Chapter 124

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124. Chapter 124

Before everyone could react, there was a spark of fireworks in the night sky not far away.

Everyone looked up, and the fireworks flashed in the night sky, and they were fleeting. Everyone had a question in their hearts, what is this?

I haven't figured it out yet, but the colorful fireworks bloom in the night sky one after another, as if the flowers are scattered by the goddess, which makes people dazzled.

Almost everyone stared at it, is this auspicious from the sky? Otherwise, why would such a spectacle be born out of thin air.

For a while, the field was quiet, only the dazzling fireworks were extinguished.

Ming Yu bowed his hands and said respectfully: "My son presents gifts to the goddess and scattered flowers, I wish the father and the emperor a thousand years, good health and longevity!"

What! this what Duan Wang made? birthday gift? Really eye-opening!

Ming Zhen slammed the table with anger when he heard the words, bastard Ming Yu, this time overshadowed the limelight of these princes. The South China Sea purple-gold coral beads that he found for the third brother with all his hard work and painstaking efforts were originally valuable and could be regarded as rare treasures. I also thought that the third brother would be able to show the limelight because of this, but I didn't expect that the limelight was robbed by Ming Yu.

There are fifty-six fireworks Mingyu prepared, symbolizing the emperor's fifty-sixth birthday. After a while, the fireworks in the night sky gradually calmed down, and everyone woke up from their surprise.

The emperor laughed loudly, "Very good, very good, this is the most special gift I have received."

Ming Yu hit the snake and followed the stick, "Of course, you don't know, the emperor, my son is for your sake. How long have you been preparing for the birthday, and how much effort has been spent. But if you can win the praise of the father and the emperor, it is worth it."

He sent a pile of high-sounding words, which made the emperor laugh, and the whole banquet was suddenly filled with people. The atmosphere suddenly became active again.

The eleventh prince Mingzhen clenched his fists, he couldn't see Ming Yu's complacent look, but seeing his face in front of the emperor, he could only tickle his teeth with anger.

"Little Fourteen really has a thorough mind. Such a novelty has never been seen before. When the Fourteenth Brother makes a move, it is extraordinary." The third prince Mingtao said sourly.

The emperor's praises fell to everyone's ears, and everyone knew that the emperor was very satisfied with Ming Yu's generous gift. Mingtao didn't expect his congratulatory gift to make his father look in a different light when Ming Yu came out and grabbed the attention, which made him feel powerful and nowhere to go. It's like accumulating energy for a long time, but the punch is empty, and people can't get used to it for a while.

Mingzhen secretly handed a knife to the side, and helped Mingtao to put on a pretense: "The fourteenth brother's gift is really good, such a rare thing is hidden and tucked away, and I didn't give it to the father at the first time. Wait until it's important. I just took it out just now, just to surprise my father, I really have grown up, and my mind is a lot calmer."

His words praised and criticized, accusing Ming Yu of not taking his father as the most important thing and failing to take the first place in new things. Sincerely, time, but hide to add chips to yourself.

Although these words are obscure, which one of you here is not a human being? How could he not hear the original meaning of these words, the prince, who had nothing to do with him, watched it lively.

Prince Ming Ye frowned, fearing that Ming Yu would suffer, he wanted to help Ming Yu to speak, but he did not stand up, but he heard Ming Yu smile: "Oh! It's a prize! The Eleventh Emperor really understands his younger brother. He knows that his younger brother is thinking. Father, I always want to surprise my father, so that's why I work so hard."

He paused, "However, my younger brother, who has a calm temperament, really hasn't made much progress. Although the father has taught his sons to hone their temperament, it's a pity that the temperament has long been formed and cannot be changed. I won't have a disagreement with the royal brothers, and the fight will be bloody."

"Pfft!" Someone laughed immediately after hearing it. The last time the three fought had already spread, although they didn't know it. However, the emperor's punishment of 11 and 12 foot bans is clear. If it weren't for the emperor's happy day today, and the concubine Hui's concubine's intercession, how could Eleven appear here, I'm afraid that after the emperor's birthday, the old Eleven will have to go back and be locked up for a while. After all, Emperor Chrysostom said, if the punishment is not finished, the punishment will continue.

The prince calmly sat back in place, drank a glass of wine without a trace, and a smile appeared on his face. This little fourteen didn't know whether he really couldn't hear the true meaning of other people's words or it was false, and climbed along the pole handed by others. In the end, he was able to block the popularity, and it is estimated that this is the only one.

After being caught by Ming Yu, Ming Zhen's face was blue and white for a while, where did he praise him? Can't he understand the opposite? ah? Following the words, he could slap backwards, so that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Ming Yu mentioned what happened before, just to disgust him. He had suffered such a loss from him before. He and Ming Zhuo were both punished, but Ming Yu was just fine. Not only did he not share the responsibility, he also spread the matter so much that he didn't dare to see anyone when he came out.

Mingzhen was so angry that he didn't dare to come out. On such an important occasion today, who would dare to make trouble in front of the emperor. He was hurt by Ming Yu's anger, and when he saw Ming Yu's proud face, he could not wait to pounce and tear his face. However, he could only swallow his anger, took a sip of wine, and suppressed the depression in his heart.

The first flirt is cheap! This sentence is you. Ming Yu smiled and looked harmless to humans and animals, but he hoped that Ming Zhen would have the courage to fight him. It's a pity, it's impossible to see Ming Zhen's shriveled head.

Ming Tao was also afraid that his brother would suffer, so he stood up and said: "The fourteenth brother is pure filial admiration for the father, and his heart has never changed. Why don't our brothers want to be like the fourteenth brother, if the father and the emperor don't dislike it, and the sons and ministers will be entertaining relatives in colorful clothes, why not let the father and the emperor enjoy the happiness of the family? Do you think so?"

He exaggerated Ming Yu won the favor of the father and the emperor, and expressed his filial piety to the emperor. He also took the princes together. It can be seen that he was very attentive and comprehensive.

The other princes also agreed, and some even clamored for people to go down and prepare the color clothes, and to perform for the father.

The happy scene of the princes made the emperor feel great. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "You got it, in front of all the ministers, why are you making fun of your relatives with colorful clothes? I'm all embarrassed for you. The third is also, such an adult, what kind of coaxing with the younger brothers? ?"

Mingtao said aggrieved: "This is what the minister thought in his heart, why is he making a fool of himself?" The

third prince, Mingtao, was deeply liked by the emperor, and he has also made great achievements in political affairs. Be considered stable. At this time, showing a little childishness like this, the emperor sighed and sighed.

In the eyes of the emperor, when the child is old, it is inevitable that he will have his own thoughts. It is rare to see a child with a pure heart like Ming Yu. Now that Mingtao is acting like this, the emperor also has some kindness in his heart. Sure enough, no matter how old the child is, he is still a child in the eyes of his parents.

The emperor was in a happy mood, and he did not mean to blame. Shaking his head helplessly, he smiled and said, "You! I really don't know what to say about you. It's alright, alright, You guys, I will be very pleased to be able to share the worries and relieve labor for the emperor in the future. "

"Yes! The sons and ministers will do their best to share the worries for the father and the emperor. "All the princes got up one after another, and answered in unison.

Of course, the princes couldn't really wear colorful flower clothes and pretend to be funny clowns to entertain their relatives. Otherwise, if you really say it, do you want the identity of princes? It's just to make the emperor happy. As for sharing the worries for the emperor, it also depends on whether the father and the emperor give them a chance.

Mingzhen's embarrassment was easily resolved by Mingtao, and it has to be said that Tao has a good way. Mingyu watched everything on the side. In his eyes, he just laughed and didn't speak.

When the emperor asked him what it was and how he got it, Ming Yu stood up.

Of course, he couldn't say that this was the development of firearms. Fireworks made from leftovers. I can only say: "This is a firework that Erchen has worked hard for craftsmen to develop for more than a year. In order to celebrate the father's birthday, this was made day and night, just to be able to catch up with the father's eternal Halloween. The

emperor nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, the filial piety of the old fourteen is commendable, I am very pleased. "

I don't know how many people this sentence caused pantothenic acid. Feeling the scorching eyes falling on him, Ming Yu didn't realize it. Then he said: "Father, you know your sons and ministers. The border towns are desolate and barren, which is really barren. land. Erchen really has nothing to do, so he can only use his brain to think of some strange and ingenious things for his father and emperor to have fun. "

As soon as the words of showing weakness came out, those sour eyes really recovered, and everyone's hearts were finally more balanced. That's right, what do you care about with such a fool? Look at his fief, barren and poor, what can he have? He still fights for it himself. Come here, haha, now I know it's hard to live?

Look at him, he can't live anymore, and now he personally gets some caravan to go to the Western Regions to do business. A prince, but he is doing business, and it's shameful to say it. Before They are also envious of how many silver taels Ming Yu earned. Now they are no longer jealous.

It is even more heard that Ming Yu sold the caravan to the Third Prince in order to get some Xiqi Corridor and for the sake of money, which is simply short-sighted. With the caravan in hand, how could he not drink the northwest wind, this way of making money is lost, and there will be times when he will cry in the future. Seeing that he was looking for people to borrow money everywhere in Beijing these days, he really lost his identity. No matter how bad these princes were, it was impossible for them to be worse off than Ming Yu.

So Ming Yu originally wanted to endure hardship and be poor in front of the emperor in order to gain impression points. However, he inadvertently gained the sympathy and sympathy of most people, and he himself did not expect this.

The emperor was also moved by Ming Yu's words, and just wanted to blurt out "Reward!", but suddenly remembered that his private bank had been emptied by Ming Yu earlier, but fortunately he stopped in time. This old fourteenth, I am afraid that he is not interested in the congratulations sent by the courtiers today. This is absolutely impossible. If the old fourteen is fooled like this, his net worth will really be gone.

Of course, no one knew that the current emperor was so poor, and Ming Yu felt a little regretful when he saw that the emperor didn't say anything.

He had to continue: "Although the land is thin and the people are sparse, there is not much output to donate. However, I heard that the watermelon that the son gave as tribute last year was very much loved by the emperor, and recently he got the corn with high yield in the west, thinking about this. It was rare, so I deliberately presented it as a congratulatory gift to the emperor, hoping that the emperor would like it."

He had already told the emperor about the corn when he came back, but he couldn't spread it. Today, he specially mentioned it in front of the courtiers, but also for publicity and publicity. Of course, he also communicated with the emperor in advance, and asked the emperor to help promote it.

The emperor is also very cooperative, "The watermelon that the old 14 presented last time is really good, and I like it very much. It's just that this corn, which is from Fuminfeng, has never heard of it. Hurry up and present it to everyone. Let's take a look."

Last year's Watermelon Mingyu sent someone to Beijing, and only high-ranking courtiers were lucky enough to get a little taste of it, but the taste was truly unforgettable.

As for the corn, everyone was dumbfounded. What is this, but after hearing Ming Yu said that it came from the west, it was a good thing to think about. When they come down, they have to inquire to see if there are many more in Duanwang. If it is the same as the watermelon, they can also pay attention.

Last year, the people from Duanwang also said that the watermelon has just been tested, and the output is not much, just enough for the emperor. However, this year, they will try to plant on a large area. Maybe they have succeeded. It seems that they have to find Duanwang to buy some at a high price.

There are only so many things, first come, first served, what the emperor said is good, can you?

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