Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

Ming Yu didn't ask why, he was a little stuffy. On second thought, who cares about him, if you don't know, you won't know, anyway, he won't be able to hide it for long, won't he know by then?

The chasing troops came quickly, and they came to this small tribe that night.

The sound of hoofs was like thunder, and Handa and a few people who were highly respected in the tribe greeted him.

The torches lit up like the sun, and a general at the front was condescending, looking at the herdsmen who were lying on the ground and saluting.

"Let me ask you, have you seen two strangers coming over?" the general asked loudly.

An old man next to Handa trembled and shook his head, "Lord General, no strangers have ever been in our tribe."

I don't know if the general believed that, but he waved his hand and said, "We have been ordered by King Hunle to search, and there is no best. This general warns you that if you dare to cover up and hide, you will not hesitate to exterminate the tribe and the tribe. " As soon as

these words fell, the herdsmen present shuddered and swore that there would never be such a thing. If a stranger came, needless to say, the first person would be arrested and sent to office.

The intimidation effect was good, the general nodded with satisfaction, and ordered the opponent: "Search for me."

After speaking, he turned his head to comfort him: "You don't have to panic, I will wait for the search, and if there is nothing, it will naturally not implicate you."

Everyone responded again and again, the soldiers were already ready, divided into small groups, and searched next to the tent.

The general beckoned, and a soldier stepped forward, holding two portraits, and approached the herdsmen, "Look at it clearly, remember it all, if you find any trace of these two people, immediately report it!

" Look, the two people in the painting are indeed their generals and their princes. If nothing else, as long as they are familiar people, they can still be recognized at a glance. Fortunately, they have changed their appearances and identities, otherwise they might not be able to escape. search.

He was a little anxious in his heart. He had already arranged what the lord ordered. At this time, there should be news.

Others also looked at the portrait carefully, saying that they kept it in their hearts, and they would definitely report them when they encountered them in the future.

In the gathering place, due to the arrest of officers and soldiers, the original tranquility and peace were disrupted, and the neighing of cattle, sheep and horses, and children's noisy and cries were heard in a mess.

Ming Yu glanced outside the tent, and the shadows were so bright that almost the entire gathering place was boiling.

"What should I do?" Ming Yu was a little panicked. It was the first time he had encountered such a battle when he was so big.

Xie Yixiu was still looking out through the gap of the tent curtain, but then he took a few steps and took off half of Ming Yu's clothes, stuffed them into the bed, and then scattered his black hair on the pillow.

Before Ming Yu could react, Xie Yixiu whispered in his ear: "They will come in right away."

After speaking, he pulled the inner lining only, and heard someone shouting from outside, "Anyone who catches the fugitives. No one can stop them, or they will be killed without mercy."

Xie Yixiu glanced at Ming Yu, then walked out, just as he reached the door, someone had already barged in and asked, "Who are these people here? Are there Tibetans in the tent? The

herdsmen who came in next to him were afraid that people would not know the situation, and explained with a smile, "This is Handa's nephew, called Barron, who just married a young daughter-in-law not long ago. General, we cannot harbor prisoners here."

The soldier looked up and down Xie Yixiu, the man with unshaven beard and dark skin, bowed his head and shrank. With her upper body naked, it was obvious that she had just got up from the bed and had no time to get dressed.

Xie Yixiu was soaked in herbal juice all over his body, his face was dark and his appearance changed again, and it was difficult to recognize his original appearance for a while.

"What's your name? Who else is here?" the soldier asked in Suixi dialect. They have long been surprised by this situation, they are just patrolling and questioning.

Xie Yixiu bowed his body, and the Suixi words came out of his mouth. He said cautiously: "The villain Barron, Handa is the villain's uncle, and also my daughter-in-law." He said the last sentence very poorly. I'm sorry, I feel ashamed of the newly married.

The soldier glanced at the bed covered with the animal skin blanket, and took a step towards that side. Ming Yu, who heard the footsteps, raised his heart in his throat.

"General, the villain's daughter-in-law, she hasn't dressed yet, why don't you just wait for the general. Villain, the villain asked her to wear some clothes and come out to meet people?" Xie Yixiu grabbed him in time and laughed.

The soldier frowned, how could it be so troublesome, he Just look at the appearance of this person, if everyone had to wait to get up and dress up, then the person they were looking for would have gone back to Dayan long ago.

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