Chapter 29

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29. Chapter 29

Ming Yu looked at it carefully, there was nothing special about it. Their Lanfang guard camp was moving according to the predetermined plan, and there was no trouble.

So where did Xie Yixiu say such words at this time? The two sides haven't met yet, so how can they be sure that the guard camp will lose for half an hour? These brats of his have been trained for so long. For the first time, Ming Yu has high hopes for them. To say that they are really vulnerable, he doesn't quite believe it anyway.

Ming Yu turned to look at Xie Yixiu and wanted to understand.

Xie Yixiu directly took the first two steps, came to the sand table, stood beside Ming Yu, stretched out his hand and pulled out a flag on the left wing of the blue team, and then directly placed a small red flag.

Everyone who saw it took a deep breath, and with Xie Yixiu's series of actions, everyone could see it clearly. The red flag placed in the blue team by Xie Yixiu was like a sharp knife, piercing the heart of the blue team.

It turned out that Xie Yixiu had already seen the Achilles heel of the blue guard battalion when the battle between the two sides was anxious and the outcome was not yet clear.

Ming Yu frowned and thought about it, and had to admire Xie Yixiu's sensitivity to war. Indeed, for Lan Fang, the left wing of this plan was a little weak, but in his opinion, he concealed this weakness very well, and ordinary people would never find it. As long as he hides the eyes of the enemy, he believes that his guard battalion will be able to last longer.

Xie Yixiu said one more sentence for the first time, "No battle can be left to chance."

Ming Yu pouted, what does he call a fluke mentality? Isn't there a sentence called: Soldiers never tire of deceit, the truth is true.

General Wei laughed and said: "My lord, you don't even look at who your opponent is. The genius of the general in the entire Dayan country, the general who has never been defeated since the expedition, can't be handled with common sense."

Ming Yu Still unconvinced, "Although the troops on the left flank are weaker, they will be attacked all of a sudden. You're sure that Lan Fang will lose in half an hour, but what if they hold out for half an hour?"

Xie Yixiu carried the burden of He held his hands, his eyes full of confidence. Ming Yu could also see the meaning from his expression: if he lasted for half an hour, he would lose.

Xie Yixiu still had a cold expression, the same as usual, and I don't know how Ming Yu could interpret the expression of hatred from this face.

Xie Yixiu's conceit made Ming Yu angry and wanted to say something. However, Mr. Wen smiled and said, "It's not easy, it's only half an hour, and you'll know the result after a little wait."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. Ming Yu couldn't say anything else, so he glared at Xie Yixiu angrily. at a glance. "Okay, we'll wait and see."

Xie Yixiu's fingers started to itch again, and he really wanted to poke Ming Yu's angry, bulging face.

Half an hour was long and short, but before half an hour had passed, a personal guard came to report: The Blue Team escort battalion was wiped out.

This... slap in the face is a bit fast! Ming Yu's face couldn't hold back.

The tent was silent for a while, and everyone looked at Ming Yu.

Ming Yu was slightly annoyed , "What are you looking at me for? Does this king have flowers on his face?"

"?!" Ming Yu was confused, is this Xie Yixiu joking? But does he look like a joker? So he was being molested?

In the big tent, even Wen Yuzhao, who knew Xie Yixiu best, couldn't help but click his tongue and wanted to cover his face. This is definitely not what their general said just now, he can swear to God.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, and General Wei slapped the game with a haha, "The victory or defeat of the prince is a matter of military affairs, and you don't have to take it to heart."

Ming Yu is doing self-construction in his heart, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach. Generous, can not care about this person.

Hearing General Wei's consolation words, he pulled the corners of his mouth and forced a smile: "General Wei said that this is the first game and the second game and the third game, and the winner is the one who has the last laugh. , do you think so?"

Everyone quickly nodded in agreement, only Xie Yixiu sat beside him, tapping his fingertips lightly on the table.

What else does Mingyu have to say? The tent curtain was lifted. Mo Jiang walked in in a hurry. As soon as he saw Ming Yu, he knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty, "Your Highness, I have been entrusted by Your Highness, please punish him."

Ming Yu had a headache, and he knew that there would be such a thing. One out. He pulled Mo Jiang up and without thinking, he directly borrowed General Wei's words, "Victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs, don't take it to heart."

General Wei has a black line, this Prince Duan, do you want to do this ? Perfunctory? When he said this, not even the pause between the words changed.

Mo Jiang stood up and reported the process of the battle just now. Ming Yu couldn't really blame them, he could only say that the opponent was too strong. And their people, the first time they were exposed to actual combat, lacked experience, and they were fine at the beginning, and they could still fight in a similar way according to the established plan.

However, when a Red team broke through the left flank, the sudden change in the plan made everyone panic. It was a bit difficult to confront the Red Pao Army head-on, but now there is no resistance at all. The entire battle situation became a one-sided defeat, and the Red Pao Army chased after the victory, and ended the battle situation within half an hour.

At this time, the soldiers of the guard camp were sitting on the ground in dismay, and each of them was covered with large and small white marks. This is the mark left by the weapon on Lanfang's red robes when they were chasing. A mark represents a scar. It can be seen that if it was on the real battlefield, these people would have been wiped out long ago, and they can't die anymore. died.

One by one, the soldiers were downcast, and there was no way that the Guards were high-spirited and high-spirited. The red-robed army next to them pointed and pointed at them, joking and laughing.

Although it was normal for them to lose in terms of the strength of the Red Robe Army, they had been training for so many days, and everyone trained very hard, and His Royal Highness Duan had high hopes for them. They were thinking that even if they were defeated by the Red Pao Army, they should have lost in a good way. If you don't talk about others, you can't even watch yourself. The defeat is like a mountain, this is the real defeat like a mountain, and the army is broken.

Some people scolded, blamed your teammates for not being able to quickly support, and some people said that you were incompetent, and everyone lost because of the burden.

"Okay, what's the use of saying this even if you lose? Do you still want to make jokes so that others can't see it? Have you forgotten what Your Highness said before?" Li Man shouted in a deep voice.

Li's brain is full of melon seeds, and he has been in the eyes of Commander Mo for the past few months, and he can be regarded as a talkative person in the entire guard camp.

As soon as he said these words, everyone stopped, thinking about it as well. His Royal Highness just let them do their best. Although the first confrontation is a bit difficult, but if you lose, you will lose. In the next game, you will just try to get back to the game.

Man, can't you still lose?

Zhou Daring stood up, stubbornly said, "Yes, next time, I will rush to the first one, and kill him without leaving a piece of armor.

" "Someone started joking.

"But to be honest, the Red Robe Army is worthy of the soldiers brought out by our General Dayan Zhan. That momentum... tsk tsk!"

"Don't you think that you are too ambitious to destroy your own prestige! The Red Robe Army is powerful, and we are not bad either. , As His Highness said, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated."

"Hahaha! That's a good word! Who said it's not the truth."

Everyone swept away their previous depression and began to restore their initial morale.

Ji You and Cao Jian, who were not far away, breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. The two of them belonged to the status of guest ministers of the guard camp. Facing the confrontation between these two old and new teams, the balance in their hearts was also somewhat difficult to choose. Judging by the strength of both sides, it was impossible for the guard battalion to win against the Red Pao Army, but they didn't want the guard battalion to lose too badly.

They stayed in the guard camp for so long, and slowly integrated into the team. Ji Yu, in particular, can be said to have watched the soldiers of the guard camp come over, slowly condensing from a mass of loose sand into a rope. There is more or less the shadow of Duan Wang in the middle. Although it is impossible for Duan Wang to do everything himself, but without Duan Wang, there would never be today's guard soldiers.

The defeat of the guard camp had long been expected. It should be said that everyone has this mental preparation, but when the real result comes, it still makes them a little unacceptable.

After the defeat of the escort camp, the depressed and dull atmosphere of the soldiers made Ji Yu a little worried. The spirit of a person is very important, let alone a team. If this defeat leaves a psychological shadow on them, then in the future, this team will never be able to stand at the top.

Looking at the group of people who have already adjusted themselves and still want to joke. It seemed that his worries were completely unnecessary.

"To be honest, this team is different from all the armies I've seen. How can I say it? I feel that there is something very strange among them. It can't be seen or touched, but it seems to exist." Cao Jian pondered and said, a feeling of being unclear.

Ji You nodded with a smile, and he felt what Cao Jian said. He thought about it carefully, and had a vague idea in his heart.

He remembered that when they first came here, everyone was full of complaints, but King Duan's remarks calmed everyone down. Later, he was sent to this guard camp, but these days he saw a completely different guard camp. He saw their changes with his own eyes, and was deeply touched.

Today's escort camp has long been far from scattered, and he saw trust, unity, and progress; there is competition and mutual assistance. Everyone is more like brothers and relatives. They can fight and fight each other on weekdays, but when they are on the battlefield, they can completely trust their teammates and give their backs to teammates. Such a group of people will sooner or later shine.

He didn't understand why they could change so much in a short period of time, but the people behind them had put in a lot of effort. Such a way of mastering people can only be done by those who really have a big mind.

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