Chapter 90

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90, Chapter 90 

The Jingwei Army really lived up to expectations, and soon followed the vines and found out the nails buried in Liangcheng.

Ming Yu did not panic, I just scratched some painlessly, and the rest were only to be monitored carefully, but anything must be reported.

Next, Ming Yu handed over the matter of the Hequ Racecourse to Xu Wen. He has been presiding over the construction of the village tunnels and villages, and now they are almost on the right track. The following people only need to draw the gourds and continue to finish.

Xu Wen has excellent organizational skills and is good at thinking. It would be more appropriate to leave him in charge.

Mingyu put a lot of effort into this river channel, and found a lot of river craftsmen to investigate on the spot, and finally found the best channel. In the future, if this canal is repaired, it will not only nourish the horse farm, but also make the horse farm lush with water and grass, and it will also be able to irrigate the fertile fields in the plain. In the long run, it is a good thing for the country and the people. Now it is worth spending some manpower and material resources for the future of Liangzhou.

The blueprint has been planned, and Xu Wen solemnly took over this task. This is a big test for him, and he must not fail it.

Next, Ming Yu was busy with the military workshop, which was a top priority. After all, only a good military force could strengthen the defense capability of the frontier army.

As for the protective shield, the hooked sickle spear, and the thorny lance, General Wei has come to urge it several times. The deposit has been paid, and I just hope that it will be delivered sooner.

Needless to say about the protective shield and the hooked sickle spear, this thorny lance is also very effective against cavalry with a protective shield.

The spiny lance, as the name suggests, is similar to the ordinary lance, except that it is lengthened, and then dense long hooks are added to the front end. Just imagine, in the phalanx, the enemy troops raided on horseback, and before they got close, there were countless hooks everywhere, who would dare to continue to charge? What is the difference between this and direct death.

Although these things are cumbersome and have insufficient mobility, passive defense is very useful. Equipped with garrison, it can be even more powerful, because garrison is mainly responsible for defense. In the past, there was no way for the garrison to take the enemy's iron cavalry, and it was only a matter of retreat. It was already very good to be able to firmly hold the pass. Now it is different. With these equipment, even if you encounter the enemy's cavalry in an affair, you will no longer run away from the wind.

Equipped like a garrison of tin turtles, the enemy has nothing to do with them, and they can bite back every now and then, so why not do it?

At that time, after General Wei proposed to Ming Yu that he would use the guard battalion to train the garrison, he got Ming Yu's acquiescence to go to Mo Jiang. After a few days of grinding, Mo Jiang was relieved, but there is a condition, try it for a while, if it is really not suitable, then I am sorry, and call back wherever you come from. Mo Jiang finally let go, and General Wei naturally agreed with his mouthful, and sent the person over the next day.

Because General Wei had told him thousands of times to follow the rules of the guard camp, if he was returned, he would not have to go back to the garrison. Everyone didn't dare to make trouble, and they all started their training career in the guard camp quietly, and started from scratch with the new recruit Danzi.

Wei Yuanhuan was considered to be the best among the juniors of the Wei family, although in the eyes of General Wei, he was too far behind, and among the shorties, he was the only one in the Wei family who could see. What else can I do, then pack him up and send it over.

Wei Yuanhuan is smart, but a little arrogant. After all, he lived in a family like the Wei family since he was a child. It's normal for young people to be a little competitive.

Although before coming, Grandpa had told him countless times to train him to learn his skills, and he must not violate the rules and be lazy. But he politely agreed on the surface, but he still felt a little disapproval in his heart.

It's not like he didn't know what the escort battalion looked like. Back then, the escort battalion arranged for the garrison to conduct confrontation drills. He was also in the team, personally beating the guards to find teeth. Grandpa didn't know what he was thinking, but he actually asked them to come to the guard camp and learn training with the people in the guard camp.

He wants to see, what can be learned here?

At this time, Mo Jiang in the escort camp had regretted his promise to General Wei at that time. When he agreed, he must have been stunned. It must be like this.

In front of him, Wei Yuanhuan raised his head and asked loudly, "Commander Mo, he tells us to run with sandbags every day before dawn, what's the use?"

They have been here for more than half a month. Running, standing in the military posture, I really don't know what's the use of training these. When you encounter an enemy, do you just run away, or stand still and let someone kill you? I really don't know what the hell Grandpa sent them to learn.

Mo Jiang glanced at him coldly, not wanting to pay attention to this thorn.

"Listen to my order, start and run!" Mo Jiang gave the order, and everyone glanced at Wei Yuanhuan in front of the team and looked at each other, hesitating for a while whether they should obey the order or not.

There was a relaxed smile on Mo Jiang's face, "You don't obey orders, right? Good! I made an appointment with General Wei at the beginning. If you don't obey orders, the guard camp will not keep anyone, and the gate of the guard camp is over there. Come back, everyone?"

General Wei's words were still in his ears, how dare they go back, the first person in the lead immediately started to move, and started to run behind the tail of the guard camp's recruits.

Wei Yuanhuan snorted coldly, trying to scare people? He wasn't intimidated. With a straight expression on his face, he said, "Commander Mo, it's not that I don't obey orders. I just asked Commander Mo when I had doubts in my heart."

He was neither humble nor arrogant. There are military regulations in the guard battalion. If subordinates have doubts, they can ask the commander. The commander is obliged to make a reasonable explanation for the soldiers.

"Training time is now about obeying orders. The guard camp doesn't need people who don't obey orders." Mo Jiang stared at him, "Understand? You don't want to obey orders, please!"

Wei Yuanhuan licked his lips and stared at Mo Jiang. Jiang, said word by word: "Yes, I am willing to obey the order!" He smiled at Mo Jiang and said in a low voice: "After the training, I hope Commander Mo can clear my doubts." run in the direction.

Mo Jiang's head hurt a little, and once again regretted that he should not have agreed to General Wei. If it's a recruit, you can train as you want. How can you be as difficult as these soldiers?

Mo Jiang regretted it was useless. He only hoped that these people could not bear to leave as soon as possible, but he didn't know how General Wei explained to them. It seemed that it would be difficult for them to give up on their own.

Mo Jiang didn't take Wei Yuanhuan's words to heart. Others might take his identity into consideration, but he wouldn't, thinking he had plenty of time? He is so busy every day that his feet are not touching the ground, and he will make a special trip to wait for you to clear up your doubts? Hehe, naive.

Mo Jiang didn't wait for Wei Yuanhuan, and went straight to Ming Yu to report the work progress in January.

After listening to it, Ming Yu nodded with satisfaction, these recruits are still very good.

When it comes to recruits, you have to think of the garrison that General Wei has put in, and Ming Yu also asked about the situation.

Mo Jiang was full of heartbreak and hesitantly said: "Your Highness, can you let General Wei take the people back?"

"What's wrong?" Ming Yu asked.

"These brats, who have been in the army for a long time, are accustomed to acting sly and acting slick. Compared with recruits, they are one in the sky and the other on the ground."

No one wants to bring such soldiers. Although the recruits can't do anything, they are enough. Be honest and obedient, do what you say, don't worry too much.

As for these people, they think they have some skills, and they don't take basic training seriously at all. Remembering that Wei Yuanhuan was able to seize the opportunity and choked on the head, he said that he would be punished, but everyone still followed the rules of the guard camp. But if you really want to rely on him, isn't his commander just admit defeat in front of him? Absolutely not.

Ming Yu was curious to hear Mo Jiang's complaints, and laughed heartily. But at that time, it was true that he dug a pit for Mo Jiang, and now laughing at him is a bit inauthentic, so I have to appease him a few words.

"This, I'm afraid it's unrealistic. General Wei is the one who tried his best to get in here. How could he easily let people go back? Besides, didn't you agree? Wait three or five months, and the time will be one. Come, this matter will naturally pass." Ming Yu persuaded.

Fortunately, after listening to Xie Yixiu's words at the time, General Wei asked General Wei to talk to Mo Jiang himself, otherwise, it would be his turn to worry about it now.

It was precisely because of a momentary reluctance that he agreed to this request, and now he has suffered the consequences of his own planting.

    Come on, it's only a few months left, it's best to go there early, and you can breathe a sigh of relief. In the future, this kind of thing will never happen again.

"Commander Mo, actually, this king thinks that these people don't need to be accustomed to them. They are not convinced? Okay, just talk with your fists and beat them to be convinced, there is no need to be angry with them. Isn't it?" Ming Yu suggested.

It is also the same principle, the more accustomed to them, the more lawless they become. Although they are obstructing General Wei's explanation, they are respected on the surface, but what they think in private is uncertain. Mo Jiang clenched his fists. The lord was right. It would be good to repair them. After making up his mind, Mo Jiang felt a little relieved.

Back in the guard camp, it was already dark, handed over the horse to the guards, and was about to enter the tent when a dark shadow suddenly jumped out.

Mo Jiang was stunned for a moment, and immediately became alert. But he heard Wei Yuanhuan's laughing ruffian voice: "Commander Mo is very busy, Xiao Ke has been waiting for you for a long time."

Mo Jiang was expressionless, his fist squeezed cooingly. Yes, very consciously.

"Come in with me!" Mo Jiang coldly dropped a sentence and went straight into the tent.

Wei Yuanhuan spat out the grassroots in his mouth, followed Mo Jiang into the tent, his face was very proud, I would like to see how you explain it.

Mo Jiang took off his cloak, threw it aside, and asked without looking back, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Commander Mo, we came to guard the camp to learn how to fight the enemy, not to run around all day. You can win the enemy by standing in line, so I don't understand why Commander Mo asked us to train these things. Please give me an explanation..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden wind of punches coming from his face. Wei Yuanhuan was taken aback, fortunately, the years of training in the army made him responsive and narrowly avoided. However, avoiding the top, but didn't notice the bottom, and then a pain in the lower abdomen, a fist hit him, and he stood unsteadily for a while, and was beaten back several steps.

Wei Yuanhuan looked at Mo Jiang in disbelief, why did this person not follow the rules, he said he would do it?

Mo Jiang retracted his hand at this time, and showed a smile on his active wrist, "Come on, I'll explain to you if you beat me."

Wei Yuanhuan was not convinced, "You didn't follow the rules and attacked?"

Mo Jiang disdainfully, " Will the enemy teach you the rules on the battlefield?" When it comes to fighting, Wei Yuanhuan

has always been not afraid, "If you fight, I'm still afraid of you?"

, in the spacious tent.

Wei Yuanhuan is a direct descendant of the Wei family, and the Wei family focuses on training people, and he still has some skills. When he was stationed in the army before, no one dared to fight with the son of the Wei family. On weekdays, he is still a little complacent about his skills.

Now Mo Jiang can't control so much. If you care about your son and young master, if it falls into his hands, don't blame him for being rude. He was determined to beat him down, but he wanted to see if this person would dare to show off in front of him in the future.

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