Chapter 79

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79. Chapter 79

Ming Yu and Xie Yixiu went out day and night. In order not to attract people's attention, they even changed their faces and dressed up as border residents.

Although the people of Suixi are somewhat different from the people of Dayan, it is fortunate that this is a borderland, because the people of the border have intermarried from generation to generation. Until now, the appearance of many people in the borderland has been combined, and it is not obvious that they have much to do with the people of Dayan. the difference.

It was just like this, the two of them smeared their skin with grass juice, and changed into the clothes of the frontier herdsmen who came along the way. The first two days were fine, and they passed peacefully.

However, on the third and fourth day, they could see a group of cavalry roaring past, searching and asking among the herdsmen.

Cha Chaqi was determined to capture the two of them this time. Naturally, he arranged for his soldiers to conduct a thorough inspection, and almost turned the entire area of ​​Suixi upside down.

Ming Yu looked at Xie Yixiu, chewed a grass stalk in his mouth, and said with a smile, "They have set up a net, just waiting for us to get in."

"Well, so we should be more cautious in the future." Xie Yixiu nodded, put the clairvoyant back on his waist, and then stretched out his hand to press down Ming Yu's small head.

Ming Yu shrank his neck, and after a while, another group of soldiers galloped past them. The raised sand covers his face.

When everything calmed down, Ming Yu spat out a few mouthfuls of sand, frowned and said worriedly, "What should I do, looking at this situation, maybe we really can't move."

Xie Yixiu couldn't see any worry on his face, " Let's go back first, and then discuss the route of travel."

Ming Yu nodded, and the two walked back to the cave where they were temporarily hiding. Xie Yixiu took out the map that he carried with him, and looked at it in the dim light.

Ming Yu looked at Xie Yixiu who was serious and serious, and felt inexplicably at ease.

"We want to bypass this river valley. There is a small pastoral camp there. We have people there, who can shelter us for a while. If we move northward with them for a distance, we can avoid the pursuers." Xie Yixiu thought for a long time, In the end, he told his plan.

Ming Yu followed his fingers to look at the map, and finally stopped at a gathering place opposite the river valley. "Is it credible?"

Xie Yixiu nodded and said affirmatively, "It's the nails that we planted, and it's absolutely credible."

Ming Yu understood, Suixi had planted a lot of finely crafted nails in Dayanliang City, as if they had been mixed with craftsmanship. The real identity of Fang's Gan Jiu is actually an unloved prince in Suixi. Secondly, there must be something wrong with the Huichuntang pharmacy and the Wang family who handles funerals. This was also discovered by this incident, and there are probably not many lines hidden in the dark that have not moved. Thinking about it, he was too naive. He never thought that Infernal Affairs would be staged by his side. He thought that Liangcheng was safe, but in fact, there was a crisis everywhere.

It seems that after going back, you should still make a fuss about it. You can't waste your arrangement, right? There have been back and forth, he Mingyu is a person who will retaliate. This time he was plotted against him. If he didn't return it, how could he be relieved?

Hearing what Xie Yixiu said, Dayan is not weak, too! Knowing yourself, knowing your enemy and winning a hundred battles, this is the truth that has been understood by everyone throughout the ages. How can it be possible to understand the enemy's movements without putting a nail in it?

Since Xie Yixiu has said so, Ming Yu is naturally relieved. It's just that in the current situation, it is obvious that the King Hunle will not let them go easily. If something goes wrong, it will be a disaster.

They just passed by like this, even if they had their own people to answer, but if there were any mistakes, no one could tell.

Xie Yixiu could see Ming Yu's worry, "I'll send the letter first, and try my best to discuss a safe way, so that other people won't be suspicious, let alone let those people find out the clue."

Ming Yu nodded, so that Well, prepare everything, there is a way to deal with it.

The grasslands of Suixi are vast, and the herdsmen live in pursuit of water and grass. They will drive their cattle and sheep to places with lush water and grass as the seasons change. For fear of encountering bears or wild wolves, the herdsmen spontaneously gathered together, thus forming gathering places of different sizes.

Lan Duo is a beautiful little girl, warm and generous, she has a pair of black eyes, and her bright black hair is braided in two braids hanging on her chest, which further sets off the wild beauty of grassland women.

She used to think she was the most beautiful, but now she doesn't think so. Because Uncle Handa's house has a beautiful young lady who has just entered the door. She is the young daughter-in-law newly married by Uncle Handa's nephew.

Uncle Handa's nephew came here three years ago. He doesn't like to talk or contact everyone. He only gave her an impression of being cold. A few days ago, I talked about a marriage. I heard that it was a Han citizen from the border area, so I went out to greet my relatives, and I didn't bring my little daughter-in-law back until the day before yesterday.

But Uncle Handa was very happy, and he told everyone how lucky his nephew was, and the daughter-in-law he married was the best.

She was curious, she had to see it with her own eyes no matter what, so she sneaked over to take a look, and sure enough, the little Han Chinese daughter-in-law has an indescribable beauty that cannot be compared with the women on the grassland.

Because of the mixed living in the border areas, it is normal for Han people or Suixi people to marry and marry, and no one will make irresponsible remarks at all. She remembered that Ah Zhuo's mother was also a Han Chinese, but the new daughter-in-law was completely different from Ah Zhuo's mother. She couldn't tell what was the difference, but she felt that the little sister had a different taste in her gestures. .

The new daughter-in-law, Ming Yu, who was envied by Lan Duo, was in a small tent at the moment, arranging her sleeves from time to time in a somewhat restrained manner.

He never imagined that he was wearing Suixi women's clothes now, and the ringing bells around his waist and neck were ringing non-stop, which seriously affected his actions and became tied.

He was surprised, why has he been involved with pretending to be a woman since he left the border? He had to be disguised as a woman before, but now he has to disguise himself as a woman in order to infiltrate this small tribal gathering place.

This method was thought up by Xie Yixiu and Handa together. Ming Yu had reason to suspect that they did it on purpose. Even if the people from Suixi were looking at him and Xie Yixiu with their portraits, why couldn't they pretend to be sisters or brothers and sisters? Let him pretend to be a little daughter-in-law?

And the explanation they gave him was that there was nothing he could do, and two new people who he didn't know rashly appeared would definitely attract attention. The only proper way is to pretend to be someone from the gathering place, and Handa's nephew fits this perfectly.

Handa's nephew The son is not his nephew at all, or Handa is not that Handa at all, but a detailed work sent by Dayan. In order to gain a firm foothold, he pretended to be the original Handa and had lived on the grasslands for many years. It also brought back a lot of information for Dayan.

It turned out that Handa's nephew was called Barron, and he had no relatives at home, so he came to join Handa. In order not to arouse suspicion, Handa could only take him in and live together for three years, but it aroused Barron's suspicion. Handa, as a mechanic, walks on the tip of the knife every day. Being alert and sensitive is the first priority of a mechanic. When he realizes that Barron is wrong, Handa can only do it first and kill people.

One person suddenly disappeared, and there was no way to tell, so Handa lied that his nephew Barron had gone to the border to greet him. He originally planned to announce that after a while, Barron would not come back when he went to marry the daughter's house. Because of the customs here, it is very common for the woman to marry and the man to enter the wedlock, and this excuse can be justified.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly received an order from General Xie. These days, he already knew something about what happened in the borderlands. It was a big thing for the prince and the general to be trapped in the territory of Suixi, and he was always there. watching this.

He was also a little mentally prepared when he suddenly received General Xie's summon order. With the news of the prince and the general, he finally felt relieved. This time, General Xie's summoning order must have a task to explain, and he did not dare to delay. In the dead of night, he avoided his eyes and ears and saw General Xie.

General Xie asked him to cover up the identities of the two and avoid the pursuers. Since he wanted to hide in the tribe, it was unreasonable that he did not have a suitable identity.

So there was a proposal for General Xie to dress up as his nephew Barron, and Ming Yu was naturally Barron's new daughter-in-law. That way no one will doubt it.

Fortunately, Barron was taciturn on weekdays and did not like to associate with people in the tribe. Although the tribe knew that there was such a person, he was not very impressed.

And Xie Yixiu and Barron's stature are not much different, as long as Xie Yixiu changes his action posture a little bit, the skin color and beard change is completely fine.

As for Ming Yu, it can only be said that it is the new daughter-in-law that Barron brought back from this trip. Although he will be a little aggrieved, this is the safest way. Ming Yu can only nod and agree.

The curtain of the tent opened, Xie Yixiu walked in, and when he saw Ming Yu, his alert eyes softened.

Seeing him, Ming Yu hurried up to meet him, "How's it going? Isn't it suspicious?"

Xie Yixiu shook his head, walked to the side, sat down, poured a cup of hot oil tea, took a sip, and said, "I walked outside for a while. Circle, no one doubts."

Handa has been lurking in this tribe for so many years, and gradually gained some prestige, and everyone also has a friendly attitude towards Handa's nephew. It's just that he never likes to talk to people, and everyone is used to it, so they just meet and nod to say hello or something.

This time Barron went out to pick up a daughter-in-law, and everyone had no doubts at all. When they met, they all said congratulations. Barron bowed his head and nodded to deal with it. No one found it strange. They didn't have a deep relationship. This person has this temperament. After marrying a daughter-in-law, nothing has changed.

Ming Yu was relieved, no one doubted it, so they could hide here and escape the pursuers.

It didn't take long for Handa to come too, but he was stopped when he wanted to salute, "Now we have to be careful anytime and anywhere, and we must not reveal anything. You can just treat us as nephews and nephews."

Handa understood, He also sat down next to Xie Yixiu, and said in a low voice, "I have already passed on the news. I believe that the generals and the others will receive the news soon and arrange for personnel to come and respond."

Xie Yixiu nodded, to Handa Ability to work is reassuring. "How is the situation outside now?"

"I heard that the tribes not far from us have already been checked. I believe that those people will check it out soon. Therefore, if you can't go out, it's best not to go out." Handa said carefully. After a pause, he said again: "According to the instructions, I have already prepared the next step, you two can rest assured."

These people will check it sooner or later . . They have already done enough preparations, and if they can still be found, they can only blame bad luck.

Xie Yixiu was very satisfied, "You can persuade the tribesmen to migrate to the north as soon as possible. As long as we go further north and avoid the pursuers, we will be able to leave for Dayan."

Handa patted his chest and said, "Okay, now It's time for migration, and I'll bring up the matter as soon as possible. Don't worry, the two of you, in this tribe, what I said can still make a difference."

After Handa got up and left, Ming Yu approached Xie Yixiu and said, "You Why don't I know what to prepare for?"

Ming Yu's fluttering peach blossom eyes, dense and long eyelashes seemed to dance in his heart. Xie Yixiu coughed, turned his eyes calmly, took a sip of camellia tea, moisturizing his dry throat, "Of course I have to keep it a secret!"

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