Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"What!" Xu Wen was really surprised now, he had never heard of the common people It takes only two or three months of training to become an army. Is His Royal Highness Duan Wang joking? At this juncture, this is not the time to joke.

In order to prove that he was not joking, Ming Yu continued according to his own train of thought, "I call this kind of person a reserve soldier. They go to the ground when they are busy and train in their spare time. The stockade is their home, and the common people are their family. There is no worry of not doing our best to protect. The same people also trust them, and with them, they can effectively organize the people to resist the bandits."

That's right, it sounds like a good way, but the most important point is that A commoner who only knows how to farm, can he really have the ability to resist thieves and bandits in just two or three months? It's simply a fantasy.

Xu Wen had already asked the question before he knew it, and before he could react, Ming Yu's answer was already in his ears, "Yes, you can use your spare time to train twice a year, two or three months each time, without delaying the farming time. , and there will be such training every year in the future. After they go back, they can train in the stockade by themselves according to the training method they learned every day."

Xu Wen still didn't believe it, so wouldn't everyone be a soldier? At that time, we Dayan will not be afraid of the small country of Suixi.

"It's just that, according to the laws of the imperial court, military households can only enter the military." Xu Wen still had a lot of concerns.

Ming Yu smiled slightly, "They are not military households, and naturally they are not soldiers. They are just people who can protect their families and the country."

Xu Wen was a little stunned, and it was hard to turn his head all of a sudden, but Ming Yu did not explain more. Many things can only be accepted after seeing them with one's own eyes, otherwise a person's inherent concept will be difficult to change. When his five hundred elite army is born, I am afraid that many people's eyes will be shocked.

Speaking of which, after such a long time, the training ground that Mo Jiang handled should be built, right? Although Commander Mo would come to him every two or three days to report the progress and solve the problems here and there, but for so long, he had been busy and didn't have time to go over to the scene to take a look. Well, when are you free to go over there and take a look.

"In terms of the current conditions, the manpower and material resources for building stockades are indeed somewhat lacking, and it is impossible for all villages in Liangzhou to build stockades, so I plan to build tunnels and build villages together. That's what I meant before. , do a few experimental points first to see what the effect is, and then we will decide what to do next. In this way, even if my idea is wrong and it is not suitable for these two methods, I can stop the loss in time." Ming Yu took it slow. of expressing his thoughts.

Although these methods are based on his summarizing the experience of later generations, in the end, whether such methods are suitable for the land of Liangzhou, Ming Yu has no idea in his heart, so he can only adopt a compromise method.

In addition, the cost of money is really stretched. There is no news about the letter he sent to the capital. Even if his caravan can set off immediately, it is not now to see a profit, so he can only take it slowly.

Xu Wen understands Ming Yu's concerns, he has already considered all the problems, this is the best, and it will not be too labor-intensive and costly.

"Little minister agrees!" Xu Wen salutes.

"Then how about leaving this to Master Xu?" Ming Yu said with a smile, alas! Who let him have too few people to use? Those who are capable work hard, and Xu Wen is also a talented person. Moreover, he is an authentic Liangzhou native. If he persuades the people to implement the plan, it will be twice the result with half the effort. Don't worry, don't you worry about yourself?

Regardless of whether Xu Wentong agreed or not, he immediately said: "This matter is of great importance and is closely related to the people. We must do our job well and not force it. We must explain the advantages and disadvantages of doing this to the people, so that the people can fully It's all voluntary, without any resistance, this is the first step, do you understand?"

Xu Wen was so excited that he didn't expect the prince to entrust such an important task to him. , it can definitely change the future of Liangzhou, and maybe it can be recorded in history. He is only a small seventh-rank official, and there are countless officials in Liangzhou who are bigger than him. How can he get the trust of the prince, and the kindness he has encountered, it is still difficult to repay him with a grass title ring.

Xu Wen's eyes were red with excitement, he straightened his clothes, and then bowed to Ming Yu and bowed to the ground to pay homage

. I will live up to you. Just think that the people are the best return for this king."

Xu Wen nodded his head and promised, and also brought up what he didn't understand. Ming Ye answered patiently, and between questions and answers, Chief ministers complement each other. Xu Wen gained a lot from it, and admired Ming Yu's whimsy even more.

While the two were discussing, the letter that Ming Yu was thinking about entered the capital at this time. Prince Ming Ye heard a letter from Liangcheng, and was still surprised that his fourteenth brother would even send him a letter, which is indeed extremely rare. Now, he wants to see if this younger brother is not used to regretting it when he first arrived in Liangcheng?

When he opened the letter, Ming Ye swept through the letter with one glance and ten lines. It was a little incredible. He read it again. After reading this carefully, Ming Ye's brows furrowed. This fourteenth brother, why did he think about going to Jixi? Doing business in the Western Regions? This is something that the ancestors have not allowed since the founding of the country. What is he doing?

The prince's worried expression was in the eyes of Xu Xi, the prince's assistant, and he couldn't help asking: "What is the prince doing? What happened in Duan Wang's letter?"

This Xu Xi has been studying with Ming Ye since he was a child. Now he is also working in the Prince's Mansion. Ming Ye has always been kind to him, and he does not hide many things from him. He also helps Ming Ye with a lot of ideas. It can be said that Ye has come all the way, and this confidant can be said to have contributed greatly.

When Xu Xi asked, the prince handed the letter to him without paying much attention, "Let's take a look."

After Xu Xi read it, he was also surprised, "Prince, why does His Royal Highness the Fourteenth Prince have this... Such an idea?"

Ming Ye shook his head and didn't speak. To be honest, he had never understood this fellow brother. In the palace, where is the real brotherhood? None of his brothers are safe. He is a prince, and he knows that he is alone from the time he is sensible.

aid. He has always been cautious, for fear of being squeezed out by his so-called brothers, or accidentally stabbed in the back by someone else. In the eyes of others, the position of the prince is a sweet potato, but only he knows that this position is actually a hot potato.

The heights are very cold, Ming Yu is his mother's compatriot, and he has been stupid since childhood, but he is quite close to him. Sometimes he thought about how nice it would be if this fellow brother was a normal person, at least in this hypocritical palace, the Fourteenth Brother could help him and prevent him from fighting alone. And sometimes he was glad that his younger brother was a fool, which would make people feel at ease.

It is precisely because of this that he also treats this younger brother with some sincerity. He once thought that after a hundred years from his father, he will inherit that position logically, and then let the fourteenth younger brother sit back and relax as his idle prince.

How do you know that the fourteenth brother has been begging the father to go to Liangcheng, and now there is such a scene, what should people do? If you are criticized by someone who has a heart, you will not be able to please yourself.

Ming Ye was feeling embarrassed, thinking about whether to send a letter to persuade his fourteenth brother to give up this idea, and heard Xu Xi say, "But the idea of ​​the Fourteenth Highness is really good."

Ming Ye looked at Xu Xi in confusion, Xu Xi said. He tapped the letter with his finger and said, "The Fourteenth Highness's plan on the above is well-written, and even in terms of future profit sharing, I have to say that this benefit is very attractive."

Ming Ye smiled bitterly, how attractive is it? , is not empty talk. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, looks very beautiful on the surface, but he raises literati, attracts and makes friends with the ministers in the court, which one does not need to spend a lot of money? Although he also has a farmhouse under his name, he has felt that he cannot make ends meet over the years.

"His Royal Highness, I think this is indeed a way to make money, and you don't have to take much risk." Xu Xi handed the letter back to Ming Ye and said.

Ming Ye's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "How do you say this?"

Xu Xi pondered for a while, and then said: "His Fourteenth Highness asked you to provide some goods such as porcelain, silk, and tea, and he is responsible for everything else. Prince, your shop is not without these, so give the tenth a backlog of old goods. The fourth master will deal with it, and at that time, if you earn several times or even dozens of times, you will be able to share half of the profits, so why not do it?" In the letter, Ming Yu has already said that the future benefits will be divided into 50% and 50%, so it seems that it is not There is no risk. "As far as 10,000 steps back, if there is any loss of these goods, they are just old goods that are not worth a few silver coins. But in this way, you have helped the Fourteenth Highness, and the Fourteenth Highness will only be more grateful. It is also more affectionate to you."

Indeed, Ming Ye nodded, and Xu Xi continued: "His Fourteenth Highness can still think of the prince when he is outside, which shows that your place in his heart is very important, the prince has not always been If you want a help, now that the Fourteenth Highness is

enfeoffing a party, why is it not the help of the Crown Prince?" Ming Ye frowned, "If the Fourteenth Brother is entrusted to the vicinity of Gyeonggi or the prosperous land in the south, it will be a help. But he actually went to Liangzhou, what can Liangzhou have? A barren land, alas!" It was not that he hadn't persuaded him at first, but he refused to listen to people's words and insisted on going there.

"Haha, I can't say that. Prince, didn't His Fourteenth Highness think of a way to make money now?" Xu Xi was still very optimistic about the plan mentioned in Ming Yu's letter. "Furthermore, in the eyes of this minister, His Highness the Fourteenth is very different from before. His stupidity is not as rumored."

Ming Ye nodded in agreement, the fourteenth brother's stupidity was young and fashionable And obviously, under the careful adjustment of the imperial doctor, he has greatly improved, but now his thoughts are out of tune with everyone, and his behavior is different.

"It's just that this has never happened before, and it goes against the rules of the ancestors." Ming Ye was still worried.

"This minister thinks otherwise, why don't the Crown Prince show the letter to His Majesty. You don't have to take any risks or worry about the criticism of those who have the heart after this matter has passed through His Majesty's hands. Moreover, the Crown Prince is worried that his younger brother will also be able to leave a brother in front of His Majesty. Youdi Gong's good impression. If Your Majesty agrees, you don't have to be restrained."

Ming Ye's eyes lit up, and he happily patted Xu Xi's shoulder, "Okay, Qing is considerate, it is indeed a good idea, so please do as Qing said."

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