Chapter 128

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128. Chapter 128

At this time, a person came to Mrs. Zhu and looked at the backs of Ming Yu and Prime Minister Wen thoughtfully.

Mrs. Zhu raised his eyes and looked over, it was the old man of the Wang family, "What do you think of the master of the Wang family?" The

Zhu and Wang family have always been relatively close, and they are not only separate from the Ma Zhou family, but also have some cooperation relations. Therefore, the four people are friendly on the surface, but in private they are competing with each other, all thinking of taking a step ahead of each other, or suppressing each other.

Master Wang pondered for a while before shaking his head and said, "There is nothing strange about this, right?"

"Something strange?" Master Zhu narrowed his eyes and asked calmly.

"Otherwise, why did Prime Minister Wen come?" Master Wang said his opinion directly, "Isn't that saying that the court doesn't care about this matter? But what can Prime Minister Wen represent if he doesn't represent the court? I don't think it's easy!"

He Half of the words are left in half, but Mr. Zhu has already seen it through. "You're right, no matter what, King Duan is the emperor's youngest son. Although the court said that King Duan was justified and the court would not intervene in this matter, isn't Prime Minister Wen here to support King Duan? He came Now, it has already indirectly indicated the emperor's attitude."

This matter had to be properly handled, Mrs. Zhu secretly reminded himself.

Master Wang thought about it, but fortunately he made more preparations, "Then we can only take one step at a time, but I'm afraid that the Ma family will really catch up with us, and we will suffer."

Said Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived . , As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Siyong led Ma Jinyu over, "Old Zhu, Mr. Wang, is it okay to not see you for a long time?"

"Thank you for your concern, brother, thanks to my brother's good fortune, we two bad old men can do it." Grandpa Zhu said with a haha.

No matter how you don't deal with it, it still has to be maintained on the surface. A few people are friendly and happy.

Master Wang nodded and said in a meaningful way: "Brother Ma made an extraordinary move. It is no wonder that the Ma family's family business is booming under the leadership of my brother."

Ma Jinyu frowned when he heard this behind his father. Still young, far from learning how these old foxes are foolish.

Ma Siyong has long been used to it. With a smile on his face, he politely said: "The old man has won the prize, brother, I have no skills, I just want to make no mistakes in business transactions, and I can stabilize the Ma family. It's like the two of you want to have a vision, You have to be bold and courageous, the grain trade at the beginning of the year made a lot of money, and it really made my brother envious."

As soon as these words came out, the two were highly praised, making it impossible to pick the wrong one.

Mr. Wang was very proud to hear that. In the first game at the beginning of the year, he and the Zhu family saw the situation quickly, and cleverly seized business opportunities and hoarded them. In two or three months, I earned almost a year or two of benefits.

When other businessmen reacted later, they had already earned almost, and they stopped in time and left some leftovers for others.

It has to be said that this is his proud work. Although it is manipulated by the Zhu family, it also shows that his vision is very good. Turning your hands for the clouds and covering your hands for the rain, when I look back now, my blood is still surging.

For the praise of the Ma family, Mrs. Zhu was completely disdainful. Ma Siyong has one set in front of his face and another behind his back, which is shameless.

At the beginning of the year, the two of them, on the bright side, manipulated the price of food in the south, and they were cursed and reviled by many people for their strange hoarding. However, their Ma family reaped a lot of benefits secretly, but on the surface they pretended to be good people, giving porridge and rice. Therefore, everyone said that the Ma family is benevolent and righteous, and they are generous to the public. Come on, he gets the benefits himself, and it's shameless to scold them for backing them.

"The matter has long since passed, and it's not worth mentioning at all." Mrs. Zhu was very shrewd, and his joy and anger were indistinguishable. To Ma Siyong's words indifferently, and did not show too much emotion.

He smiled and waved his hand, then said: "On the contrary, Master Ma has a unique vision. Look, even a character like Duan Wang can climb high. This is the means I can't wait for."

Ma Siyong smiled lightly, "? ≌ The abducted emperor's robbery is from Qi Ye's nephew Wei V Huangqi "? Wren Pi Yu? ?Send wrestling to make a beautiful industry to provoke Mei to peck Fuqiao and spring to be a handsome model?br/>
This is heartbreaking. He knew about that banquet, and the younger generation of their Zhu family also participated. It was just that when they came back to talk about it, they I didn't take it seriously, and I didn't even think about making friends with people like Duan Wang.

In fact, it's not because they are selfish. After all, Duan Wang is someone who is excluded from the situation. Even making friends is useless.

This made the Ma family take advantage of the loophole and sent Ma Jinyu to start with Duan Wang. Not only did he inquire about Duan Wang's layout, but he also gained Duan Wang's trust. Otherwise, the Ma family would not have been so big. Fortunately, the paper couldn't contain the fire, and the Ma family's big moves caught their attention. No matter what the Ma family planned, the two of them must have been prepared.

Of course he didn't know, the Ma family's plan There is also a deliberate element of Ming Yu in it. Otherwise, with the status of a Dayan businessman, it would be fantastic to make friends with the prince, right?

Mrs. Zhu looked at Ma Jinyu behind Ma Siyong and sighed: "Tiger fathers have no dogs, so the son of a man is terrifying! Hearing the

compliment, Ma Jinyu stood up generously and gave a salute, "Mr. Zhu has won the award, the boy is not very talented, and he has to study hard with his elders. Ma Siyong is very satisfied with his attitude of

neither being humble nor arrogant. Of course his son is his own good. He is very pleased to hear the other party praise Ma Jinyu.

"It can be seen that Brother Ma is already prepared for today's events. Would you like to reveal a bit of the inside story? Mrs. Zhu asked sincerely.

Ma Siyong snorted, "How can there be any inside information, it's just hearing those rumors. "

How could Mrs. Zhu believe what he said, he really didn't believe that the Ma family could show all their net worth just by relying on the news. This is impossible without knowing the exact benefit. Therefore, he is more inclined to this matter. How rich are the benefits? It will make people sink the boat.

"Really?" It seemed that it was still difficult to get the real news out of the old fox's mouth.

Ma Siyong smiled mysteriously, "Why should Mrs. Zhu be impatient? It's been so long, so why not wait a little longer? Let's see, won't the bidding for Prince Duan start right away?"

Mrs. Zhu couldn't, what else could he do? Can only wait.

Prime Minister Wen took his seat at the main seat. What he said was novel about the tender held by Ming Yu. This was only one of them, and he was more worried. These businessmen are cunning people, if there is no one to control the market, he is really afraid that Ming Yu will suffer.

Ming Yu understood his purpose and was grateful. He had never thought of making courtiers before. First, because of taboos, what does it look like when the prince and ministers have been in close contact with each other? Secondly, it is also because in Ming Yu's mind, there are many sour and old-fashioned ministers in the DPRK and China, and it is very boring to deal with them, hehe, is he eating and supporting?

On the other hand, Prime Minister Wen broke Ming Yu's stubborn opinion, and was in an unprecedented agreement with his ideological realm. The two get along more like a long-term friendship.

The two talked for a long time, then Prime Minister Wen said, "I'm here just to observe this meeting. Your lord doesn't need to worry about me. Just implement the regulations."

Ming Yu looked up at the sky, and it was almost time. I said, "Alright, Wen Xiangkuan sits wide, and Ming Yu will come when he's done."

After speaking, he ordered the servants to gather everyone to sit down and make preparations.

Ming Yu stood on the rostrum, and the people below were still whispering nervously and excitedly. Ming Yu pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet, and then everyone gradually became quiet.

Ming Yu cleared his throat and raised his voice: "Today, the king invited everyone here to hold a bidding meeting in the Xiqi Corridor. I think everyone has heard of it, right? Otherwise, I wouldn't have traveled all the way to Beijing on purpose. ."

Everyone nodded, it was indeed the case, the essence of businessmen's pursuit of profit could not be changed. If there is no interest in this bidding meeting, they will not appear here. Now they are waiting for the bylaws of the Duanwang Tendering Conference.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Ming Yu smiled, waved his hand, and asked people to post a booklet with pictures and texts. Looking at this thing is much clearer and clearer than other people's explanations, so that everyone can have a spectrum in their hearts.

Ming Yu went on to say: "The constitution of the bidding meeting that everyone is concerned about is written in this booklet in detail. You can read it first. If you don't understand, you can ask it as listed, and someone will be responsible for answering it."

He made a special training trip . It saves time and effort by hiring a lot of people to answer questions, which is much easier than answering them one by one in person.

As soon as the booklet was in hand, everyone couldn't wait to read it.

Prime Minister Wen also has a copy in his hand. He flipped through it carefully. It introduced the details of the rules of the bidding meeting in detail. Many things in it were refreshing.

Mingyu's bidding meeting is just a name, and it is definitely not completely copied from the real bidding meetings of later generations. After all, the actual situation is different, and it is necessary to adjust measures according to local conditions.

Or to put it more correctly, this is just Mingyu's name for the bidding meeting, mainly to raise funds to raise money, at least to raise the start-up capital first, and then you can take it slowly.

It's just money in other people's pockets, it's impossible to take it out willingly with just a few words from you, it doesn't have enough benefits, and attractiveness. everything is empty talk.

That's why Ming Yu will give up the interests of three years, just to pass this first hurdle, don't underestimate the interests of these three years. As long as the Xiqi Corridor opens, the tariffs on caravans alone will be a huge amount.

These things are distributed, and Ming Yu believes that no one is unmoved.

After reading it, Prime Minister Wen was as shocked as anyone else, and Ming Yu's promise was too shocking. I believe that no one can have the courage like him.

He raised his head and looked at Ming Yu who was sitting beside him drinking tea, "My lord, you..."

"What's wrong? But what's wrong?" Ming Yu turned his head and asked.

Prime Minister Wen shook his head, "Is your lord really going to exchange the benefits of the next three years for start-up capital?"

Ming Yu nodded, "I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, so I can't do anything about it."

"But, but..." Wen Qing After a long time, thinking of Ming Yu's real situation, I have to explain that Yu's method is indeed the only way out. Only Ming Yu dared to think and act, would he have thought of such a method of raising funds.

As long as the first step is taken, are you afraid that you will not be able to make money in the future?

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