Chapter 149

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149. Chapter 149

"Your Majesty doesn't have to be like this, how many soldiers of Dayan are not like this?" Xie Yixiu's heart softened, and he could see the pity in Ming Yu's eyes.

Xie Yixiu said it easily, but Ming Yu felt uncomfortable in his heart. He also knew that Xie Yixiu was comforting himself. He couldn't comfort himself, the war was cruel, and so many people lost their homes, loved ones, and lost their lives because of it.

The barbarians of Suixi were brave and good at fighting. They robbed food and robbed the population. They treated the people of the Great Swallows as livestock, and they burned, killed, and looted. The retreat of the country of Dayan made these people even more serious, and people who were good at being deceived by others could only live in dire straits.

Therefore, since the emperor ascended the throne, he has taken a tough attitude, and the great country cannot be bullied like this. If you want to fight, you will fight. For decades, the frontier wars have been won and lost, but it has also made the barbarians restrained a bit.

Such a stalemate will inevitably lead to losses for both countries. As time goes on, the imperial army will only become more and more tense, and the life of the people will become more and more difficult. If the war cannot be stopped peacefully, the power of a country may be dragged down by the war.

The only way is to stop the war with war, kill to kill, and beat the barbarians to fear that they will be scattered. Let's see if they can show off their power again. In the past, when Dayan fought against the barbarians, nine times out of ten, they were defeated and returned. But now, with the armament made by the craftsman, although they dare not say that they will win every battle, how can they be able to fight the enemy at 55 to 50?

In this way, when everyone is proficient in using these armaments, plus changing their tactics to adapt to today's equipment, what are they afraid of fighting?

"It is the people who suffer in the war. I hope that the frontier areas can be settled and peaceful as soon as possible. Only peace can develop, so that the people of the frontier areas can live a stable life." Ming Yu sighed.

"The lord has done a good job. Since the lord came to the borderlands, the lives of the people have changed a lot. Compared with before, at least they are no longer naked and hungry. In the future, I believe that the lord will not treat Liang badly. The people of the state." Xie Yixiu said.

Now Mingyu repairs canals, builds workshops, and revitalizes Xiqi Corridor. As long as people in Liangzhou have hands, feet and strength, they can find work that suits them. No matter how bad it is, you can still have food to satisfy your hunger, let alone a person with good skills.

According to the word of mouth of the people in Liangzhou, there are more people in Liangzhou from far away coming to Liangcheng in an endless stream, because as long as they have the strength and work hard, they will not starve to death.

Liangzhou, especially the surrounding area of ​​Liangcheng, is changing with each passing day. I don't know when a new workshop will be built, or which road will become wider again. Liangcheng is full of thriving scenes that have never been seen before. The people's faces are filled with positive and cheerful smiles every day. Where can there be such a sad face that today does not know what will happen tomorrow, and now the people of Liangzhou do not appreciate the goodness of the prince.

Xie Yixiu's compliment made Ming Yu stunned, and he couldn't help blushing. He had never heard anyone compliment him face to face, and it was a little embarrassing to say it from Xie Yixiu's mouth.

"I think I've done too little for them." Ming Yu sighed that his people didn't have too many requirements, and they only needed to be fed and clothed to be grateful to Dade. That's it, it made Ming Yu feel deeply guilty.

Too slow, too far from what he imagined planned.

"If you want the borderland to be stable and peaceful, you not only need to send troops to disrupt the attack, but also to create chaos in their royal court, so they can't make concerted efforts to free up their hands." Xie Yixiu said.

"So, we have to keep an eye on Suixi country all the time, and the spies we trained can be inserted."

This is Ming Yu's plan. Since Ming Yu came back from Suixi country last time, he has plans to let his own When spies go deep into the enemy, it is best to gain the trust of the powerful.

In the past, their spies were just listening for news on the fringes, but they never thought about assigning tasks to let them get in touch with them, and they never thought about letting them get in touch with the royal court dignitaries.

After Ming Yu understood, they made a plan to let their people change their previous strategies and work hard to contact the royal court. As long as it can penetrate into the enemy's interior, when it is needed, not only can it bring out news, but it can also provoke disputes within the enemy and stir up the murky waters.

"It's a bit difficult, but it's already clear, and some people have already started contacting it, but it's not easy to get results for a while." Xie Yixiu naturally participated in this plan, and he also gave a lot of suggestions. So Xie Yixiu is very clear and supervises this one.

There is no way, who said that Ming Yu has few people in his hands, and he can only have multiple roles by himself, and those who can do more work.

"That's true, don't worry, everything should be done with care, and don't let it go, so as not to fall short." Ming Yu instructed.

Xie Yixiu naturally knew this, and he had already ordered it. These spies who accepted the mission were all quick-witted and quick-witted, and they were very trustworthy. I believe that after a long time, they will be able to complete the task well.

But he remembered one thing and asked, "Does your lord still remember Tuoba Jiu?"

Ming Yu remembered Tuoba Jiu. Not only did he remember it, he was also very impressed. Wasn't he planted in this person's hands? It is impossible for him to forget it for a lifetime.

Ming Yu nodded, "Tuoba Jiu, he is considered to be the prince of Suixi. When he returns to the royal court this time, he will restore his identity after thinking about it?"

Tuoba Jiu was hiding too deeply, if he hadn't heard it himself. , he could never believe that Gan Jiu, who had been living in Liangcheng, honest and taciturn, was the prince of Suixi Kingdom.

"Indeed, Tuobahong has restored his status as a prince, but this status doesn't have a big effect. He is still a transparent person. Tuobahong sealed a place for him, which is considered to be far away." Xie Yixiu also got it. The Xinbao learned about what happened after Tuoba Jiu returned, so he paid attention.

This is the ending I think about it. For a prince who was neglected and abandoned early, it is already very good to have a place to live in peace.

However, Ming Yu didn't know what Xie Yixiu meant by mentioning this irrelevant person at this time.

"Maybe this person will be of value. It can be used by people. Maybe it will be used one day in the future?" Xie Yixiu narrowed his eyes. This person may be a chess piece. It should still be possible to make a fuss about him.

A thought flashed in Ming Yu's mind, but it was fleeting, and he wanted to catch it but there was nothing. He paced with his hands behind his back, wanting to think deeply, but his thoughts were very confused for a while.

Ming Yu had no choice but to stop thinking about it, and replied following Xie Yixiu's words: "Alright, you can arrange it yourself. Even if it's just a piece of idle chess, it can be useful for a day. Anyway, it's best to plan ahead." The

two agreed . After knowing what to do next, Xie Yixiu said goodbye and left.

In the workshop, Huang Lao frowned and scratched his head with both hands. He scratched off several strands of his sparse gray hair.

"Huang Lao, why don't you send someone to ask the prince?" The people around him couldn't help saying when they saw Huang Lao like this.

Huang Lao is now studying the cement formula left by Ming Yu, and they have never seen the cement in the mouth of the prince. But then again, the things that the lord came up with are all bizarre things, and they have never heard of it.

Things like glass, clairvoyance, and thunderbolts, when the lord said it, they never believed that there was such a thing. Are these things sure that only gods in the sky can have them? However, these miraculous things were really created in their step-by-step experiments.

Now, as long as it is what the lord said, they have fully believed that they will be able to create miracles and show these perfect productions.

The craftsmanship has now been completely divided into research and production of new things, and when these things are developed, the recipe steps will be distributed to the craftsmen below that belong to the craftsmanship branch.

The workshop is divided by assembly line, which means that only one part can be made in one place. The process in several places is completely different, and at the end, the scattered parts of the production are completely integrated, and it is complete.

In this way, the benefits can be seen with the naked eye, and the workers in each place can master the process proficiently, so that the quantity and speed of production can be maximized. The second and most important point is that it is not easy to leak secrets. Even if there are enemy spies who want to inquire, they are just peeking at the leopard. It is impossible to fully understand the entire process, and naturally it is impossible to steal the method.

This thing called cement has been developed for a long time, but for some reason, it is always a lot different from what the prince said. They compared the proportions of raw materials one by one, and they are not as outstanding as the king said.

Huang Lao was a little hesitant. They worked hard on this thing, but there was something they didn't achieve that made them unimaginable.

He frowned and said, "Your Majesty has a lot of time and is busy with things in the Xiqi Corridor. The affairs are cumbersome, and we have to bother the lord with this matter. It's really unreasonable.

" The direction has been put forward, and the rest is made by them. If everything bothers the lord, what else do they need to do?

"Then what should I do? Can't delay the prince's business?" The other person worried.

Huang Lao sighed, "What else can I do, continue the experiment." He didn't believe it anymore, he was just about to close the door, and he couldn't figure it out after a few more experiments. "You all think about it and see what else you can do. We are recruiting everyone now for the purpose of brainstorming. We are the researchers valued by the prince, and we can't count on the prince for everything."

"Hahaha! Are you all here? What do you expect from this king? This king only made some suggestions, and the specific ones are not much better than yours. Many things have to rely on everyone's collective efforts to experiment." As

soon as he finished speaking, Ming Yu had already strode in. .

Everyone was surprised and happy, they were thinking about the prince, and this is coming. They rely on Ming Yu to solve problems, mainly because Ming Yu's thinking is different from most of them. His thinking is free and active, and he can imagine many impossible things. It's not like they are too old-fashioned and stubborn, always looking at everything in a specific way of thinking, how creative can this be?

In many cases, one or two words from the prince can remind them of the direction of research and creation, so that they can avoid a lot of detours.

Seeing Ming Yu, everyone got up one after another, and Huang Lao took the lead in saluting Ming Yu, "Greetings to the lord." Ming Yu lifted him up and waved his hand, "It's been a

while since everyone came here, why are everyone being polite."

The words made the atmosphere in the whole field relaxed. The prince is still the kind and considerate prince who has never changed, which made everyone feel at ease.

Ming Yu walked to the upper seat and sat down, signaling everyone to sit down and discuss. Here is Ming Yu's specially remodeled conference room. The space is very large, with a long table in the middle, which can accommodate a dozen or twenty people for meetings and discussions.

Ming Yu came by coincidence, and they happened to have a meeting to discuss because there was no progress in the cement.

After everyone sat down, Ming Yu spread out his hands, "Tell me about the situation, how is the progress."

Cement is the top priority of Ming Yu's account, so now all the staff of the craftsman are focusing on this topic. , At this time, when Ming Yu asked, everyone felt a sense of guilt.

They have been researching and producing for so long, but they have not made any progress so far. How can they be worthy of the prince's entrustment.

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