot about it.

Ming Yu has already started to ponder in his heart, and then hold a sorority party to gather those sisters and sisters, the princess and the princess, the young lady, and all the ladies. Judging from the popularity of General Xie, it should be very popular with everyone.

Thinking about whether there are any of these, the convoy has already arrived at the Xihua Gate of the palace, and the eunuch in the palace has been waiting here for a long time.

Ming Yu jumped off the carriage and was dazzled by the sunlight outside. The palace servants who greeted him had already stepped up to pay homage and bowed. Ming Yu got on the sedan chair and went to see the emperor with Xie Yixiu.

In the Yude Palace, the emperor had already received a message, and His Royal Highness Duan Wang and General Xie Zhenghou were outside. The emperor put down the dossier in his hand, stood up eagerly, sat down again, and said coldly: "Call that bastard in."

Ming Yu tidied up his clothes. Come on, this general training is inevitable. Glancing at Xie Yixiu on the side, the other party responded with a helpless gesture. Ming Yu sighed and had no choice but to go first.

"My son Ming Yu has seen the father, the father will live forever, long live, long live!" As soon as Ming Yu entered, he hurried to pay homage.

The emperor didn't say anything, his face was cold.

Ming Yu rolled his eyes, pinched the tender flesh on the inner thigh, and grinned in pain, and there were already hazy tears in his eyes.

"Father! My son misses you so much! My son is being bullied outside!" Ming Yu was in a good mood, and before the emperor could scold him, he was already crying pitifully.

At this moment, the emperor's cold face was almost unable to hold back, and Ming Yu intensified. He walked to the emperor's side on his knees, and pulled the edge of the emperor's clothes and robes, crying with snot and tears.

"Father, my son almost thought I would never see you again. You don't know how scared my son is, woo woo..." The

words made the emperor's heart twitch, and his cold face subconsciously softened, "So Big man, what does it look like crying? Get up and sit down and talk."

Ming Yu wiped a few tears on the dragon robe, and then got up twitchingly, snuggled up obediently and sat aside, shrinking back. Like a small quail.

The emperor was angry and funny. He really had nothing to do with this bastard. At first, he wanted to criticize him a few words. Now, looking at him like this, he can't say anything serious.

"Okay, okay, I know you, so I've never been a worry. Now you know it's amazing, right?" The emperor's tone softened unknowingly.

Ming Yu nodded again and again, "I know, I know, Erchen knows it's wrong.".

"In the past, I was able to protect you. If the emperor is far away today, even if I wanted to protect you, I couldn't get there in time." The emperor hated iron and said: "In the future, you should think twice before doing things, and you must not take it lightly. Make a mistake. You should know that as a prince, you are not responsible for the burden on your body, and the lives of many people associated with you are in your hands. If something happens to you this time, The guard camp and the frontier army will all be blamed or even killed because of you."

Ming Yu lowered his head in shame, what the father said was the truth, his identity was not only implicated in himself, but also more Attaches to those who are loyal to him. It's like a big tree, without the trunk, where can the branches and leaves on it survive.

The emperor sighed, "If you are really captured by the barbarians, have you ever thought about the consequences? If they put forward conditions that would damage the prestige of Dayan, what would you ask me to do? Do you have the heart to let me have white hair? Sending a black-haired person?"

Ming Yu's eyes were already wet, and a sour taste came to his eyes, what the father said was from the bottom of his heart. It can be seen that he really cares about this son. He used to be like he has been watching from the outside of the script, which makes him a little regretful.

Misled by later generations, in his inherent concept, the most ruthless imperial family, the royal family have no kinship, and the heavenly family has no father and son. But now, he is deeply suspicious. Yes, he admits that these words are very reasonable, but they also have to be relevant to things and people.

Ming Yu only believed what he saw, perhaps to others, the emperor was a lonely man. However, at this moment, he could feel the concern, anxiety and worry of an old father for his son. He was deeply moved, and he had never experienced such care before.

"Father, don't worry, my son swears that this kind of thing will never happen again." Ming Yu said sincerely, with a choking meaning in his words.

Looking at Ming Yu's red eyes, remembering the crime he suffered this time, he could only lift it up and put it down gently, rubbing his head, "You have to remember what you said today."

After speaking, he hated He said with hatred: "The Suixi country is too deceiving, and dares to blatantly enter the country to rob people. Do you really think that I have no one in Dayan?"

Ming Yu pulled his sleeve, "Father, don't be angry, my son has already taught him a lesson, this account will be recorded first, and when there is a chance in the future, my son will definitely pay it back."

This is his son . ! The emperor nodded in relief: "Okay, ambitious. But what you said in your letter didn't really hurt?"

Ming Yu smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, just a little scared, thanks to General Xie's timely rescue." Xie Yixiu, who was waiting for the decree outside the hall, Ming Yu said, "Father, General Xie is outside the hall."

How could the emperor not know, just because he was too worried about Ming Yu, he ignored him. After getting out of danger, Ming Yu hurriedly wrote a secret letter and went to Beijing to report what happened and his own experience. It naturally talked about Xie Yixiu's credit, and the fact that only 1,000 people defeated 7,000 or 8,000 pursuers during the rescue.

The emperor naturally didn't believe that this was Ming Yu's masterpiece. To say that it was Xie Yixiu's work, some people might believe it. After all, Xie Yixiu had never disappointed anyone. This is also the reason why he was more than relieved when he heard that Xie Yixiu was protecting Ming Yu all the way.

This time, taking advantage of the Qianqiu Festival, let Xie Yixiu go to Beijing with Ming Yu. The main reason is that Xie Yixiu's contribution was indispensable, and it did not cause immeasurable consequences, and the emperor, who was an old father, was also grateful.


Finally, Xie Yixiu was announced to enter the hall, and Xie Yixiu was asked to report the process of the invasion of the barbarians and the affairs of the frontier. Xie Yixiu replied truthfully. The emperor was also happy when he heard Xie Yixiu's praise for Ming Yu. I thought it was Xie Yi repairing the face of the old fourteen, and deliberately put the credit on Ming Yu.

But what kind of thunderbolt, is it really so magical? Where can you retreat from the enemy with a few sideways and crooked paths? The emperor didn't ask any more questions, and he praised Xie Yixiu, and even rewarded a lot of the emperor's royal gifts, which made Ming Yu envious.

"Father! The area around the Xiqi Corridor is a strategic place, whether it is for recuperation, garrisoning the fields, or dispatching troops for commerce and trade, it is a treasure land, which can be attacked and defended. We Dayan have mastered this throat, and the barbarians will no longer be I can't hold us anymore." Ming Yu told the emperor his idea again.

He has perfected a lot these days, and his plans are basically the same. At this point, I said it with confidence.

The emperor was not moved by his words, he just nodded to show that he knew.

Ming Yu was a little anxious, "Father, what my son said is true, General Xie has already sent someone to inquire about it. This place can always lead to the Western Regions, and the business will be safer and more reliable." The

emperor gave him a sideways look, "You What are you worried about? Do you think this is a child's play, you can take it if you take it down? Even if you take it down, what about the subsequent construction of the city and the relocation of the people?" After speaking, he sighed: "The affairs of the imperial court are not what you imagined. It 's that easy." If the

imperial court wants to decide something, it is not something that the emperor can decide with one word. However, once the DPRK and China discuss the decision, it cannot be decided in a short time.

It is not for nothing that the interests and interests of various parties in the imperial court have been disputed, and it is not impossible to shirk the blame for a year or two.

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