Chapter 45

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45. Chapter 45

Regarding Ming Yu's question, Xie Yixiu was not worried at all, and pointed to another place outside the river valley with a sharp-boned finger, "We don't need to ambush here, the place where our soldiers really ambush is here!"

"! Pump swarf Qin Xianmu was stunned, the place pointed out by Xie Yixiu has nothing to do with the river valley just now, these are two places that are far apart, okay? Is Xie Yixiu really not mistaken?

Ming Yu Jumping over and grabbing his hand, Xie Yixiu was caught off guard and couldn't dodge. He lost his calm appearance for a while, and was a little helpless.

Ming Yu ignored it and said, "Hey! Come on, what do you think? "

Xie Yixiu's head was full of black lines, and he didn't care about the distinction between the noble and the lowly, and scolded: "You let go of your hands first, what kind of manners are you pulling and pulling?" "

"Afraid of what? It's not a little girl, you can still show promises when you hold a hand, I don't have the trouble of holding a girl's hand like you. Gee! What is the big man doing so pretentious? Are you a man? "Ming Yu's mouth is not forgiving.

"..." Xie Yixiu really has nothing to say, this person, how can this person look like a prince? Difficult, is it possible that he is so unrestrained and bold with women, holding hands at will ?

Thinking of this, he felt a little panic in his heart. This feeling was inexplicable, and he couldn't figure it out. I

have to say that he thought too much, Ming Yu really regarded him as a buddy, so he could do this. So informal, what kind of good brother will there be in the future, a good buddy is not a good buddy? Not to mention, he has also been in the bathhouse many times. If

he was someone else, he would not be so casual.

In Ming Dynasty Under Yu's questioning, Xie Yixiu's originally cold and indifferent face finally had a look of helplessness, "Let go first, otherwise the minister will not be able to speak. Only

then did Ming Yu let go and looked at him with a smile. It was the first time he saw Xie Yixiu's indifferent expression. With such a handsome face, it's not a waste to be stretched out all day. "Don't keep your face tensed all day long, otherwise, you will really become paralyzed over time. "


Li Man and Wang Si staggered behind the team, their faces pale, almost the same as the rest of the team.

This is a team of only a dozen or twenty people. They are all injured more or less. They are tired and hungry, and they are really weak, so they don't even want to say a word. I don't know how long it took, but the person who

took the lead finally said, "We're here!"

"Ah? We're here? We're finally here."

: "That's it, if they can take us in, we don't have to worry about anything."

Li Man also had a smile on his face, but accidentally involved the injury on his face, and cursed in his heart: "This is Help the stinky boy, it's really ruthless.

He nodded in response to this man's words, and pretended to be worried: "Brother Li, do you think they can really take us in?"

Li Da smiled, "Certainly, otherwise what are we doing here?"

Li Manwen Yan let go of his heart, "That would be great."

Wang Sikou next to him asked curiously, "I heard that as long as the brothers who come here can have enough to eat, but it's true."

Li said loudly: " Don't you know? The big leader here is amazing, have you heard of the robbery of Ningshi Village outside Liangcheng? That's what the big leader here did." He glanced around, they were at the end, but they didn't. There is no one else, "? Wei × Wei Chen Lang is Na counseling? Sang Jun?br/>
Wang Si was amazed, "That's good, we can drink the soup, so we don't have to suffer from hunger. "

"That's not it." "Li Da laughed, "The government doesn't dare to do anything to them, so let's lean against the big tree to enjoy the shade." "

"Brother Li, these people are really so powerful. Those officers and soldiers are really powerful. We have lost dozens of brothers." Everyone is still injured now. Look at our group of remnants and defeated generals. They are all like this. They defected to the past. Are they willing? "Wang Si is still a little unconvinced.

"Don't worry." Li Da nodded affirmatively and said, "Didn't the leader of Song say something? As long as they come to join him, all who come will not refuse. As a leader, it is natural to speak, otherwise you think why he only has two years. Time can grow so much? It's not that he has taken in all parties to defect to him. Now in the whole Liangzhou, who can compare with the leader of Song? He can grab wherever he wants, and the government is not placed there In the eyes."

Speaking of the government, Li Da shrank his neck, they were so miserable this time, it was strange that they met the soldiers of the government, these officers and soldiers were usually unwilling to pay attention to their small bandits. This time, he was chased and beaten by officers and soldiers, which was really unfortunate.

Li Man and Wang Si looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched, although they sneered in their hearts, they didn't show any signs on their faces, "That's great, we won't have to suffer from this suffocation in the future. "

While he was talking, there was a sound in front of him. I didn't see anyone, but I heard a voice shouting, "Stop here! Who are you?" The

leader in front quickly said, "We are all on the same path. My name is Qiu Dayuan, and I specially brought the brothers to the front. Come to defect to the leader of Song."

The voice did not speak any more, as if he was going to report, and it took a long time to reply, "Let them wait for a while, and someone will come to check the situation."

Everyone dared not act rashly. Fortunately, after waiting for a while, a bearded man brought a small group of people over. Check that they are carrying weapons with them, which should never be taken with them if they are going up the mountain. After the inspection was completed, they were each given a black cloth towel, and they had to cover their eyes before they could go up the mountain.

In other people's territory, these twenty or so people, the remnants of the army and defeated generals, how dare not to obey?

Li Man and Wang Si also went up the mountain with the crowd.

The road on the mountain is twisty and bumpy. At first, the two thought about memorizing the way, but halfway through, they already understood that the person who came to lead the way was deliberately going around them, and they were blindfolded, and it was impossible to memorize it clearly.

Upon discovering this, the two were not too panicked. They had expected this situation before they came. Anyway, as long as they went up the mountain and completed their tasks, it would be a great achievement.

After walking for about half a cup of tea, the people in front finally stopped, they are here. Then someone removed the cloth covering their eyes. Li Man raised his hand to cover his eyes, and the strong light stimulated his eyes, making him a little uncomfortable. When he got used to it, he realized that the position he was in was a wide flat ground.

"You guys wait here first, someone will come to settle you later." The bearded man who took them up the mountain said and left with him.

Everyone was talking a lot, and they had never seen this kind of battle before. They were full of confidence at first, but those who were determined were a little flustered at this time. "What do they mean? Doesn't it mean that the chivalrous-hearted leader of Song Dynasty is best to make friends, as long as he comes to defect to him, he will treat him warmly? But what's the point of leaving us here now?"

"We've gone all the way. , I was so hungry that my chest was on my back, and I hoped to have a meal here, why doesn't it seem like that?"

"Yeah! It's not that the leader of Song is eager for justice and seeks talents. Are you thirsty? We are here to defect, isn't this chilling?"

"Shut up!" Qiu Dayuan shouted, everyone dared not say more, and all lowered their heads. Come out, after all, with dozens of brothers, the boss is still a little intimidating of.

"We came here to defect to others, let's see what you all look like? Do you think this is on your own territory? I don't know what it is!" Qiu Dayuan was also irritable in his heart, and his words were even more rude.

Li Man has been observing the surroundings since he came here. He knows that it is impossible for others to ignore them like this. Someone must be watching them in the dark. Sure enough, a figure flashed past behind the woods not far away. He already knew what he had in mind, he casually tapped Wang Si's arm a few times with his fingers, and told Wang Si what he found. This secret communication method was learned in the guard camp, and it was the secret contact method taught by the prince himself. No one else will know except the people in their guard camp.

Wang Si didn't even look at the other party, only nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

After Qiu Dayuan said these words, everyone was silent, and for a while, only the sound of rustling wind blowing leaves was heard.

"Hahaha! I'm sorry to keep you all waiting for a long time. There are too many things to do, so I can't take care of it. I'm so offended, I hope Haihan!" The voice has arrived before the person arrives. Come over, smile and clench your fists in apology.

Qiu Dayuan didn't dare, but the middle-aged man smiled kindly, "Since you are here to join our chief, then please come with me."

After hearing his words, everyone seemed to be reassured, and they were just impetuous. Now, Song Da's leader's reputation on the road is not a vain reputation, just look at the people under him, how can there be no rules like them? Thinking of being able to follow the leader of Song to make some achievements in the future, they couldn't restrain their emotions.

This time, I finally met Song Qingfu. Although he is not good-looking, he can be a big leader of a faction. It is easy to be with each other. He has been in a high position for two years, and he naturally has an aura that is not angry and self-possessed.

Everyone did not dare to be presumptuous and kept silent.

"If you can come to join me, I will welcome you. Since you are here, you will be good brothers in the future. But I am the one who said the ugly thing in front of me. When you come up the mountain, you should make me your king. Don't blame the bloodthirsty sword in my hand." Song Qingfu laughed, but there was a chill in his voice.

"Leader Song, rest assured, since our brothers have gone up the mountain to defect, they will naturally follow the leader, but if the leader has orders, he will never dare to disobey." Qiu Dayuan handed over and promised, "If everyone dares to go against it, I will Qiu Dayuan was the first to forgive him." This was a sign

of loyalty and a warning to the people below, and everyone did not have any objection, and they all agreed.

Song Qingfu was very satisfied, "Very good, I believe everyone knows the rules of this road. Anyone who defected must pay a registration certificate. Brother Qiu, are you willing? If you don't want to, I won't force it, just go down the mountain by yourself. But ."

They finally came to defect, but they couldn't get along anymore, and they wanted to find a big supporter, and they didn't have to live a precarious life. If you go down the mountain at this time and hit the heads of officers and soldiers, it will not be a dead word. Song Qingfu is not difficult to be embarrassed, there is indeed such a rule in Taoism, and this requirement is not excessive.

Immediately everyone agreed and pledged their loyalty.

Li Man and Wang Si followed suit on the surface, but in private they observed and looked at them without a trace. They were chess pieces arranged by Ming Yu, and they must integrate into this place as soon as possible, and investigate information anytime, anywhere.

At this moment, a figure not far away attracted Li Man's full attention. This person is very familiar, and it is not easy to forget at a glance. This familiar peerless elegance is the Song Lian he has seen in the capital. It's just that this person disappeared two or three years ago, why did he suddenly appear here?

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